Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Zandalar was a Horde ally that was allowing the Horde forces to use their city as a base and had promised them the use of their navy. Gilneas was a neutral country which had long since severed all ties with the Alliance. In no way, shape, or form are these events comparable.


Except midway through the attack the Alliance comes to their rescue and begin defending them.

technically the city was occupied meaning the forsaken were in control, they technically attacked Gilneas after getting help from the night elves. the worgens don’t technically join the alliance until Garrosh attacks Ashenvale.

that is not true and you know it.

yes, it is. when the gilneans rose up, Gilneas was being occupied by the forsaken.

You can spin this however you want but the bottom line is that the Horde launched an unprovoked and unwarranted attack on a neutral country.

unwarranted? the Warchief told her to do it. unprovoked maybe, but definitely not unwarranted.


The text book definition of unwarranted is “Having no justification; groundless”. How was the attack on Gilneas justified? And “I was only following orders.” is not a defense.

wrong. the definition of unwarranted is “not justified or authorized.” she was 100% authorized to do it.

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Look. My point is that the Horde had no right to attack the Gilneans. Gilneas had committed no crime against the Horde and posed no threat to them.

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they had plenty of rights and the only reason they needed, Gilneas is an outspoken enemy of the horde. also they were apart of the decision to enslave the orcs, so to say they did nothing wrong is a fallacy. also the whole not letting people leave Gilneas, that’s basically widespread kidnapping. they are considered the most powerful individual human kingdom, they posed a great threat to them.

They were isolationists. They did not care about anything beyond their borders. If the Horde had never attacked them, they would have been content to leave the Horde alone.


I doubt it, the cataclysm destroyed their wall, where do you think theyd go first when they discover they don’t have to stay anymore? most likely Lordaeron. and seeing as all humans instinctively kill forsaken on sight when they first see them, it is unlikely that there would have been no conflict.

You’re either trolling or disingenuous. Either way, I’m not going to waste any more time on you. Good bye.

By the start of the Second War Gilneas had become recognized as a significant entity in the political landscape of Lordaeron. Emboldened by this fact, the kingdom’s ruler, Genn Greymane, was not a strong supporter of the Alliance, believing that his own armies would be more than enough to deal with any threat.[9][10] However, wanting to ensure trade relations with the other kingdoms, Genn sent a token force to assist the Alliance.[4]

Shortly after the Horde was defeated, Greymane pulled his nation’s support from the Alliance, refusing to spend his nation’s resources on keeping the orcs alive in internment camps or in rebuilding other nations devastated by the war. Gilneas, along with Stromgarde, in fact led the outcry over the decision to not execute their defeated enemies.

So how is Gilneas guilty of daring to oppose and imprison those poor, poor orcs?

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so you don’t think the alliance slayed the forsaken messengers that sylvanas sent to get help? because they 100% did that.

because the only options were slavery or death.

also they didn’t oppose it, they chose to have them enslaved as opposed to killing them all, he only refused to help take care of these orc camps.

You’re doing a lot of guessing and speculating here. None of this is ever cited as motivation for the Horde’s invasion of Gilneas.

The only reason canonically given for Garrosh calling for Gilneas’ invasion was that he wanted it captured to serve as a military port for the Horde to further his ambitions against the Alliance. The only reason given for Sylvanas wanting Gilneas was to claim the Scythe of Elune within and use it to enslave the worgen.

Your examples could have, if so used, hypothetically served as justifications. But they weren’t so used; both Garrosh and Sylvanas were only ever written as invading Gilneas because it possessed something they wanted for themselves.


Learn from my mistake. Do not feed the troll.

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Poor Raselle is about to learn the same lesson it seems.