Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Ok closeted Helf fangirl, take Quel’thalas; however the Sunwell gets destroyed cause NOTHING done to the Nelves is on the same level of having a perma blackmail weapon on the most popular Horde race (you people still have your Hyjal, ergo your dreams or controlling and forcing the Belves with the stupid fount are more than the damages you received and out of this arrangement.

Belves were willing to ditch Quel’thalas back in TBC, and with no Sunwell controlling every aspect of their lives I’m quite sure they can be written IC about deciding to live elsewhere (that -standing once again after being brought to their knees- IS the motto of the race)… heck maybe then devs will finally decide to give them a short story arc solving the addiction issue just like they did with Nightborne.


Your example is irrelevant. Goldshire’s purpose on one server is an outlier. Weren’t you just countermanding me because my server might not be populoused, or otherwise out of the ordinary?

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You are arguing yourself at this point which is boring me.

No, I’m not. I’m calmly debunking your points.

I am not sure what you think my point even was. You put words in my mouth and argue with yourself while I watch on.

wasn’t the blood elf addiction issue addressed by the end of BC expansion?

You’ve moved the goalpost about three different times now, but I’ll bookmark this post and come back to review them after Battle for Darkshore ends.

Like I said the goal post has always remained the same. You just keep arguing with yourself.

Lol alright when you have something more constructive to post let me know.

My back is hurting from all of the contortions needed to pretend that Tirisfal and Dazar’alor don’t count.


See this is my point.
As soon as the Horde is presented with even an IDEA of losing something of value they get defensive and outraged.

This is exactly the same sort of crap the Alliance had to put up with when losing places like Southshore, Theramore, Teldrassil and seeing Ashenvale burn for the third time.
You guys dont think thats kind of hypocritical?


I think you might be confusing Blizz with Horde players.


Typical Helf fangirl with poor grasp on Belf lore… no silly, devs just caved in to poor creativity and decided to sspull a new Sunwell so Belves got their passive source of arcane fix back, but they and the Helves are still addicts.

And no, the Sunwell is NOT a light exclusive magical source nor is the light a magical cure for arcane addiction (Blood Knights like Galell were still pretty much junkies even while sucking light juice from a direct source on a daily basis).


I am not saying that the Horde player is the one responsible. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of trying to argue that they have it just as bad.
I presented the mere idea of losing silvermoon and you guys got incredibly defensive.

EDIT: Look no further the post that Ariel just posted.

Lul, I said it was fine as long as the same premises used in Teldrassil are used for Quel’thalas… not my fault your Belf lore knowledge IS poor and you can’t take your cake and eat it.

I posted using tge very same bitter attitude you displayed too… don’t you liked it? Then why use it if you are not prepared to be answered on the same terms?

No. You’re missing the point entirely. We have ALREADY lost many somethings of value and you are telling us that they don’t matter and want to make us lose something YOU think is sufficient enough to “sting” us.

Just because you don’t think our losses are sufficient doesn’t mean they don’t exist.



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I just gave you a scenario where the Alliance destroys silvermoon and the Horde destroys Exodar.
Sounds pretty fair no? Except Velen gets to fly away as Exodar self destructs but all the citizens of Silvermoon are trapped and burn to death.


I only just now realized Pellex and Jellex are two different people and I feel like my story forum world has been turned upside down.

