Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

On all of my realms it’s pretty noticeable how many people dropped WoW like a hotcake this expansion.


With all the sharding, how can you tell the difference?

double ticks fam, ftfy

I tried and it still wouldn’t let me. The system is learning. Lol

Because there are none, all people have are best guesses. You could use a site like RaiderIO and look at the all runs leaderboard

But I don’t do M+ so I’m not in there, and anyone else who doesn’t do M+ isn’t in there and I’m guessing everyone who does M+ on multiple alts is in there multiple times.

Or you could look at something that tracks “everyone” like WowRanks

but I have 9 60s so I’m in there 9 times

OR you could look at wowprogress.coms realm page

and see the population per realm to the far right, but as it says at the bottom it only tracks 60s who have or who are in a guild with someone who has killed a boss in Ny’alotha on heroic, I haven’t done that so I’m not on there, new players might not be or returning players.

There are no precisely accurate numbers and until Blizz releases them there never will be, only people making guesses.


Unsubbed for the first time in 16 years. Since WoW went retail. I thought I would be hesitant with only 15 days left…but I’m not feeling anything.


at this point im playing world of forumcraft till feb 3 then sub runs out.


I got my main to 60 but only 3 chapters of Revendreth done. So not into all the time wasting stuff or so I heard. I have only done 1 quest on my main in the past 10 days. I usually log in and work on a lower level toon for a short time and log off. Sometimes when I wake up I look over at my chair. If I see my 3 legged cat Oreo curled up on it I say guess this isn’t a good time to play. Sometimes when I’m logged in she will climb into my lap and get on the desk in front of my monitor so I can’t see what I’m doing. She will just sit there staring at the monitor, it is so funny. Other times I will sit down and my monitor will show me logged in but disconnected for no activity. She has figured out how to hit the launch to bring up my toon list but hasn’t figured out yet how to start playing with a toon. I have more fun watching her trying to figure out how to play the game then actually playing myself. But on the other hand I have no game friends. They all quit before WOD and haven’t been back. And they were the ones that talked me into trying the game 8 years ago.


Same, im probably not going to do that either though

When I log off the forums tonight, im out


Someones gonna sooo it might as well be me :smiley:

Gold plz

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may 31, 2022 for me. but I be sticking around. I tell you, me without WoW I feel nothing without it.

Full of bots?

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That’s hilarious. My cat expects me to play but she gets upset on my choice of location. She doesn’t like it when I play at my desk. She bites my feet. She stops when I unplug the laptop from my dual screens and move to bed. I don’t play as well in bed but I get snuggles and no bites so unless it is raid night I often indulge her.


Exactly, so stop making claims of fact.

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Not much to do in game so I’m logging in less.

Finished keystone master which was 80%of my time online, and now with aotc the only thing left to do is log in for mythic progression and my weekly keys for vault, as my gear simply falls short to push the 18s and 20s I want to be trying. I don’t like modern pvp just not my thing!

I’m sure there’s quite a few like me and also those who didn’t want to put in the effort to get to end game content and found that the casual content is quite lacking and it is. I could have fun putsing around in wrath, bf, vanilla, but not shadowlands. There’s no fun filler content in between major progression so I’m slowly logging in less, simple as.

Oribos was pretty empty when I logged on last night but it was late.

It’s been dropping since Cata, not WoD.

Well, you’re certainly not the only one playing half heartedly. I have only 1 level 60, a vengeance DH, I’ve only made it into 2-3 chapters at most of a covenant storyline or 2-3 levels of renown and I’ve dabbled in Torghast with mixed feelings. The only things that I’m keen on atm is doing a little group levelling, world PvP and group Torghast once or twice a week with a few friends

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The one I was in fell apart because were playing alts (who weren’t in the guild). Sometimes they didn’t quit the game, they just might be on another character.