Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

Well as a GM of a Pure PvP guild we have had an explosion of new people join over the last month. With lots of RBG’s, Arena, Wpvp, Tourneys all rolling together its rather crazy to see so many people jump on the pvp wagon at the moment. I am fairly happy as a pvper myself, however, I dont know how the PvE guilds are standing atm as I have yet to do any SL’s dungeons or raids.

I know one thing we are missing is the wpvp zones that use to be around in nearly every xpac which kept ppl out and about in the world. Usually you would be lvling an alt up and you would park your main toon in the same zone but ever since Sharding/Phasing/ and the lack of a general community its rather depressing to see the state the game has come to.

When you have to merge 4 or 5 realms together to make one server thats not a good thing to say the least. Lucky I am on a realm thats high pop. So we dont have to be on a realm with only NPC’s walking around.

Also, communities are typically very dead almost as if no one even looks at them even if you have 400 toons in the specific community you will try to form a group within the giving community just to not get a reply in most cases.

But again, with the pvp aspect of the game there is a lot of activity the community is hopping and having around 400 toons in the guild with 50-60 active members on daily keep guild chat rolling with people making pvp groups and then the pvp community is rolling nicely as well. But again, I dont think SL’s was made for PvE at all and thats a big part of the WoW playerbase. Like 85% is PvE players so if you are not going to give any just rewards for the PvE players it could cost many ppl to just unsub.

Anyway thats my take on the matter. Best of luck to those who PvE I hope things get better for you as I know the feeling. BFA was horrible for pvp in general but very rewarding to the PvE playerbase.

Hope everyone has a great day :slight_smile:


Yup, Wildstar went F2P and then closed down a few years later. It’s gone now.


Be perfectly frank–I think this is just a sign of the MMOs right now. It’s a stale market. WoW has pefected it’s formula and the only alternatives worth playing are ESO, and FF14.

Kinda need a new MMO to rethink things.

I never played Legion but from what everyone describes it seems we’ve been playing Legion over and over again, with new skins.

maybe Ion’s compensation goals were recently changed to include reducing login times. that or the devs are trying to short their own stock

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Our guild is fuller now than it was in the last half of BfA

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I’m still subbed (for now) but I’ve been playing a LOT less over the past few weeks.

Just seems like other games are more rewarding and fun. Blizzard needs…NEEDS to put a pve gear vendor in if they’re going to keep the loot drops this abysmally low.


This is the same company that absolutely refused to do server merges for fear of the bad press the act would bring, so much so that they let entire servers wither and die instead of doing anything to help the players stranded there (milking them for transfers), while they instead worked for years on CRZs to give the illusion that servers were populated despite those extra players doing nothing but taking your mobs and resource spawns.

This is also the same company that stopped publishing subscriber numbers because the news was so grim.

Bottom line, they would absolutely ensure that more than enough servers appear full at all times because Blizzard is downright allergic to bad press. After all of the hoops they’ve jumped through to avoid bad press, ensuring that a bunch of servers always show “full” when they aren’t isn’t even a blip on the radar.


I’ve been looking. The biggest prelaunch disappointment that caught my eye then lost me was New World by Amazon. Initially it looked very engaging and immersive. Then I saw the tab for needs community leaders for content leading and creation help. So, right out of the gate they are going to cave to what a few want and make the whole direction go that way. I was also told its another GW2 type game. I saw another that Brad McQuaid was leading then passed away, Pantheon. Sadly my initial thought is, so sorry for him, that the game will be a sell out before launch having lost its founder already.

I suppose I’ll play a real esport, iracing, until the next magical moment is presented to me in a game.


If you want to still have faith for Pantheon watch Cohh he recently did a stream with them.

I’m hoping that game is fun.

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Yet another unscheduled maintenance surely isn’t helping.

I think this is a real problem. Content is not only usually not rewarding, the 35 anima thing is almost insulting.

Otherwise I think the xpac is good.

They need to go right back to the model of kill a dragon, get a treasure. They should never, ever listen to streamers, influencers, etc, who whined about too much loot and/or warforging and titanforging.


I fell in love with WoW during the prepatch, where I began playing, and I a could enjoy what is essentially 8.3.7 BfA but with SL leveling, no corruption and no TF. The prepatch was much more rewarding than SL has been.

Just that I would have preferred 35 soul ash from a key, as well as 35 soul ash from every Nathria boss times a difficulty multiplier, over 35 anima from either source.

And, of course, one token per key, times the level of the key, and obtained even if you don’t time (assuming you finish the dungeon; M0 could drop a token), with tokens also dropping from raid bosses. While the Great Vault is probably the only good thing about SL gearing, its value as bad luck protection has its limits. For weeks I attempted to pug 10s until I could finally time a 11 this week because I could get better pieces through it, but I got lucky enough for the Great Vault to get me 220s on my weak slots.

That said I could always go back to my first MMO, where loot is a lot more abundant (but you need to wear higher ilvl to get better loot to drop, kind of like relying on WQs for gearing in BfA), and there are very few time gates if you don’t raid.

Yes, and it will continue to do so if they don’t turn this ship around. Not many want to play a worse version of BFA.


Without any meaningful data or statistics, we wouldn’t know other than through inference.

The last earnings call stated that the number of WoW subscriptions was at its highest since the expansion within a decade (implying WotLK, when WoW was at its peak number of subscribers).

Simultaneously, this statement doesn’t specify the number of players using their subscription only to play Classic WoW. Additionally, this runs contrary to the fact that there were several realm connections being made before this, essentially merging together dead or dying servers. There’s also not accounting for the fact that the direct number of subscriptions aren’t released anymore.

I never said anything about WoW dying. If Everquest is still going, I imagine WoW will be here for many years to come.

But I do think this expansion is proving to be rather unpopular and would like to see some changes to make it more accessible.

It is depressing. I’ve said in other threads and I’ll say it again; regardless of the other issues with Torghast, just running through that place, even on a successful run, makes me want a stiff drink afterward, and I don’t really drink. Legion was kind of disturbing, but Blizz really outdid themselves with this idea of robbing good souls a good afterlife. I just kind of wonder if they intend this to be the last expansion. Where do you go from here after you’ve literally been to hell and back? I wondered this even before I played the expansion. Just from a lore perspective, I really mean, where next?

As far as anecdotal evidence, my guild still seems pretty active, but it’s also very old with a long-standing player base (although there are a lot of desperate last-minute calls for raid invites so maybe I’m wrong?) However, on my server at least, Oribos is not nearly as populated as it was at the beginning, my covenant sanctum never seems to have more than half a dozen or so other players, and the largest population of other players I come across in Ardenweald are the moonkin bots farming materials up by Glitterfall. The SW town square is far more dead that it was this last summer and autumn. So, while all of this is anecdotal, I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out the subs have fallen off sharply when the first quarter report is released. I personally was about to unsubscribe after a month of not playing before picking it back up again because my state is basically locked down still and I have nothing better to do. Even the PUG listings are noticeably fewer than they were a few months ago at the end of BfA.

  1. it’s not unscheduled, and 2) maintenance doesn’t bother me. We have FAR FAR less maintenance than we did in the game’s golden age. The game has FAR FAR worse problems than maintenance.

Very true indeed.

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Don’t treat forum posts as a legit indicator. I wouldn’t be surprised if forums really are used by just a few % of the entire playerbase. Across all regions.

IIRC, in February, we will see Blizzard’s earnings and some WoW statistics.

I am actually loving this expansion, the PvP is fun again

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