Is the game dying? Should they stick to the "Just like release" attitude?

I thought the main general discussion was out to lunch.

The “blizzard ruined classic” bunch are truly beyond repair.

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I’m not sure what game you’re playing. I’m having a blast.

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My plan is just getting my Ret Paly to where I want her to be.

Got my HoJ not just need my Wintersaber mount then im logging off her and waiting for phase 3

OP, why do you stress “no one on in the AM”? Are you working second or night shift?

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I’m not saying it isn’t fun or that people areen’t enjoying it.

I’m saying that a lot of people were hyped to ridiculous levels and couldn’t deal with the reality of what classic was like.

i didn’t say layering was bad… I said it was exploited.

Layering absolutely was a necessary evil. But the exploitation could have been addressed well before launch. Instead they allowed layer hopping to be a thing well after a decent number of people exploited it for leveling, lotus farming, devilsaur leather… etc. This then accelerated the pattern farming… creating a glut of patterns that normally would have been much more rare. This accelerated the server progression… which in turn caused them to want to release Dire Maul earlier… etc.

This, and the other things I mentioned are contributing to the attrition. As Blizzard progresses the game faster to keep up with those that took advantage of the exploitation… or even everyone else who are affected by the acceleration of progression they caused… they inherently are modifying the experience…

Things are less of a struggle… and therefore less rewarding when obtained. And those people trying to enjoy the game as it once was… are having their content trivialized by releasing other content sooner.

When this happens… people will just level for the experience it offers… then lose interest as the endgame is jacked… or at least, accelerated.

It’s a shame, but it is clear that Classic’s schedule is for sale… and is being used to balance releases in BfA… to maintain subscriptions.

This works in the short term… .but has already affected Classic… and that effect will become more apparent and detrimental as time goes on.


Blizzard has shopped out Classic, changed the delicate success equation… and ultimately is ensuring their prediction that “You think you do, but you don’t” comes true.

Classic was such a success that Ion and friends simply were threatened by it… a 14 year old game was garnering more excitement and attention than all their crap ideas in BfA.

Thus… Ion steps in… and makes deliberate decisions to sabotage the game.

personal pride rarely is more important than making money. Ion would have to have near absolute power to place his personal pride before making money. Even if he tried many other people in the decision making process would point out that his choices aren’t the best for making money and he’d be out voted.

Dying? No.

Everything else posted is pure speculation.

There was even a login queue a couple nights this past week. There will always be an ebb and flow of players coming and going. There’s like 2 years of content planned, ffs… I bet there are a significant number of people that leveled toons to 60 and then won’t be back until pvp or BG’s come out. Just relax.

Its about money. The people who power levelec will be back regardless. The people feelinf left behind wont. It behooves bluzzard to level the playing field. Its what they do.

I dont think it’s dying at all. I will say that some people do “think they did, but didn’t” and have left. But my server seems pretty healthy.

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It’s not dying. Before classic released most people knew there would be major fall-off after the initial hype phase of classic release; Blizzard knew this also, which is why layering existed in the first place. There will be plenty of people who are just as committed as they were on day one; but we have to accept that there are a lot of people who just wanted to try it out, and were not aware or not prepared to the commitment of what it takes to play Classic long-term.

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lol said what i said in better english.

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I’d have to agree with you on the issue of no bg’s. It’s been one of my biggest complaints about classic especially since it was released as an end of game expansion without the things that were added during it. Been burnt out on all the pve I just need some bg’s to break up the monotony

Classic is not dying. I know because I nailed its feet to the perch.

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There are so many players in orgrimmar that some of my friends tend to lag when they hearth there.

So I’d argue it’s just your poo poo server.

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So many whining impatient losers, get over it and enjoy waiting. Go kill some lowbies for fun.

The games not dieing. People are just getting bored

The important question is: Who hasn’t left? Classic probably had some people checking it out for various reasons and are no longer playing or are playing it on the side. But those who left are largely the ones that wanted this, that wanted the old game back. Changing it now would only alienate them and then you would be left with even less people.

No. The game is not dying.

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Most of the people that truly wanted classic have been playing it non stop for years so a few months of phase 1 doesn’t “phase” them ayyyyyy lmao see what I did there?

For real though, none of us care if the game dies or is no longer the flavor of the week for the low IQ hype followers. We are just happy blizz gave us our playground back.