Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

I always played my merc as a healer, but as I remember it, Mercs have always had good dps, but were fairly squishy due to a lack of cooldowns and depending on spec you were pretty much stationary. Now (or at least last I played) with the right talents they are practically unkillable.

um you do realize in a world of magic dragons demons and the likes pretty much every race has their own little super weapon right?

you see the alliance feel that if they take a loss in the narrative that the entire other faction should be destroyed and anything less isn’t pay back, it’s"HoRdE bIaSIs"


What’s your point?

not really, what we feel like is “horde bias” is that the horde doesn’t pay enough for all the things they done compared to the alliance.

The horde loves escalate? lets see how they do when the alliance escalates and the horde has to forgive the alliance for plot armor.
and claim nothing in return, just like in mop. i am sure you guys will love that.


Honestly that would have been a nice change of pace. I’ve been saying for a while before BfA was even announced, “If they must do another faction war, let the alliance be the aggressors for a change just to avoid the same ole cliche’ MoP repeat”

Blizzard disagreed. :confused:


No it’s not active malice. it’s the consequence of wearing that World Guardian mantle for so long. That and the fact that geography placed the Night Elves as the lone Alliance power on Kalimdor.


I always wonder why the Draenei werent involved in the WOT.

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Oh, I am. Can’t wait to farm her for epic lewts.

And I would relish all the angry human paladins screeching about the alliance story not catering to their whims for a change. I’ve spent a lot of time since Cataclysm being stuffed into a fridge just so they can have their moral high ground justifications without paying the blood price.


Same reason the Wild Gods, the Night Elven military, and everyone else who would have been remotely helpful weren’t involved.

“That’s just not part of the story we’re trying to tell.”


Good point! Tyrande finally has something else to focus besides her whinny attitude during Valsharah and her not so good moment in Suramar in regards to welcoming the Shal’dorei, has a bone to pick in regards to Azshara. Will Elune give her perseverance to confront her old nemesis or will Azshara take her most prized possession?

I guess ensuring the Draenei and Velen to FINALLY confront Sargeras on Argus in Legion and closing the horrible chapter of their history was enough for them to move on to other story aspects. I feel however at least let ALL the Alliance/Horde leaders be PRESENT in the cut scenes. I guess its to hard for the Devs/story developers to ask.

Except that wasn’t what happened, he’s just locked in a fridge with Illidan and the Pantheon until the Devs decide in some future expansion to have him break out.

It’s really hard to imagine a cut scene that’s going to involve ALL of them at the same time.

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Because they invested most of their resources in the war with the Legion. They were in no condition to offer aid.

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And there was an easy way to make that work. Have the opening quests take place in Azuremyst. The Alliance gets word that he Horde has launched a massive offensive against the Draenei and send the bulk of their forces to try and stop them. They then find out that this attack was a massive diversion and that Teldrassil is their real target. The Alliance mobilizes to help the Night Elves but arrive to late.

It took me less than a minute to come up with this. The small army of professional writers that Blizz employs has no excuse.

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The reason Rak doesn’t feel like payback is that we, alliance players who didn’t level a horde character yet, have NO IDEA who that is. Was he a good character? Was he wooden? Was he literally made of wood? We don’t know.

Players angry about Teldrassil want catharsis. A large amount of them actually wanted the purge squads, but…not at the fox people(who, again, literally no contact with. I couldn’t even find one with a voice line I could hear except that one dungeon boss). Purge the forsaken!

Our victories mount but none of them deliver emotionally. As for other resources, since whatever blizzard writes goes, and they’ve proven time and again willing to defy logic, make things appear and disappear, those don’t matter. Allies have sea domination? I’m giving it one content patch before another “fell swoop” happens and the fleet is in tatters.


Rather than the Horde losing something to pay for Teldrassil, I think the Alliance should simply regain a different city. Gilneas to be precise. With the Undercity blighted, the Forsaken’s grip on Silverpine HAD to have weakened considerably. What better time to retake Gilneas?

The night elves could then live there, as repayment for taking the gilneans into darnassus previously.

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Something something Kalimdor is the night elves’ ancestral home something something chosen by Elune etc etc so they can’t live anywhere else, they’re only Night Elves if they’re on Kalimdor

Honestly I’d prefer if they moved to the Broken Isles, since they already have ties to Aszuna & Val’sharah and would put an Alliance presence there, instead of having the Horde have a small continent just for themselves.

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We’ve collectively killed so many trolls over the years I honestly didn’t care who the Zandalari were when they were announced. Actually, if anything I despised the idea because trolls are so common and so generic that I have yet to find anything that makes me even care or appreciate the Dark Spears out of the bunch. I used to adore the amani because Zul’jin and the war 2 trolls were so iconic and awesome. Dark Spear felt like sad replacements that never even seemed to react or get highlighted because be it adventurer or DarkSpear, everyone just hates other trolls and don’t care.

Then like I said there’s the fact we’ve been killing Trolls since level 1. Snow Trolls, jungle trolls, forest trolls, sand trolls, different jungle trolls, northern trolls, troll trolls. I just can’t care about killing yet more trolls, even if they’re the oldest trolls.

The entire DarkSpear story was how dumb old trolls are and that the Dark Spears would help usher in the new age of trolls! And then they murdered all the other trolls and never talked about their destiny ever again.


Players need to stop fighting with players. I’m saying this as someone who’s mained a night elf since Vanilla. This story sucks for both sides. We Alliance have been emotionally riled up but the Horde have been emotionally ground down. This isn’t the Horde that most of them want. It’s not honorable, or glorious on the field of combat. It doesn’t have a soul. Try to see this from each other’s view points and realize that we’re all unhappy here together. Then we can all look to our real enemy - the writing staff or whoever is forcing them to write this garbage.