Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

The Alliance is never allowed to directly attack the Horde.
Enjoy your blizzard pandering.

Their pains is our pains.
After all, we are allies.

Oh I am sure they are.
Typical Horde narrative that they have to make up garbage to count “losses”.

I guess now that Ashvane is a Horde ally that killing her goons is a loss too. ROFL.

If anyone thinks Horde is going to get proper payback for Dazar’Alor or if Telanji is ever going to get justice for her father, I have a bridge in North Barrens I’d like to sell you.

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Alliance often seem rustled about Gilneas even though they weren’t Alliance.


Lol payback for what?
We gave you the leader you wanted and make them desperate enough to join you.

It might have something to do with half the worgen story being horde only feature.

True, but you’re still home invaders and murderers. :wink:

A vacuous reply to justify Alliance whining.

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Lol thats rich coming from you rofl.

Lithya, I just want to recognize and commend your dedication to your thread here. Of the 650+ posts, I think you are ~600. :smiley:


Thanks man.
Got to fight the good fight. Its pretty much a discord chat at this point.
The Horde echochamber is relentless here.

What I want is not for Blizzard to make me the a Villain in my own story. The thing is, the Horde story is in such a mess, that how much we win (let alone trying to complain that wins aren’t satisfying enough) doesn’t even matter anymore. The story would have to improve before I could care about the things you guys complain about.

And here you guys are with your Alliance entitlement to making me also go through a complete Alliance victory because of what you went through?


You were the one who weighed in with the name calling. Look in the mirror before you feel the right to judge.


Yes, we pay the same game. i am not saying that yours isn’t as valid complain, only that yours is a valid as mine.

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Yes, posting a video will make everyone forget…

You need to reread what I said.
You completely missed my point.

Playing the victim and accusing me of name calling you is just sad.
Keep your crocodile tears. I dont want them.

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You must be new here… All the Horde does is cry like a spoiled trust fund baby.

Look, I understand that maybe you didn’t want Blizzard to make you the “noble heroes” to the point where it excludes all else. But I have a story that is so bad that all these wonderful cinematic end up making stop playing for while and then we have threads demanding that Blizzard hit us even harder with the villain bat and give the Alliance even more.


you were never HIT.
Thats what you fail to understand.

edit: see? You can used the edit function. You dont need to delete your reply 2 times.