Is the community really toxic?

Okay I am going to ask cus no one else has…

I’d like to know that as well. I’m toxic because I get harassed? o.O

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A little bit of yes & a little bit of no. One thing I’ve noticed many people can’t take being wrong & when they are proved wrong they resort to trolling for some reason.

All that comes from the fact that we’re anonymous. If our real names were able to be seen this place would be much tamer.

Pretty much, or are the ones who actually cause the problems, then try to play the victim.


Sounds like some form of weird victim blaming to me but ok.

The community is a very mixed bag. On one hand you have plenty of friendly folks who are happy to help you out, make conversation, etc.

On the other hand you have Classic Barrens Chat

Nah only the casuals are toxic :^)

This game is toxic, but it’s not the most toxic. This game would be maybe #3 or close #2 in toxic games I’ve played. #1 by a long shot is League of Legends. I’ve played that game since season 2 till present and while i found the toxic people amusing at first (especially when they got mad at me. I just laughed it all off), i found as i got older the toxicity, especially in that game, mentally exhausts me and i just report every single last one of them.

Back on topic. Toxicity is usually in LFG or lfr or just pugging in general. Not really a problem i have to deal with being part of a raid / M+ team.

Toxic is in the eye of the beholder. Toxic to one person might be a viable point to another. Its basically about people having their precious feelings hurt (because they dont agree and cant come up with a viable argument) and call it Toxic lol.

Yes. Source: I’m a latin american player

The only thing that makes GW2 raiding less “difficult” is the lack of a vertical grind that’s introduced with its raiding, along with the dearth in content, i.e. it becomes easy after you’ve done it enough times as there’s only 7 wings.

I can tell you I’ve had much worse experiences learning raiding in GW2 than heroic difficulty on just about any raid. I’m actually surprised hardcore MMO players haven’t embraced creating competitions around it. There have been some within the community, but I’m certain it dwarfs most raids in other games as far as technical difficulty.

In fact a lot of WoW’s difficulty is absorbed into its vertical progression, i.e. at some point you just overpower it.

Other players are more often than not an asset - there’s a lot of value in open world events which often require coordination with strangers. Moreso when the events aren’t WTFBBQpwn packed with people (though there are exceptions, like Dragonfall & Triple Trouble where you have to coordinate downing 3 world bosses within a 1 minute time span). Also, everyone can rez. This means you see someone die, you help them, hoping that if the same happens to you, that some else will help you.

Also the lack of vertical progression takes a lot of pressure off of you in terms of “OMG I must get this one thing done NOWWWWW”, giving you time to socialize and help people out. Also, that lack of vertical progression means players are always in a position to help each other, especially with open world content, no matter how long they’ve been gone from the game.

I haven’t played FFXIV, but everything I’ve heard is that it’s better and given GW2’s systems, I believe it. I believe Square Enix is pinning their community on systems that reward you for being helpful. I heard there’s one.

loads of toxic people in the community. i usually just ignore um especially on the forums. if they can’t agree to disagree then it’s over. not going to waste my time arguing with someone who clearly is 1 track mind.

only 2 places i know of where you will find toxic people. These forums and trade chat. obviously reddit too but reddit is a 3rd party i wouldn’t even count that and reddit is a given.

Not true. WoW’s difficulty scales infinitely, your gear doesn’t; anything past M15 is pure skill.

It’s just like the human race overall. There are going to be toxic individuals, and helpful and friendly and good individuals. Guess it’s just to not let the bad part color how you see the whole.

Nah , just the vocal ones

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Still not false in the context of raids, to which I was referring.

Apathy, giving up is fostering an environment that’s being talked about. Taking no action is in fact, an action.