Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

Blizzard is going to learn the hard way that gutting loot will just make people find something else to do rather than stay subscribed longer.


Hm, that’s an interesting take.

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I’m leveling a few alts and some areas are empty. BFA still seems to have a fair number of people but WOTLK, Cata, and BC are so dead. I can’t even get a dungeon to pop in those expansions.

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I’m starting to get to a kind of hopeless point- not because I dislike the game, but because I can’t find people to play with. With my last irl friend gone, I have tried everything I can think of. Guilds, communities, friending people I run with. Nobody sticks around. I’m at a loss.

This early in the xpack, I’ve never been this strung out to find people. I’ve resorted to bribing the irl with cookies. I can only make so many quality cookies in a single reset.


Yes, you believe that evidence available to you and not the random angry people on the internet.

How dare you?!


What your realm is full of farming bots? cause to be honest there the only ones see out and about in SL atm.


Im on Zuljin and have been for a very long time, hence me not having a terrible name.

The server was “Full” during the worst of BfA, WoD, and the great content drought of Siege of Org.

My server being “Full” means absolutely nothing


Yes, they’d be much better off listening to the doomsayer’s on GD, I mean they always have such great statistics to back up their arguments :rofl:


Ignorance is bliss.

I hope you find the light.

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That makes sense, prior to SL prepatch everyone was saying “WoD WoD WoD, WoD is the best for leveling” so I’d imagine that’s where most people are when it comes to leveling. As for dungeons you’ll probably get pretty fast queues in vanilla, they have more quests (so more xp) and are generally perceived to be easier than the other xpacs. My circuit for leveling is get to 10, WoD Chromie Time unlock garrison (hearthstone), go back to Org and start Legion Chromie Time and get that Hearthstone, then go back to Org and start Cata Chromie Time and hearth to WoD, that way I can Q for vanilla dungeons but quest in WoD :+1: (no one should be doing WoD dungeons :rofl: )


Hey, GD was right all the other times they said WoW was dying.


Once they had the selfie patch and people realized that was the mid-expansion content addition.



A lot of people have already left. This chore list “progression” system Blizz is hellbent on using grates on some people.


Because they’re waiting for new content so people are playing other games. Those who still play right now are just dedicated to play this game more than other platforms and keep grinding for better gear.

This too to an extent.


There is ddefinitely a drop off, people shouldn’t really compare friends list lol but it’s really just a lull between raid tiers etc and this time around there is less to keep SOME people invested/interested to continually run the content that they used to so there will be a drop off in their own play time or they just quit 'till the next major patch.

BFA had some big drops, I think right now the honeymoon phase ended, some people are hitting walls or getting bored and just playing other things while they wait 'till the next Tier/Season or whatever. Multitude of things. I feel like the number is evening out… it was never going to maintain that big jump in players at launch.


Haven’t most competent cyclical gamers downed H CN? I’d place the dip there.

The good news is they’ll be back as soon as another content buffet is put out.

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Evidence my rear end that blizzard just trying to make it look good. In reality it’s bad most are empty now.


It wouldnt suprize me in the least if it is dropping more than usual. I would have finished earlier myself, but I wanted to complete twisting corridors and thats done now. Unsubscribing within a few months of release is a new experience for me. I’m actually looking forward to it.


When was that screenshot taken?

Like a second before I posted it. Just go to the realm selection screen and sort by population :+1: