Is the Game Population Dropping Fast?

Yeah, my guild went poof after Uldir. I don’t even know what happened lol. My guild was doing great in Legion, we were progressing in M Antorus and were hyped to start the new content, then we started losing people due to class purists being upset about their specs being horrendous and a mix of having terrible luck with loot drops and being stuck with PL.

Compared to how much fun we ha throughout Legion, I was baffled by how fast the xpack killed our hype.

My guild seems to be doing ok atm. Better numbers than normal for raid but the rest of the population seems dead. Pug group listings are incredibly low for everything even the day after reset when everyone has new stuff to do.

This always happens with wow, man.
A patch drops, people run content, get satured or just reach their goals and then quit until a new patch drops. Rinse and repeat. It’s a cycle.

Everyone does that except those who have a deep passion for the game or doesn’t enjoy playing anything else online.

You gotta remember most players are huge casuals and don’t feel the need to dedicate all their gaming time to wow. For those players, who are mostly PvErs, the game is finite and they won’t be playing endlessly.

My server and guild have become ghost towns too.

People are still raiding … .but they’ve made everything else in the game so unpleasant … pugging is terrible, M+ rewards aren’t worth the effort without an organized group most weeks, and PvP either caps out, or becomes nasty to compete if you aren’t raiding.

I don’t understand what they were thinking, but SL had a chance to be one of the all time greats with COVID restrictions, you had a captive bored audience … just needed a game that was playable by all, not just the leet raiders or the super casuals.


Yeah I mean who ever came up with this lame artificially starved resource/currency idea along with some covenant you have to tie yourself to like a slave. Not to mention this oceanless weatherless afterlife concept.

No thanks. Unless they come up with a better plan I’m out. Even azerite, islands and and faceless invasions were better than this junk.

And the covenants. Don’t get me started.

Beady eyed bad hair vamps
Blue puritans
Draenei looking supposed faerie things/guardians
Emotionally compromised scourge

The best thing I’ve seen the whole expansion is Buttons. LOL.


It is, but at least everyone gets to take a shot now.

I still see plenty of players out leveling and doing wqs.

N’zoth vision were more fun than this expansion main feature…


The playerbase was fish in a barrel and they still somehow managed to miss…


This expansion is roughly as fun as warfronts were.

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I can only speak for my friends list and my guild but all of my friends who came back for Shadowlands are all gone I had about 20 people my guild logs on Tuesday right before raid and Wednesday right before raid other than that I barely see anybody on I’ve been trying to level alts but the idea of going through all of my convent quests and having to do these horrific not fun annoyingly mechanical dungeons for gearing not only sounds horrible but I’m literally doing it by myself with pugs because no one plays


Knock knock hey blizz, anyone home?

Screw em, tbc in a couple of months with any luck. What happened to just making expacs like that and wotlk/cata?

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Yes. No. Maybe. Next question!

The first boom was from people who were playing retail, or had taken a break from retail to wait for classic. Most of them were gone by the end of the month. It is the pserver crowd that stuck with it. They are used to starting fresh on new servers, playing the game out, then moving on.

yep. which is why in the lull before naxx people were calling for FRESH in half the threads on the classic forums.

You are spread out everywhere like margarine one one big slice of bread.

Same, the grind upon grind is getting to most of my friends. Some are leaving for other games like FF14 which supposedly is more friendly community wise and more flexible play-style wise then WoW is. Others just vanished and have not logged on in quite some time.

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This basically. My guild literally died the day of blizzcon when they announced BoD release in late January.

Its plummeting

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At least it had some popularity at the start, this expansion started out as a nose dive for some…

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