Is the community really toxic?

well at least is better than politics which is basically a mask fiesta that everyone hides it the demon within themselves from everyone.
At least here we can see the darkest face of everyone all the time

it’s the internet, everyone’s toxic

there’s no reason for a douche to not be a douche to people in warcraft because people are expendable - piss someone off, and you’ll never see them again who cares

I play League, R6 Siege, Mordhau, and Classic.

Even though people say those games are extremely toxic, I’ve never had an experience as worse as I did playing retail. Pugging Mythic+ is the worst.

The pug world on retail has become competitive for some reason, or at least players making it competitive.

Even on my server an RP server you have people arguing and fighting over who has a higher Raider IO.

I rarely run into true toxicity, and I pug constantly. The ones that are just go on the ignore list. - avoiding trade chat is a boon to your sanity as well.

Not really ,Op,from what I gather it is a mob mentality ,even a simple comment can roust any opinion into a competitive argument .Is it toxic when it’s a opinion to be judged in such a fashion? Yes it is.Can we do better ,yes we can.

Is water wet?

Every once and a while you will get people who are actually trying to help. But hell yeah the community is toxic XD. Read like half the posts in the rogue forums

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Bad players experience toxicity the most.
Git gud and youll drastically reduce the chance of experiencing toxic players


“What goes around, comes around?”

The weird part is this guy is actually correct. The good players understand cooperation. Goes for anything in life really. Success generally requires a degree of cooperation.

The lower I go on the content totem poll the more angry and abusive players I run across.


Yup, it’s toxic. In the 16+ years i’ve played this game, the only other game that has more toxic players in it is typically FPS’s. Final Fantasy 14 doesn’t even have that much of a problem with toxic players because the player base in FF14 is pretty much all nice people willing to help. sure, you get one or two jerks, but they are rare. This game pretty much breeds toxicity.

This is incorrect. I played FF14 for a grand total of a month and ran into about the same amount of toxic players as on WoW. I also know some people who are the worst and they play FF14. This imaginary paragon community FF players like to play up doesn’t exist.

No. Water in of itself can’t get/be wet. To be wet implies that it can be dried, or was dry to begin with.

So you are ok with this behavior that one comment can bring the whole post down on one person ,one comment or one opinion calling them toxic.

:roll_eyes:you’re missing the point of the joke


Just a month? Yeah, you haven’t experienced anything then. The only way to make people in that game “toxic” is to be bad/rude deliberately. The community prides itself on being able to help others, especially if it’s in a pug raid. Pug raids here? Nah, you get yelled at for everything. Even if you’re top dps/heal/tank.


I too use only my own perspective when it comes to deciding what is real. I never take anyone else’s word for anything, because only my perspective matters.

Not as Dota, but yeah…

And if worse because you are forced to do pvp for “conflict and discord”.

Pvp bring out the worst of the players