Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

You could take it right now and it likely shows the same thing

My point being that you also could’ve taken the screenshot during the last content patch of BfA when subs were at a record low and it would still show the same exact thing


Dunno. Its a little strange as I found the expansion decent during the levelling process, and maybe 2 weeks into doing the dungeons/lfr usual stuff.

It suddenly hit me that I was not only starting to not enjoy the expansion, but WoW’s design philosophy as well.

Once the newness wore off of SL I saw the usual hardcore treadmill and realized that the game is just not for me anymore. While the game “attempts” to cater to the casual gamer, its just obvious to me now that this is a hardcore game now that caters to a hardcore mindset. It was not this way in 2004, but it is that way now and Blizzard is not going to change it.

I have been trying some other mmos and to be honest I am enjoying every single one more than WoW atm. This is crazy to me as in the past I would take a break from WoW and try mmos and instantly be bored with them. This resulted in me just taking a month or 2’s break from gaming in general then going back to WoW.

Well its been a month since I logged into WoW now and I just know its over. I am ready to move on to another game as there are a few mmos I have been playing almost daily now and loving them,

I have zero desire to play this game anymore.

I could just be an anomaly, but by the sounds of it a lot of people went through what I went through. Not sure if its because SL is just more blatant with who they are catering to, but its like a lot of people enjoyed SL for the first month or 2 then BAM lost complete interest.

Its been quite strange to watch it, especially when you have been into a game for so many years.

There are just better gaming options out there at the moment in my opinion, especially as a casual player.


My strictly anecdotal experience is that I see a lot less players. But I generally play between 2-6 am so I think it makes sense that after the initial release excitement the amount of people on at zombie hours would drop off to normal.

The forums are always flooded with I quit threads so it’s hard to say if it’s actually a serious drop off or just a leveling off after the initial release.


Show me the source for that. (There was a long steady decline since TBC debuted. However, some numbers show a jump in the past few years, with an accompanying decline that it still above Legion levels. Then again, this is speculation; I’ve looked for hard, documented numbers and found none.)

Plus with record sales you can probably expect an equally large drop off after the first couple months.



Everytime theres a “sub count drought” the only servers affected are the mediums and the lesser populated.

You think those “full” servers and “high” servers would crumble if a few thousand people quit?

You’re BUGGING. btw, full/high are HALF the servers


The ‘realm’ pop stuff? Yeah it’s super inflated.
They set a buffer so what’s Med, can be on the lower side.
Full is probably on the lower side so High-Full.

But still will show as ‘Full’.

Some friends were still coming back but talked to friends that had already left so they didn’t even bother at all and it happened so quickly.

My friends list is once again totally void of people and I have one friend left that I know will hang out when she eventually comes back, then I’ll be a happy Pally again!


Yeah we can only speculate until actual numbers are out.
Honestly it’s probably leveling out with MAYBE more than usual drop offs but not on the SERIOUS side is MY GUESS.

Simply because even when looking back at BFA, and looking at twitter… or even top 100 players, SOME people are really not feeling this xpac on twitter and are feeling disappointed with it, or unrewarded etc as well as some top 100 players voicing their opinions… So I think there MIGHT be a slightly bigger drop off but no exodus… yet.

My list has actually grown. I went from 20ish players to 50ish on my list. I pvp a ton with only pugs though, so I gained people fast. Talk to a lot of them daily too. It’s kind of nice. Used to just be me, solo queueing into a mass of gray, faceless people.

I think you have to acknowledge there’s trend since Legion for players to migrate towards full pop servers. This started when WoW was declining and players didn’t want to waste their time by rolling on a server that could potentially become dead.

We even saw this same attitude only weeks in the launch of Classic. But this can create an amplified effect that things are dying.

My auctions sell within an hour of posting (SL mats)
My dungeon queue times are the same as they’ve always been
I always see people in the game world stealing gathering herbs and questing alongside me (SL zones). I’ve noticed exactly no change in the game world but I’m not the world of warcraft wizard

and my experience isn’t everyones but that’s the only experience I can speak on :man_shrugging:


It started at 10.1 million subs and dropped to 7.1 million, then they stopped reporting at 5.1 million later in the expansion.

Unfortunately it won’t let me post links.


Nice, considering gearing through PVP seems more better for someones’ time invested, I’m not surprised you are seeing more people PVP. :stuck_out_tongue:


Put them between ticks (`) like I did above

so (tick)

oh damn I can post links now without formatting

Not that anyone here is misstating their personal experience, but rather to add my personal experience into the mix:

Guild going fine. Raiding fine. M+, fine. No one who started at launch has left for gaming reasons. We’re not hardcore, but we’re not just a social log-in-do-whatever guild, either. We do have planned activities.

So far, overall, I like the expac and am looking forward to where they take it, even if I am dead set against certain system features.

IIRC, it was 17 million subs at late vanilla/early TBC. It’s a steady decline seeing a burst of subs with every expac, as to be expected.

I still would like a link.

I think just there nothing to do outside of raiding and bad loot system that people are calling it quits


WOD started at 10.1 and crashed to 5 million very quickly.

pcgamesn. com/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-drops-down-to-71-million-subscribers

eurogamer. net/articles/2015-11-04-blizzard-wont-report-world-of-warcraft-subscriber-numbers-anymore


almost it felt like yesterday