Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

the funniest part of this is that you consider “stupid” to be vulgar. no it was a scenario when the alliance sided with the darkspear rebellion to destroy the current horde. but go ahead and keep trying to convince me that Garroshs horde and Vol’jins aren’t different.

SoO was 100% payback for EVERYTHING that garrosh’s horde has done, that’s why Tyrande tried to get all orcs under Garrosh executed.

love how you just skim over the fact the alliance robbed the great vault.

Oh, you got to kill someone in Dazar? must be nice, all we did was hospitalize a gnome.

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Yeah that post did you no favors.
I am gonna chalk this up as you not having anything more of value to offer.


also known as the “im out, I win” tactic. good on you for acting your age of 9.

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If you have anything of value to post then I will.
I think I did pretty bang up job back there.

You simply offered nothing new or developed your argument any further.
Making a claim and arguing for it are completely different.

it must be so nice being so conceited, that you still think you win an argument after trying to run away from it.

Dude I replied to you fully.
And your sole reply was “Nuh hun! It totally was.”

There is nowhere to go from there.
I already gave you a detailed response and you addressed none of it.

Guys, This is the forums, no one wins here and nobody knows the lore.
Its okay.


there you go again putting words in my mouth, I also gave you a reason as to why it was like that, but you are conceited, so any facts told to you don’t matter, as you are convinced you are right.

At this point this is just spam.
I already addressed your points multiple times.

Unless you have anything more pertinent to mention this will be my last reply to you in this thread. cheers.

you addressed them sure, but you haven’t made any form of point. here you go again, so conceited that you believe any counter argument is an attack on you. this is just sad.

you literally ignored the fact that Tyrande called for the execution of the orcs under Garrosh in War Crimes in retaliation for what Garrosh did. yet you somehow think it isn’t payback against the horde, an d that somehow the alliance is forgiving, despite the fact that your high elf ranger attempted to poison a prisoner of war, which in itself is a war crime. all you’ve shown is that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Bro… poisoning Garrosh was Sylvanas’ idea… lol

no, it was a collective idea from both of the windrunner sisters in fact Vareesa was the one who asked her to make the poison, you could say Vareesa thought of it, but sylvanas acted, but they still played a part in an attempted assassination of a POW.

We can always stretch the definition a tad and include the sacking of Stormwind Keep in Warcraft One. :slight_smile:

Dazar’alor wasn’t a Horde city yet. They were allies, yes, but the Zandalari have yet to officially join the Horde. It’s like saying attacking the Shattespear’s village is raiding a Horde city.

Pity I never got to enjoy that in WoW. :frowning:

Even if they weren’t an official member of the Horde yet, it’s still a Horde alligned city where Horde players do commerce, get quests, etc. I’d say they were a Horde city, but if what you say is true and they were attacked just because they were being “friends with the Horde” then that counts as an extra inch down into the moral gray for Alliance with this move.


The assault was specifically intended to scare the Zandalari into not joining the Horde. But they were still enemies of the Alliance, what with Talanji and Zul being behind bars in Stormwind for whatever reason.

the shatterspear were attacked after joining the horde, so they did attack the horde.

And Gilneas wasn’t Alliance when Garrosh attacked it, but Alliance posters always count it on the list of Alliance “capitals” destroyed by Horde.

We need to agree: either both Dazar’alor and Gilneas count, or neither does.


The city was still under attack when they joined the Alliance so…