Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

I haven’t made it past a single tier of xpac content for a few expansions now. I feel like I’ve experienced everything there is to experience by the time x.1 hits… then I’m just in a hamster wheel.

i unsubbed 3 weeks into launch. the forums are fun tho


I don’t doubt what others are saying they experience either, their friends probably are quitting. But I don’t think the population of the game as a whole is dropping fast.

Whether you are being sarcastic or sincere, I will say this in return very sincerely: Talking to people here keeps me going sometimes. Some of you drive me nuts, but so many of you make me laugh or think. Or both.

I enjoy you guys. When my sub runs out, this crazy joint will be what I miss most.


Depends on how many friends are quitting. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is dropping fast but it’ll slow down once SL reaches it’s equilibrium point for player retention. Whether than ends up being higher or lower than BfA is anyone’s guess at this point since we haven’t even made it to the 9.1 patch or the Blizzconline announcements.

Anecdotally I can say that my auctions aren’t moving at all and I usually turn inventory on in demand items at least once a week.

My horde guild is still clearing H Castle Nath and we run some mythic+ too.

My WoW time has been spent about 80% classic and 20% retail now. I’m just fed up with anima and torghast. I might do some more on my survival hunter or change them to another spec and grind a different legendary but I’m grumpy about the above.

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But many people unsubbing are not the usual honeymoon types. Many of us have never unsubbed so quickly before and felt less hopeful about the game.


my server went from lowish medium back down to low population at all times. at this rate ill never sell my transmog items. :frowning:

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This!!! This is so true, the forums are a lot more entertaining than the game right now. Like wtf is up with that!



But this is also consistent with every video game ever.

WoW has been very spikey around release dates for a long time. Release pulls back in a bunch of old players who soon discover why they left in the first place.

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i think it speaks more to the community around wow than the actual game.
we are nerds… and this is the nerds hidden base

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Haha so true. I keeping telling my wife… I’m a nerd, so let me be on my computer.

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convert her. make a nerd out of the normies

I didn’t know you felt this way about me, lassie. /Reeeooow

I tried… only managed to get her to play a mobile game lolol.

Hope so. WoW shines the most after the visitors leave.

shadowlands is one of the most wheelchair accessible expansions in recent years… all you simply have to do is look back at the most recent expansion prior, BFA, the least ADA compliant expansion that had ever plagued wow.

3 week hype!

And this is why if my company ever became super successful, I would NEVER go public.


Omg I never even thought about that. Other than SL mats nothing of mine moves even if I price it at 10 gold. After wasting gold on deposits I usually just vend it after a couple weeks. It never occurred to me this could be a server population issue.