Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Look, if you want to intersperse your claims of being on the high road with name calling and expect it to work, Great. I’m done, post your videos and slights and see if anyone cares.

[Note: I was going to not respond because I don’t want a personal flame fest. Though clearly you don’t care because you are now crossing posts and forums just to attack me personally. You are only hurting yourself with this behavior.]

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Try being a Night Elf fan, then come talk to me about Blizzard doing wrong by their fans.

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Lol. And what name did I call you by again?

and the alliance didn’t benefit? they destroyed the strongest fleet of ships in Azeroth, they killed Rastakhan, they effectively disorganized the political climate of Zandalar. stole our fog machine, and looted the ancient zandalari treasures. the horde gets what? a leader that likes them and a dying gnome… that’s it.


Not all of them.

Who? Who cares?

Head canon.
Talanji has now fully joined the Horde.

Just took our own fog machine back and that was before the raid even happened.

Everything from Cata to now.

why do you need to destroy all of them? most of them cripples the zandalari just the same, you just want everything, don’t you?

the king of the Zandalari, and the entire reason the Trolls are still alive.

No, they have not, She doesn’t announce loyalty to the horde, the Horde announced loyalty to her.

you still stole our fog machine, the fact we stole it first means nothing.

Wrong. Alliance got to do so much in that time. like invading and overthrowing orgrimmar and its warchief, killing legendary Orc Warchiefs, literally all but 1 zone in Legion wasn’t an alliance lorefest, even in BFA, the alliance is viewed as the paragon, despite the fact that anduin basically proved at the battle for lordaeron, that he’s exactly the same as Sylvanas. and as of now you literally destroyed the zandalari fleet, the whole reason the horde wanted to join up with the Zandalari. stop with your blatant bias.

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lets also not forget that the Horde never had a presence on Argus, they basically handed that victory to the alliance and erased the Horde from relevance.


Because there is still a Zandalari fleet, a horde fleet, a goblin fleet and a forsaken fleet apparently.
The Zandalari fleet needs to be 100% wiped out and any ability of bouncing back eliminated. Otherwise why even fight? What was the point of all this?

You are going to tell me that after that nonsensical rant?

You got the entire Cata, MoP and WoD. Let us have one patch. I know its wrong for you to see anything else besides the Hordes epic narrative 24/7 but just try.


that’s a lie, they didn’t get all of cata, MoP, or WoD that’s a ridiculous statement. malfurion defeated ragnaros, The the Dwarves formed the Council of 3 hammers, MoP you literally overthrew our city and our warchief, AND WoD, and the Draenei were still forced into the hero position. we literally lost half the content of WoD, this is a false equivalency, as nobody got anything out of it. so that is just a blatant fallacy. how exactly am I seeing a hordes epic narrative? im literally giving you examples of the alliance winning. you are clearly just an idiot.


Is it? The entire stories for those 3 is all about thrall where orc jesus became a meme, garrosh and horde’s war the Horde started. Then we see more of Garrosh and ANOTHER war he started with a full orc cast as heroes and villains.
Several Alliance settelements and cities completely removed from the game for the sake of the Horde’s story and… we get a full raid that features all sorts of orcish mounts and goodies.

But yeah.
Argus is the problem.

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so you don’t think overthrowing orgrimmar was an alliance victory? are we just going to ignore that Thrall was acting as the leader of the Earthen Ring and not as a member of the Horde, because that’s what you are doing, and that’s why its a fallacy. “horde mounts and goodies” tell it to your 35 horses and a lion. are we saying that the draenei weren’t successful throughout all of WoD? they were. and you know what we get from Boralus? a whole lot of nothing, you are the personification of Alliance Bias.


Thrall himself was leading that charge.
We helped him, you, out. If the Alliance player had their way that whole city would be rubble.

HAHA A horde player complaining about characters becoming neutral.

Who? Oh you mean the ones we never see again and their entire story was about being slaughtered by orcs? Those ones?

Because its an Alliance zone. What is wrong with you?

And you sir are a basket case of insanity.

Thrall led the charge? care to explain why its called the Darkspear Rebellion, then? care to explain what place Variann has in denying Thrall an execution if its his charge? your argument is over all flawed.

What did you get in Dazar’alor? if you want to play the “faction zone” card then you better be able to back it up.

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yes, those Draenei, the same draenei who enslaved those same orcs and forced them to become lightforged, the same draenei that began systematic purges of both orcs and ogres. those draenei. you’ve clearly never played a horde character if you think the Draenei weren’t winning throughout all of WoD

That happened in BFA for the Maghar Allied race.
Why do you lie lol?

Just mere moments before you were telling me how powerless the Horde was and now you are telling me how Varian was out of line.

Horde Bias is too strong here. No matter what I say your delusions will persist.

so it happened…but i’m lying about it? stupid.

never said the horde was powerless, stop putting words in my mouth, it only shows how faulty your argument is. Variann was very out of line, if its as you said. Thrall lead the charge, so hes in his right to kill Garrosh, Variann denied him, so yes, this is an obvious overstep of political power, when a king can make demands in a battle he isn’t in charge of.

I’ve literally given you nothing but instances of Alliance victories, if anyone is biased, it is you for 1. not acknowledging the horde side of things AT ALL.
and 2. hopelessly defending the alliance when they do something bad as if its justified. its not.

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so the fact that the draenei started running draenor as a concentration camp after we left Draenor……you dont see this at all problematic? well then its clear that your alliance bias is all you can present.

Case in point. We are sick and tired of getting horse mount after horse mount.

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Oh good lord talking to this guy is fun.

See I dont need to use vulgar language to make my point.
SoO was a horde civil war story that the Alliance got to join in.
It was led by multiple horde leaders including thrall.

This was not a scenario where the Alliance took over Orgrimmar. They didnt.
But feel free to find that achievement title so you can pat yourself on the back.
Because yeah. Helping Thrall retake his city from Garrosh is exactly what I imagined after a few years in Cata and MoP being forced to follow Thrall and watching multiple Alliance zones be destroyed by the Horde directly.

So no. SoO was not a payback for ANYTHING the Horde had done.
But we are the honorable faction.
We are supposed to forgive.
Fast forward and again we see Thrall take the spotlight and kill Garrosh.
We dont even get the satisfaction of killing him or taking orgrimmar.

Fine. Lets move on.
We will be the bigger man and let it go.

Fast forward to BFA, War of Thorns and our leaders are completely punked on by Sylvanas. We have massive losses and seemingly abandon all of Lordaeron.
According to mission tables we are conquering the place buuuut as always Alliance content is TOLD rather than SHOWN.

Fine. Maybe next patch we will get a real payback.

We lose Sira and multiple night elves who join the Horde.
Tyrande and Malfurion kill 1 Valkyr and watch as everyone gets away on the slowest bats on the planet not two feet away from where they fought.
Then we are forced to kill Delaryn and Sira over and over for almost a month now.

In the latest patch we finally see the bombs go off in the cinematic and we burn some vulperans. Steal back our treasure and kill the zandalari king for no apparent reason.

Killing him was so important that we had to throw away many soldiers and even suicide missions to make it happen. Just to kill 1 guy.
Thats our victory.

No. unacceptable.

As always Horde is allowed to attack REAL Alliance targets but the Alliance is never allowed.
By All means. Raid Boralus and kill Katherine Proudmoore. We really, really dont care.

tell it to the 30 worgs.

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