Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

It feels the most like WOD for sure, and the only way they can change that is with better content patches to come. The timegating is as bad as garrison farms, they just encourage you to do some rote busywork when you log in and then there’s really nothing to stay around for. I think “maybe, maybe today it could be fun to play some WoW.” But that sentence is never really true. You either want to invest in the game to complete the content or it’s just a dull list of chores.

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I’ve seen it drops too… I might drop soon… Idk…
Hope things get better soon

I’m just pvping, and collecting filler. Still waiting to see what happens. I’m on the fence, but my friends list has been empty for weeks.

Yeah, it seems to be dropping like a rock, but who can blame anyone world of chorecraft with no rewards.


i dont even have friends long on anymore =\ less than bfa lol… few RL once i coaxed into playing a bit… but all the gates and requirements at max level to even be able to play the game… it really hasnt been the best experience… worst of all there is really 4 classes that are absolutely out of line from how this game should interact but bliz and ppl who play those classes enjoy it this way… the game can die in a week and they do patches to fix it maybe twice since release? when u release a new product you have to do everything in the world that you can to ensure that product is good… and immediately correct what isnt good… anyone that has played parts of this game longer than 3 weeks knows it has insanely major issues atm


Gating the covenant stuff by several months was a bad move.

I only really cared about getting the purple set for Kyrian and to get it I basically had to grind 100,000 anima over months and stay subbed long enough to get over 100 redeemed souls.

So the only clear objective I had to work toward was several months away and forced me to grind incessantly every day up until then. Eventually I just stopped bothering.

The thought of doing another WQ makes me cringe.


I highly doubt Blizzard will do anything now. I understand there may be developing problem due to covid-19 but same reason can say about big sales of shadowland. I don’t know the sub number but all the wow forum that I usually go for is dropping.

You can say the usual fatigue like storyline run out, same old raid…etc are driving player out but lack of loot absolutely speed those up. 9.0 may not have a lot big bug like BFA at start but the balance is way off in many area. From raid difficulty, class balance, and much more. As result, this expansion is not smooth as many player thought.

Plus corporation greed is the final nail to this expansion. Blizzard is not old Blizzard anymore, we get that. It’s more like EA now.


It took about 5 months, close to 6… for my server to get Cross Realmed into Hyjal’s world in patch 8.3. That happened in 7 weeks with patch 9.0. :woman_shrugging: Only people on my list still playing tend to only be online long enough to do their raids and maybe a M+ then they’re gone. Given that I have dozens of casual friends from many servers, I’d say things are looking dire. Wildstar levels of dire.

I just find that there’s too much crap to learn and very little reward for learning it all. So why bother? I have just under 3mos left and I’m leveling another bad spec in vanilla with my time.


This is how I’ve felt about every single alt I have now. I also stopped caring about renown and anima on my “main”. Oh… and I stopped doing torghast altogether too.

The combination (actually it’s more of a pyramid scheme) of gating / grinding / currencies is absurd.


Yup, THis is how I feel too…


Same here… extremely unrewarding gameplay.

  • M

How many times do subscriptions have to drop after every expansion for people to realize that this is pretty much commonplace?

When are we going to realize that there’s almost always an influx of subscribers at the launch of an expansion that don’t intend on sticking around?

Absolutely. I settled with my cov’s renown based gear for the tmog. I no longer do WQ’s, as the anima amounts are not worth the time investment. What kind of sick f*&^ masochistic designer thought that was a good idea. Also, where are my cool engineering gadgets? It feels so useless. :S It was so much fun to pvp with OP engineering stuff…

I’ve pretty much got what I need in terms of fun items. I got my Horrid Dreadwing on the 27th. All the game is now is casual pvp because I’m capping at the 197/200 range for honor/conquest. I will also only do the renown weeklys, but daily callings, wq’s? FORGET IT!

I don’t dare bother to do M+ etc, as even my main tank friend doesn’t do it anymore. Pugging it? Hellz no.

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of course it is as always. there’s always lots of people coming back trying to find enjoyment every expansion and not finding it and leaving again as usual. i don’t really know the numbers but its probably not many who play whole expansions with never unsubbing for however long. no matter what the expansion brings with it, honestly think people are more hateful about systems in general time for a change it’s just really annoying after so many yrs.

My biggest gripes with the current expansion are this and real simple.

Lack. Of. Balance. Changes.

Covenants are so unbalance between each other where all Dps wars are force to be venthyr, hunters night fae, etc

PvP is basically play a class who can one shot the other one shot class first.

And finally time-reward isn’t justified. Torghast being the prime example.

amen to this post 100% lol

actually wod was the most popular expansion on release at the time by far(mainly cause a good Ad Campaign and the Warcraft Movie) and subs fell off the table so fast after launch they stopped even reporting sub numbers

people on forums be like:

And yet forcing players to do mostly content they hate is one of the devs’ goals for long-term health of the game, apparently.


that’s an unusual date…usually its in the fall…