Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

There was no Blizzcon last year due to Covid so 2020 blizzcon is this Feb. I assume 2021 Blizzcon will be in the fall, online or not.

Game needs to focus on fun not systems and played time metrics.


Pretty standard.
People reach the casual gear cap, and hardly anyone wants to do the only content that results in upgrades. Mythic Raids and 2100+CR.
So, they go play a different game until a content patch comes.

You are on one of the busiest realms. Experiences are very different on many realms. I recently leveled a character on a slow realm and got not a single guild invite. Only one guild ever advertises in trade chat on that realm.

They were planning on connecting most low and medium pop realms to standardize the player experience. I think they discovered something too deep to fix when they wrecked player accounts on Khadgar realm. We haven’t seen a single realm merger since.

If I am running characters on multiple realms, trade chat for one may be scrolling so fast you have to scroll up to read an entire ad, while on another realm not a single post is made in trade chat while I am in the city.

Another thing I have noticed is that other mmorpgs are not copying WoW’s gameplay model anymore. Thats a bad thing for this game.

5 years ago every other mmo I played felt like a poorer version of WoW. Now FFXIV, ESO, BDO, GW2 all feel very different, and in a lot of good ways.

Blizzard has to change course on this design mindset and soon imo.


I play on 35 realms :smiley: From super pop realms like Illidan, Area 52 and Tich to low pop realms like Ravenholdt, Destromath and Daggerspine

Let’s go full tinfoil hat with this statement. Vicarious Studios just got rolled into Blizzard. Vicarious had been doing work for EA for more than a decade. Jen Oneal, who was a senior producer at Activision, was put in charge as studio head of Vicarious. With Vicarious now being folded into Blizzard Jen Oneal was made executive vice president of development who reports directly to Brack. We have a former (kind of) Activision employee a position away from the president of Blizzard Entertainment. Would anyone be surprised if Brack was replaced in the next couple of years and she was his replacement? Things to think about lol

Yes it is dropping fast because of the rotten attitudes of selfish, self-serving players.


I have done the maw intro quests 4 times and leveled up characters. I have geared them all to around 180-200 gearscore but I just don’t want to do it anymore. The lack of drops, the maw intro and the covenant grind is just boring now, and fates doesn’t really make it any better. Time to play other fun stuff until 9.1.

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I am with you there. I’m only leveling a second character, but feel really unmotivated with that maw intro quest. Seriously. They need to allow us to skip it from the beginning of that campaign. Having to talk to the Ebon Blade in Orgrimmar to put those piecs together in IceCrown etc… >.> :sleeping_bed: ZZZZzZzzZzzzzZzzZzz !!!

This is my main and I’m capping close to 200 right now. Casual pvp is what this game is becoming… honestly. I’m not sure casually playing warrants a sub.


I don’t know what everyone’s talking about in this thread.

I’m surrounded by Druids picking herbs all the time!



I can see the level scaling, sure, but the ilvl scaling is ridiculous, I never feel as though I am getting stronger in the world… I get better gear, but the whole world scales along with me, so I never feel any stronger… It is such a horrible design that I just do not get… While leveling and killing some random antelope thing in Bastion takes a minute, but when I hit 60 get a Legendary, and all this awesome gear, it still takes just as much effort to kill this stupid random antelope in Bastion… Just doesn’t make sense…


The scaling makes the illusion very real. Leveling / gearing is now an illusion.


This has been true since vanilla. I spent a ton of time on the forums in vanilla but very little when I came back for MoP and Cata, then a bunch on the forums in early Legion, mostly begging for them to do away with the god-awful RNG legendaries.

…Which they eventually did but I had already quit by then after my warlock got his 3rd garbo legendary and I wasn’t about to come back. They should know better than to ship these expansions with terrible systems like RNG legendaries, level 60 talents locked to covenant choice, and a weekly gear raffle as our primary means of progression.

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And then when the vault offers you a piece of gear for all your hard work in those mythics (and the operative word is definitely “work”), it’ll be in the same slot as your legendary.


I’d say it’s a common trend. Considering WQ rewards are always lower ivl than what you have. I’d say that’s a system hard wired in to the core of SL.


Swap the word ‘Players’ with ‘Devs’ and you’re 100% right.


Or the players mirroring them.


It really is, the leveling is not needed, you have to play through the storyline regardless, could just do that and ‘ding’ you’re 60, it’d be the same thing.


Yeah, it feels like that. Everything from the Maw to the covenant halls seems to be quieter and quieter.