Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

I never stated it was, in fact, its a pure hypothetical we are talking about “what if the forsaken didn’t attack gilneas during the cataclyhsm” im saying the gilneans would start leaving Gilneas, I never stated that this happened, but its illogical to think that the gilneans will all stay when they learn that they could leave, Crowley and his forces for example. that’s just common sense.

Technically this isn’t true. Gilneas didn’t officially join the alliance till the novel Wolfheart which is set after the Gilneans take up residence in Teldrassil.

At best the Alliance, specifically NEs, waded into a conflict between the Horde and a neutral party and that was more motivated by Worgen curse originally.

This is somewhat true but they were the ones who unleashed the Worgen in Silverpine which were a problem and danger to the Forsaken in Vanilla. They might not have attacked directly but their actions did impact the horde. Plus there were a lot of Forsaken apparently that were pissed off that the Gilneans had walled up and left them to die to the scourge.

Not much of a justification but most of the justifications we use in game are pretty threadbare. Anyway the main reason was that Garrosh wanted the port and the Forsaken at the time weren’t in a position to say no being in the dog house after the Wrathgate.

Anyway all this misses the main point that no, the Allaince probably won’t ever get their payback. At least not anything close to what many posters here seem to want. After all we have from the devs themselves saying that Zul’dazar is the payback they are giving.

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It was justified by the known fact that Gilneas had no love for their Forsaken neighbors and theoretically could be used as a beachhead for an Alliance strike against the UnderCity and threathening Horde holdings in the Plaguelands.

When your head of government is called a “WarChief” that means that war IS the way you operate. Victory is it’s own justification for a warrior culture.


The original attack happened because Garrosh wanted a port and decided to grab it. I don’t think anyone debates that. It’s just the insistence on blaming it on anyone other than Garrosh that I don’t get.

I don’t get why people keep talking like Sylvanas alone showed up with her army and launched the attack on Gilneas. She was off trying to kill herself in Icecrown when it started. Garrosh didn’t merely authorize the attack–he started the attack without her; it was already in progress when she showed up.

There was the whole “shutting their gates and leaving the citizens of Lordaeron to become Scourge” part. Some of the Forsaken soldiers might remember that and hold a grudge.

Is that in Chronicles?

Sylvanas thought of it, Vareesa was a reluctant accomplice who eventually came clean, saving Garrosh’s life from Sylvanas’ plot to murder him…

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No it wasn’t. Vareesa’s entire reason for making contact with Sylvanas in the first place was to try and get help to kill Garrosh. She went to her sister with the sole purpose in finding a way to murder Garrosh because, and I quote “He killed my Rhonan”.

Sure she got cold feet when she finally got to the point where she was going to do the deed but she was the one who set the whole thing in motion and she left the choice on saving Garrosh up to Anduin.

Ironically I suspect the writers see a lot of Sylvanas’s views that the living and the dead can never get along are born out of her interactions with Varessa and the sense her sister just used her. The way she sees the other forsaken wanting to reconnect with their former loved ones as a mistake, based from her own experiences, reinforce that, as does the fact that she finds herself becoming extremely angry when she sees cases of the dead and the living getting along at the meeting.


We Forsaken are the ultimate karma houdini mary sue race so no.

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That was not the reason, it just happened to come up. She was grieving and reached out to the only family she still had…

It was the reason. She only admits it when Sylvanas pushes her on her reason. She only approached Sylvanas because Garrosh didn’t just go to the execution block.

She approaches Sylvanas because she thinks her undead sister might have means to kill Garrosh off in an underhanded manner. Are you seriously suggesting she went to her undead sister who she had avoided since the third war because she wanted emotional comfort? Are you suggesting she has no one at all in the Alliance she can turn to for support? Really?

Yes, I am suggesting that. In fact, there was quite a lot of sisterly bonding when I read that book. I actually felt bad for Sylvanas at the end.

Yea the Invasion of Quel’thalas and Southern Barrens. That’s the War of Thorns Style Battle rather than let’s join forces to defeat generic evil bad guy monster under the sea or space.

Yeah after they started to hang out. Not when they first met. Your not seriously going to make me dig through boxes for my copy of Warcrimes are you? /Sigh

They have already said that the Southern Barrens isn’t something that is happening and I suspect Quel’thalas isn’t likely.

Then this Faction War was completely pointless. WOD 2 Everybody BFA is WoD 2. Pointless Nostalgia hype…

You do what you gotta do. See, it wasn’t how I interpreted their first meeting. Vareesa just lost the love of her life. She is a single mother with two children. She has no family, except Sylvanas (At the time). So, it makes sense to me that she would want to reach out. To have someone to share her pain with. I believe that lead to the plot to poison Garrosh, but I don’t believe she sought out Sylvanas with that specifically in mind.

Just lost? The entirety of the MoP expansion happened between Theramore and Warcrimes. More over, She had been BFFing up with Jaina in Dalaran during that time. Still if I have time later I will go digging for my copy of Warcrimes to see if I can find a quote.

By Blizzard standards, the fact that we see Verees react to Rohin’s death at all is impressive.

Curse of the Worgen comic, as well as bits and pieces referencing the Forsaken presence in the second half of the worgen starting zones.

Sylvanas was after the Scythe with the intent of using it to outright control the worgen herself. Presumably that was part of how Sylvanas planned to conquer Gilneas “her way” rather than just trying to brute force their way in as Garrosh had been doing.

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