Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

I don’t believe you recall the original point, which is that the cities wiped out thus far were mutually apathetic for both sides. But…

Never mind. Not worth the discussion if this is your stance.


We are talking about major storyline events. I don’t think making Horde players use flight path to their boat was the “Horde Punishment” the Alliance had in mind.

The punishment is that our hub for the next two years has already been designed with Alliance story in mind at the cost of inconveniencing Horde players. Which is a part of the larger point about how the Horde is ALREADY being punished, in half a dozen different ways, but it doesn’t seem to matter because it’s not the punishment you personally want.


They wrote lore as an excuse to give us a bad city while giving you an amazing one.

They wrote lore as an excuse to let the Alliance remove the Horde from the city with the most weight-in-lore in the entire game in exchange for removing the Alliance from a city that literally no one in Warcraft besides Night Elf fans cared about.

And now you’re suggesting removing the second most used Horde city in exchange for the absolutely never-used Exodar?

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That is not relevant. You are mad about a gameplay mechanic which would be completely negated when you can fly in zandalar.

I just find it hilarious suddenly the Horde gets concerned that they might lose Silvermoon and the Sunwell that this is suddenly going too far!


I disagree with that entire post.
So I dont care when you quote it to me again, you make wild assertions with absolutely zero evidence.

As a someone who’s been a die hard Kaldorei fan since I picked up the WoW franchise over a decade ago I want moon scorched earth. I want dead Horde be they soldier, civilian, or otherwise, and I want a new World Tree grown over the ruins of Orgrimmar using blood stained streets as channels for the roots to grow through and the corpses of dead Horde as nutrients.


We can never take away Orgrimmar. But Silvermoon? Considering there is a lot of blood elf love on that faction. That loss is gonna sting emotionally.



Time taken: 10:49 AM EST.

And again, the original point: you’re ignoring the fact that the Horde is ALREADY stinging emotionally, but it’s just not how you wanted, so you propose to pile on more punishment for your own gratification.

Get real.


Your line of argumentation is so ridiculous. I have no response. It would take way too long to address it and I doubt you would comprehend it.
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By all means try to use searching “who” in middle of day how many people are hanging around in a particular city on a particular server to back up your argument.

All you brought up is a crappy city design that forces you to use a flight path for 2 patches.
Oh the humanity. /s

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Go back and read Dawnsong’s post where I laid it out in much more detail.


I agree that the time of day will affect the results. I believe the difference will be negligible. Still, in the spirit of transparency, I included the time of day and timezone to show that I was not trying to represent this time period as ‘mid day.’

I will inform you, however, that as of 10:58 AM EST Wyrmrest Accord is listed as a “FULL” server.

I did read it.
And I agree with it but as it was noted the Horde does not receive an emotional loss like the Alliance does.
So having the Alliance attack and utterly destroy Silvermoon just as the Horde destroyed Teldrassil will not only equilize BFA but much of the BS the Alliance had to deal with since Cataclysm.

I dont see how this is a bad thing.

Your entire premise is wrong. There are probably more people in Goldshire in Moonguard but that doesnt mean losing Goldshire is worse than Teldrassil.

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I don’t think further destructions of cities are good idea at all. Teldrassil and Undercity was bad enough, it hurt their story and players for no good reason but for shock value.

But if it really has to be done, then I think Thunder Bluff is best one for Horde. Silvermoon is not good idea because Blood Elves are not part of the story that Blizz us trying to tell. There’s not a single Blood Elf who actually comments on the war itself. Lor’themar is almost a background character. But Silvermoon getting destroyed would be out of place when the race itself is hardly part of the current story.

I think Thunder Bluff works because, first, it would finally sever relationship between Baine and Anduin before Baine is officially an Alliance aligned character. Secondly, Alliance players will be hit with emotional guilt because Taurens aren’t inherently bad race and doesn’t deserve to get their city destroyed. In other words, Alliance players will feel exactly what Horde players felt when they burned Teldrassil.

On Alliance, Ironforge or Exodar is prob good choices to be destroyed. Horde will suffer heavy casualties and the city will be destroyed on Alliance term.

It would even out the things. But as I said again, I don’t think further destructions of cities are needed to bring good story.


TL;DR of this thread:

“This story sucks.”

“Nuh uh, we have it worse.”

Screeching intensifies


Taking out the Blood Elves in Silvermoon would play wonderfully though.
Maybe we can see the Void Elves corrupt it and that would lead to our next expansion regarding the Void Lords.