Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

“also to explain context, the lowbie i was responding to thinks mythic raid level gear should be bought for gold. at like a million gold for an entire set. he’s the epitome of entitled casual.”

this is what i said. i was referencing one person. way to gaslight and harass me though. look at my armory btw. me and my no mythic+ no raiding past lfr 193 ilevel elitism, amirite?

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My group joined together, we leveled quickly, we created a mythic raiding guild – we started in mythic and week after week we grind H nathria, normal maw/torghast/wq stuff. Most of them have already tapped out. This expansion lacks any sort of rewarding feeling. Even the legendaries are lackluster in terms of excitement. Gear is so sparse, it’s more of a “thank god” feeling than a “woohoo!!!”. People play games to enjoy them, not to grind their sanity into nonexistence. I like this expansion, but good lord it is just so dull, grindy, and boring at the same time.


Yes, but to be totally honest, I saw this in 8.1. I saw it in month 2 of Classic. I saw it in the first MoP content patch (I didn’t play Legion or WoD).

This happens to some degree at about this time every expansion.

I’m not sure why it happens because it doesn’t seem to happen to me. I don’t get tired of the game at this point. My usual check-out spot in any given expansion is between x.1 and x.2

I never unsub, but I do take extended breaks from serious content and become a raid logger who does bare minimum to keep up my responsibility to my guild.

Right now, we’ve had a serious drop-off in my guild with only one or two 5-man’s going on weekdays and the raid team logging in for weekends.

I’m not alarmed, yet, because no one from the core group we always raid with has stopped raid logging. I’d be alarmed if that happened, but for now, this looks just like BfA’s launch did for us.

I think you’re being a bit too optimistic, here. That’s your right, of course, but the number of people in this thread reporting a drop in friend/guild activity combined with a similar experience I’ve been having leads me to believe the game’s population may in fact be crashing.

Here I thought it was just my guild…


this seems to happen for lots of people when content has been out for a while, before new content is released. the shiny wears off when you’re not on progression. the game isn’t world of warcrack anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Perhaps you like to think of other people as “lazy” rather than consider that other people have different experiences.

If one guild loses too many players and is no longer able to raid, perhaps we can blame “the recruiter”. But if the recruiter is one of those who is no longer playing, it may be too late at this point to rebuild without missing raids.

What happens with a lot of guilds in this position (and there are too many in this position) is that the most dedicated raiders may decide that they want to run a guild so they have better control over what happens to it. It only takes 5 signatures to start a new guild and start recruiting. The people who are left probably aren’t going to be in any position to take over and put the guild back together again. They will probably stop raiding.

Meanwhile there are a dozen or more new guilds with a few dedicated members hoping to compete for “exceptional players” to be able to start mythic raiding. They are also competing with established guilds who realized the need to recruit before it was too late and guilds that have transferred looking to better recruit on a busier realm.

This is actually a bad sign, because there really aren’t that many qualified mythic raiders without guilds, and most of these guilds advertising will never fill their guild and start raiding.


I have about 15 friends who play the game. About two weeks ago I noticed half of them weren’t bothering to log in daily anymore which was fine. Now just two friends of the whole lot are bothering to log in daily, just like that. I’ve touched base with some of them and as it’s echoed in this thread, it comes down to raids, mythic+ and the maw not being rewarding enough to justify the time invested.

I’m curious what BS Ion will spin at Blizzcon. I’m really hoping they turn this thing around for the better.


I think they’re finally going to kill this game, TBH. Not like I think they’re trying to, it’s just entropy and the way of the world.


I’m hoping they turn it around.

They can’t pull a new expac out of the blue, but they can at least put a decent patch in.

If 9.1 ends up being more of the same? Then ya, WoW might be moving to maintenance mode.


I said the same within a week of launch. I basically stopped playing around then but I can’t unsub because of friends who expect me to play with them once or twice a week. I really gotta find a better game and convince them all to move over…

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i’ve had friends who played wow when i didnt. they didn’t just magically stop existing cuz i didn’t have a sub. hang out with them in discord. you can do that 24/7 without playing any game at all. you’re using them as an excuse. if you’re not happy then unsub.

Absolutely not.

The idea that if one is not elite they are free to spout elitist claims (“casuals are all lazy and all think they deserve mythic raid gear”) and not be called for it is odd. And, in fact, we do frequently hear the claim that “all casuals want mythic gear for doing nothing”.

Elitism is the idea that the elite deserve more, and those who are not elite are getting more than they deserve already. Many elitists barely play the game or are alts of raiders posing as casuals so they can claim to speak for casuals.

And of course many elites are good people who don’t take a single person’s post and use it to slam all casuals as “entitled”.

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I don’t think most people quit with the intention of never coming back but to at the least sit this xpac out.

I quit early Legion when the game gave my warlock his third garbage legendary via RNG. Skipped the rest of Legion, all of BfA, and only came back to SL because a friend basically begged me to play with him.

There’s no finality in leaving WoW which is why it’s so easy to do. I’ll be back if they make the game actually feel rewarding again, as will many people, I’m sure.

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Guilds gone from 30 on at all times to 10 or less . raid team from 30 to we hope 15 . Seems more could leave over loot .

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HE LITERALLY SAID IT. check my post history. i spent like an hour explaining to him how much mythic boes cost and how much more expensive they would be if blizz put them on a vendor. you can check my fos too and see i have one aotc ever that was paid for by my wife cuz she wanted me to have the mount.

There’s no excuse here. I do hang out with them on Discord but it’s not worth saving $15 a month and having to deal with “We are all here, why aren’t you?” I just need to work on getting them over to another game, then I can cut ties with WoW.

Honestly, I had quit for quite a while and then a bunch of them wanted to do Classic. I should never have given in to them on that one! When Classic got boring they went to Retail so they could see what Shadowlands was all about.

Oh well, they’re all grumbling about the game now so it probably won’t be long.

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I think the few devs who still play believe in opinions we often see expressed by old time veteran players: that the game should have taken a hardcore turn at BC instead of catering to fun-loving casuals with qol changes that spoiled the playerbase. That if only they had put their foot down and not caved when players were massively unsubscribing casuals would have “stepped up their game” and “adapted”. That there are many millions of players out there who haven’t subscribed because the game isn’t hardcore grindy enough, or because it is too casual.

Or that the game would be more “successful” if only the top 1% of the playerbase is still playing. Way to turn the biggest game in its genre into a tiny game with a cult following.


BFA was definitely worse, my first ever guild that I joined fell apart not even one month in.

then stick up for yourself? why are you letting your friends bully you into doing something that makes you unhappy? sounds like they’re not that great of friends.

Mmm sounds like you don’t understand at all. It’s certainly not bullying, it’s just tough to get a bunch of people to move on to something else. It’s like herding cats. Eventually they’ll all come around and we’ll find something else to do. It’ll probably be doing some online tabletop RPG, people have been talking about doing it again.