Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Hm… I cant really understand that one. its too vague. Try again buddy.

In the interest of full disclosure, I once stated that my goal was to be confused with Pellex.


Meh, minor thing for Belves (they had a way worse destiny short of a decade ago. And came over it and continued with their lives with 0 external support for at least 5 years. They can do the same once again and as many times as is necessary.

Also, you need to pay more attention on the draenei scenario too, cause Exodar can never flight again after it’s parts were used to built the Vindicar. I’m afraid Velen and Co. will have to escape forcibly using the Vindicar…

I can’t believe this, but I am going to pull a Treng.


by this or that time; previously; prior to or at some specified or implied time

We have ALREADY lost many somethings of value

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I just find it hilarious that the Blood elf fan boys/girls are absolutely losing their minds over this idea.
This is great! Hopefully Blizzard actually does it and make it the finale, maybe the Horde has to try and fail to save silvermoon citizens.
Hell maybe we can throw in some Sunwell corruption and old gods as the opening sequence for the next expansion regarding void lords.

Horde finally losing something of value.

@Jellex you really didn’t.

I explained my thought process why it won’t be a good idea but you counteracted
it with “it’s cool cuz void” but without refuting my point in a logical sense.

Sorry but now It just seems to me you do you’ll find enjoyment from seeing Horde players suffer and you’re directing your hatred towards players rather than Blizzard.


Joke is on her… players will move on eventually while she still suffers from high levels of salt cause things don´t go 100% as her fanfic dictates…


You said it would be a bad idea because it would upset people.
You think Teldrassil didnt upset people?

This goes to my previous point that the Horde is simply not allowed to lose anything of consequential value. But several posters here like Jellex trying to convince me their plight of flight paths in Zandalar and losing the troll king is enough suffering.

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All the Alliance lost was Darnassus and have apparently been “winning on all fronts”. The Horde storyline seems devastated at this point. I’m going to assume since the two warfronts Darkshore and Arathi are won by the Alliance that the next two which is The Barrens and allegedly Silvermoon are won by the Horde. That scenario you propose likely won’t happen

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You’re not going far enough. The Night Elves will take all of Kalimdor, and then every Horde race moves to the Eastern Kingdoms. Everybody wins!


I stopped reading right about there.

Aw, it was about to get good.

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Note that Teldrassil did upset Horde players and none of them wanted it. You’re acting like the destruction was losing for Alliance only. Silvermoon is actually a city that Alliance players shown to have great interest in taking/destroying and they won’t get emotional hit Horde players received from Burning of Teldrassil.

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All the Sylvanas fanboys including Blizzard employees beg to differ.
Honestly your point remains unchanged and I find it absolute hypocrasy to say it is alright for yet another Alliance location to be destroyed.
Let us have our own bitter sweet moment of committing a genocide of our own.

@Treng lol that is not even remotely what I did.

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Never. If you are playing to get a satisfying revenge quit now. You didn’t get one with Garrosh and WoD you wont get one now.


Yeah. The Horde is never allowed to lose anything I know. But doesnt hurt to hope.


We lose leaders all the time while yours make miraculous returns from the dead stop whining.


Depends what you consider to be payback. Is the Alliance going to commit deliberate genocide against a Horde race? Probably not, the designated good guys don’t do that sort of thing. Is the Alliance going to invade a Horde-aligned city and walk away the victors? They’ve done that twice now, even if the first one was kind of Pyrrhic. You’re already one-upping us in BfA.

You’re not entirely wrong though, as a blood elf fan I’m pretty resistant to the idea of you guys getting to conquer Silvermoon too. You’ve completely dismissed Tirisfal and Dazar’alor as having any meaning or importance to Horde players (utter garbage, plenty of people loved UC and plenty of people loved Rastakhan) so it’ll clearly never be enough. You’d probably still be here begging for some other way to stick it to those mean ol’ Horde players when you’re left unfulfilled by that venture too.