Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

I like how the Elezen look too. Very graceful, and that’s the race I tried when I first played. I love how their names are all French sounding. The Xaela Aura trace their lineage back to a “Dusk Mother” (or so the wiki says). Maybe I’ll check them out if I play.

I don’t think that anyone claims that Lordaeron was an Alliance victory. It’ probably best listed as a draw as neither side really got it’s objectives. And both spent a lot of blood on site.

As much as I hate the carrot chasing that plagues the Alliance narrative, never regressing into their early WoW selves is a start. This isn’t something the elves can get over. What we saw with Genn in Stormheim, I want that for them.

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I want the Night Elves to Blood Eagle some Hordies. I want Tyrande to send bits of Nathanos to Sylvanas wrapping in Mooncloth. That would be Teldrassil payback… I don’t give a damn about the Zandalari… They didn’t do anything.


Yeah, I think that’s the big thing. People are like “Yeah, but Dazar’alor” and it’s like you said… they have done nothing to us. Who cares?

I’ve had guildies try and argue “Yeah, but the Horde navy needs to be stopped it makes sense blah blah”, and I’m not denying that they have a point, but when I’m speaking from the perspective of how my night elf feels… she doesn’t care about all that. She’s lost her friends, her family, her home… the only place she’s ever felt she belongs.

If we conquered all of Zandalar she wouldn’t be happier. She’d just want to go home, and her not being able to go home doesn’t change that feeling. It doesn’t matter that she’ll probably never get to return to a peaceful Kalimdor. That’s her deepest desire, and slaughtering trolls on some foreign continent for the interests of the 7th Legion just isn’t inspiring to her.


Blizzard has been dealing the Kaldorei a bad hand since Vanilla WoW… At some point, you are left to assume that it’s active malice, aside from poor writing.

With that being said, we can’t let that just drain all the enjoyment from the game. I still RP my characters, and I use them to tell my own stories. How would my Kaldorei act in this world with this story?

I’ll tell you… to Fel with the Horde and the Alliance alike. The Alliance is just another word for Human Imperialism, and the Horde are little more than animals… And invasive species that should have never been here. Corrections must be made, and balance must be restored.

The Burning of Teldrassil is far from the worst thing to ever happen to the Kaldorei, and it will not be the worst thing to ever happen in the future. The Kaldorei will do as they always have. Survive and endure. The Goddess herself looks down upon the Horde with Vengeance in her gaze. The Horde have only sealed their fate, and it is only a matter of time now.


SWTOR is life.

I always bounce back and forth between these two. In fact last time I swapped back to WoW it was because one of my SWTOR guildmates gifted me Legion.


Honestly… even tho BfA has its issues… I think gameplay is weaker than it’s story. Story is not the worst it’s ever been, and WoW is still better than FF and SWtoR combined.

Thing is, that’s how Horde players mostly felt about Teldrassil.


Maybe… maybe this faction war just needs to stop. :cry:


I’m on board with that.

Even better would be if it had never started. (sigh)


Exactly, most Horde Players never even considered Teldrassil and the Night Elves as the ultimate force keeping them down. I was excited to see Lordaeron besieged, but seeing Teldrassil burnt, was just downright disgusting.

But here we are.


The point of gaining the Kul Tiran fleet and destroying the Zandalari fleet is to give the Alliance the means to launch a full scale assault on Kalimdor.

Small comfort I know. :frowning:

I feel like the Faction war was pretty much done after Legion… I mean, Genn and Sylvanas had beef, but Blizzard should have focused on them rather than have a full blown faction conflict right after most of the factions came together to fight the Legion.

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I’m playing SWTOR right now for the first time in years.

they nerfed powertech so hard.

Been close to a year since I’ve played. I never cared for PT, merc was my preferred BH, but I heard from others that it’s awful compared to before.

I main a Sorc, corruption or lightning mostly. Op healer is my second most played and darkness sin is probably my 3rd place.

I miss the days when tank sins in dps gear ruled pvp. :sob:

Never played much pvp besides Hutt Ball. Mained an Immortal Juggernaut basically my entire time playing with my powertech as my secondary.

Both tanks have been nerfed, but powertech was egregious.

I went to the reddit and I guess mercenary is ridiculously overpowered right now?

They fixed it a long time ago so you can fight against the same faction as a “wargame”.

They also added at least one crossfaction warzone. So you can team up with dirty disgusting Pubs. It was nice for the really low pop servers before the merges.

My server was Imp heavy and super low pop, we actually used to work with other guilds to schedule pvp nights lol

Not sure what else they’ve done the last year.

When have mercs not been ridiculously overpowered?

Idk. I hate dual wielding as a rule so I’ve never played it past level 15.