Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Do you hear yourself lol? Voljin?

This is why Treng linked that video; Lithya is ignoring Horde losses in other areas (the conflicting information) because they have not lost enough of what HE personally deems relevant. Because they have not lost enough of the things within his narrow target area, they have ergo not lost enough and need to be punished more according to his guidelines.


By all means please try to argue how the Horde losses even remotely approach those of the Alliance besides the surface level stuff like “me lose city. You lose city”

Which as you said is complete and utter garbage.

Frankly that is not a bad idea. No seriously, Nelves are much more dependant (and their culture tightly linked) to Kalimdor than Orcs desperate from escaping the desert Thrall put them on, Migratory bull-men, Jungle Trolls stranded on a desert or Goblins that frankly will live anywhere as long as they can profit (and I think E.K. would give them much more resources to profit).

Also, this would actually vindicate Nelf players. And bring a notch or two down the “Human Empire”-esque feel on Alliance; heck maybe this way the Alliance can actualy become active for once without having the inconvenience of dealing with Horde.


I already said. Let us blow up silvermoon and kill all the Blood Elves in that city canonically and it would be even.

It could be a terrible accident. I am willing to compromise.

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Nope, you guys WILL take your villain batting too… fair is fair after all. And you need to experiment how that feels so maybe that “Death Sea” you carry inside you will finally disolve.


Still dead.

Also Magni, Turalyon, Khadgar, Alleria all returned from what was thought to be their deaths.

Garrosh villain batted, ruined, and dead.
Cairne is dead.
Rastakhan soon to be dead.
Vol’jin dead.


I am fine with it.
You play in our shoes and we play in yours.

All those characters were either missing or indisposed. Nobody died.

The Horde seems completely broken at this point and honestly seems like it’s on the verge of becoming an Alliance regime. What more do you want?

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Don’t forget Thrall has been thrown by the wayside, and a bunch of mid-tier characters like Zaela and Nazgrim bit the dust in MoP and WoD.


Then we have reached an agreement… hopefully you won´t be back qqing cause not all Belves died or how Quel´Thalas is not fit for living anymore or something…

Mere territory… silly if you ask me cause we players basically ignore it 90% of the time but if that finally shuts them up I´m game…


Im old enough to know that before BC they were all thought dead thats why statues were built for them.


Destroy Silvermoon.
Kill all the blood elves there.

How many times do I have to say this lol?
You guys can attack exodar as velen engages the self destruct button.

Cant wait. When do we kill Andiun?

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Grom MK II

Thrall left and hasn’t returned.

*Nazgrim was made undead but he is no longer loyal to the Horde, nor is he a Horde character anymore.

**Too old and crippled to do anything, hasn’t been present since Cataclysm save for one honor gear event where the developer forgot he was crippled.


I’m not that old and I remember that.

Literally why?
Are you rping?


I think people dance around the real issue. The problem as I see it is that the Alliance player’s feelings actually fit pretty well to how the in game characters should.

There are a couple problems.

*From the perspective of the Alliance characters there should be more calls for revenge against the Horde. The large lack of it breaks the logic of the story.

*Trust, or lack of it. The end of SoO was a problem because the Horde ended up with more territory and few actually costs. There was no reparations. There was no withdrawal from territories. There was nothing that made it look like the Horde in general had any sense of guilt. There was no real reason for the Alliance to believe that Horde was trustworthy. Sure, it had new leadership, but that leadership was hostile. It was a leap of faith at best for the Alliance to walk away from ending the Horde there.

And now the Horde has started it all again. At this point, I think the problem is less about ‘revenge’ on the Horde for what they did, but why the Alliance would not end the Horde for good. Like with Garrosh the large Horde participated, willingly. So, something drastic needs to happen for the Alliance to believably feel the Horde is no longer a threat. And Sylvanas death alone is not it. The only ways I can see it being believable is (1) for the Horde to be shattered, ended and each Horde race on its own or (2) the Horde military power ended. Like for the Alliance to win something so big that one can see the Alliance believing the Horde simply does not have the might to ever again threaten it. Both those option seem, lets just say unlikely.

So, people look for the next best thing. For the Alliance to bloody the Horde so bad the Horde wont want to face the Alliance again. Kind of like beating the tar out of a bully so bad he is afraid to come back. It still ends up a stretch for the Alliance to really not finish off the Horde. Bit it is far less of a stretch than ‘okay, Sylvanas is dead we are just trusting you.’

So, in the end, likely the only way the Alliance is going to feel any kind of satisfaction is if there is something really big to point to saying ‘this is what happens when you start crap.’ For the Alliance to stop, it has to really feel like the Alliance hands down won.


Why would we attack that garbage of an island? Nah, have the draenei follow their human overlords as good little boys… besides Exodar frankly offers NOTHING to them right now (awful place with radiation issues, no Naa´ru to guide them, can´t fly…)

Look at the first post.

Tsk, tsk… Anduin is ours to kill dear… you´ll get Lich Queen, we get to off the cancerous Gary Stu. Believe me that will be enough to satisfy MOST players.

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Welcome to the Battle of Dazaralor.
Enjoy your pay back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah like I said. Feel free to kill Andiun.