Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

I’ve definitely noticed it while leveling alts and I’m not even talking about the low-level zones. Every SL zone is just completely empty with the very rare appearance of another player anywhere in the world outside of Oribos.

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There’s also no way of actually tying this to accounts that aren’t bots, or people who own accounts that are letting their time lapse.

Truthfully in the Activision family I believe Blizzard is probably the weakest performer out of the 3 wings because of niche the games the produce are; Not saying they’re not successful, but compared to Activision Mobile, and the CoD line I can easily see Blizzard being the lowest MAUs company.

They’re going to be trading up. Investors are expecting a decent gain from them because of the SL sales and CoD in November.

Mythic Plus rewarding system is a disgrace, and raid loot has also be very scarce.
Compare to PvP rewarding system:

  • You slowly gather Conquest Points
  • Buy Glad gear
  • Join premades to reach 1400 rating
  • Sepend all your honor upgrading your gear to 207.
  • rinse & repeat
    Each 10x10 DAILY win reward you with 250 anima (you don’t have a PvE daily for that) and even when you lose the match, your time isn’t wasted, you gain honor, the currently for the next upgrade.

It’s hard to form raid groups and albeit not hard to form a dungeon group, it’s hard to actually finish the dungeon, you often outgear the end chest rewards when you approach a +10 and beyond.
M0 and M+ are great for low keys and awfully despicable for medium keys.

90% of people on in the morning are botting druids . do a /who in zandalar and basiton and org. do a /who and call me a liar


I don’t see any ignorance here. My guild went from a heroic raiding guild that pushed mythics constantly to a bunch of random people doing nothing together. I go to my skinning spots and the only players I see are those going to world quests or rares. I que for a dungeon or bg as a healer and sit in que long enough to pass out. The only populated places I see any more are MOP rares. If the numbers aren’t dropping, then the majority of people playing aren’t doing anything. The player base no longer has the mindset to be fine running whole raids without getting anything. They’re tired of grinding period. How long you think it’s gonna take for subs to drop when they do a +15 and get 35 anima? I’ll still play because I have no interest in the endgame grind, but most people don’t wanna pay a sub to farm mounts like me. If they just stop with the anima/azerite/whatever grind and let people play, this game would be a lot more populated. Heck it’s been so long since most of the people on my friends list logged in, I forget how I even became friends with the majority of them.


*Puts hand up for 6 month sub.

My sub ends mid april. That’s actually a good idea about just playing classic until then. Retail makes me depressed and yeah I’ve seen Ion’s style and it’s nothing that I enjoy, I too will probably stay away until there is a substantial change in direction.


NO! I bought the 6 month sub for that mount they gave. Screw the fairy xmog =P

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We’re all very thankful for that.

I bought a six month sub because I thought I was going to play from November until April.

I lasted from Mid-November until January.


I’m kind of feeling less of a pull to play. I’ve accomplished almost everything I want to accomplish. I want to finish getting this seasons PvP mount and that’s really it.

Idk. The zones are beautifully done, but I don’t have the desire to be in them like I did Boralus or anywhere else in Bfa. And I super don’t care for Oribos.

Something about the game feels off or otherwise empty, but I can’t really put my finger on it.


Yes and they keep merging servers to try and keep the population up.


Well that was my main reason too. I had some serious hope for SL. The mount was just a bonus IMO. This really turned out to be a dumpster fire next to a collapsing bridge by by near toilet poop water.


It’s weird but something definitely feels off. I played every day of BFA but for some reason I don’t really enjoy logging into SL. Something just doesn’t feel right.


I’m not sure if you’re saying you don’t believe the numbers or not but either way I don’t know what to tell you

If the game feels dead for you I’m sorry, doesn’t to me.

I’m saying I don’t believe Blizzard’s information because they do everything they can to skew data to appear favorable. When they can’t skew it, they hide it outright, as is the case with sub numbers. The whole reason speculation exists in this thread at all is because the numbers are bad enough that they don’t even want to discuss them.

It reeks of a company that doesn’t listen, one where the business side of things has been given all too much say over the creative side when it’s the creative side that brought in the money in the first place by making WoW what it was back in the day.

So no, I don’t trust those server population indicators even one bit. No one should.

As for the game itself, it doesn’t feel dead to me yet, but I’ve noticed the decline in people around, in my guild and my friend list alike.


Idk OP. ED is pretty active. :woman_shrugging:

:man_shrugging: then this will be opinion wars

I’m not even trying to tell you you’re wrong about how to feel about the game. If you’re enjoying it, more power to you.

My experience has been that the vault loves giving me nothing but downgrades or items I already have and this in turn discourages me from even bothering to engage with the endgame, which means the vault gets even less rewarding.

I don’t doubt what people are saying in this thread even one bit.


I know im late on this thread. I quit yesterday. But I noticed the population of cities and leveling zones a like absolutely drop to near zero in seemingly no time.