Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

It’s not just you.

SL feels like the absolute death of fun. Trying to squeeze progress out of this clown show of an endgame is like pulling teeth from a crocodile.

I’ve been leveling alts just to remember what character progress feels like. As soon as they get to SL, I have no interest in playing them any longer.

I really do want to enjoy this game but it’s like it’s fighting my attempts to enjoy it at every step of the way…


it is possible to play more than one game. you don’t need to spend all your free time on just one. unsub to wow. play a different game with them sometimes.???

As soon as we get a game to play then that’s the plan.

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I think they would sooner put Overwatch in maintenance mode than World of Warcraft.

Even if Shadowlands turns out to be WoD 3.0, the fact is that not only is WoW the #1 MMORPG, but it has more players than the #2, #3 and #4 combined.


If those numbers exist, I’d love to see them…


has nothing to do with optimism, just solely has to do with rng… either you can have friends who move on to new things in their lives, or you can have friends who maintain the status quo, or you can be someone who’s making all kinds of new friends…

As for me I was in the 2nd category, maintaining the status quo, all my friends from BFA, etc are still playing Shadowlands, however recently moved into the 3rd category of making new friends and seeing all sorts of new faces on wow since joining this new guild.

So the core issue of this thread is probably more likely the OP associated with people who simply moved on in life, found a new game, got a new job, family obligations or simply burned out, rather than do activities to constantly meet new people and/or find new friends or such (i.e. by pugging and/or joining a new guild, etc).

when classic came out someone legit said they knew that retail had 100k subs world wide. :rofl:

That’s fair. Carry on.

I can’t post link, but look up mmo-population. Putting WoW + WoW Classic together, it’s about equal to the next most popular 3.

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For WoW classic, I can believe that, yes.

It’s retail WoW we’re worried about, though.

proof of WoW’s popularity is simply looking at twitch viewerships of MMORPGs… WoW is literally constantly within the top 10 most viewed content on twitch of all games overall, while the #1 mmorpg. Which goes to just show that wow has a stronger fanbase and is the more popular mmorpg.

Twitch also disproves this. While this may have been true during classic’s launch, as of current, retail wow has higher viewership numbers than classic content. thus it’s easy to surmise that retail has a healthier fanbase and is more popular than classic as of present.

Have them pay for your game time or move on, imo

were you there for the mass exodus classic had after a few months? every server expect the very largest were at low. the big ones at medium. they ended up changing how they reported population though. check the archives of the classic forums. there’s a post explaining they did it. i can’t post links.

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Oh, I kept hearing about how huge of a boost classic gave to WoW subs overall. Didn’t hear about the exodus, though.

Cathartic hey! I’m taking up doing my art again in my spare time, getting back into SWTOR, and participating in an Alpha test for another game; and sporadically checking what’s happenin’ on the forums.

It sucks that Blizzard are running their IP into the ground, but it is what it is.


once people realized mc wasn’t actually hard people stopped playing. the ones who stayed were parse maidens who spend all their time collecting world buffs for hours so they can complete the raid 20m faster. and a lot buy gold to buy boosts and most people can’t get a group til they reach max level and join a gdkp group cuz everyone is paying for boosts instead of leveling normally. lol

Years ago Mark Kern addressed this when he brought the Classic petition to Blizzard. His analogy was Classic is Pepsi, and retail is Mountain Dew. And the wrong answer he said is mixing them together to make Pepsi-Dew, which they have done and failed in SL.

You’re wrong to say Classic is soggy / old however. There are more players on Yojamba Isle than in Oribos. Classic & TBC will carry the subscription count for them for years to come. Even a two faced lawyer pretending to be a game designer will have a hard time spinning his way out of that.

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if classic had sharding it would feel the same way. retail has a lot more players per realm, and a lot more realms in general.

to stay up to raid no . I did do it a few years a go . raided in rift and wow . at that time rift had better raids . but i played both both where good now both are bad .

Yeap. I’m enjoying myself on my main, but holy hell the covenant system is alt-unfriendly. Their obsession with keeping players playing for longer is inadvertently putting a lot of other players off also. A single covenant’s progress should be account-wide for starters. There’s no way in hell I’m doing all of that grinding, farming, story content, upgrades, etc just to have to do it again if an alt of mine ends up having their best ability be the same covenant as my main.

That aside, I’d even go so far as to say a generalized covenant progress system should be in place. Like, higher anima gains for alts at a lower renown than your main’s, or just globally shared progress on mission table upgrades regardless of covenant.

The whole thing reeks of a scheme to keep people playing for longer, but newsflash there are other games I’d rather spend that additional time enjoying than burning on my alts.