Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

You say that, but when Malfurion leads the Night Elves to embrace the Nightmare and Tyrande moves to exterminate all the *lesser races on Azeroth…

*Not Kaldorei

The problem is Blizzard has a talent for granting wishes with a monkey’s paw, and when they let the ball start rolling, it’ll spiral out of control like an 18 wheeler going downhill with it’s brakes cut. You start with a surprise attack on the other faction’s army, next expansion you’re raiding/destroying a couple of their towns, pretty soon Blizzard makes a clumsy attempt at the next Arthas.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m fine with the Horde player still existing.

I just need the Horde races that took part in the War of Thorns to be killed off to the point their respective racial leader is weeping in a novella, lamenting the fact that said player is one of the last of their kind.

And more meaningful recompense for Teldrassil than a pair of contacts from HotTopic…


Yeah, I was being a bit simplistic. It doesn’t work to make players who are expecting “faction pride” to play the villains.

If Blizzard started up a new faction that was clearly evil it might have worked. Maybe have the other Horde leaders immediately split from Sylvanas. Instead they had us work for Syylvanas through the initial patch as if we were a team.

It still would be tiresomely predictable, but it wouldn’t be the total waster this plot is.


Which means the Horde player has to suffer though being made the villains in their own story and suffer through making sure the Alliance gets what they see as due them as the heroes of the story.

You think the alienation of the Horde players is strong now.


I mean, I’m about as alienated as you can get. I’m just here for another month-ish, until my sub runs out, and I’m already getting comfortable in FFXIV. So, Blizz can pick their poison with this trainwreck of a story.


I’m also cancelled and playing FF14. Just finished the 50 story, and looking forward to Blue Mage tonight. I’m on Zalera, you?

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I’m on Mateus. Being nooby, and running an Archer/Bard 'til I find my feet.

I’ll speak for myself:

I want a new home. I want Ashenvale and Darkshore back. That’s it. I don’t care about massacres or blowing people up or Silvermoon or any of that.

I simply want the night elves to be able to peacefully have their lives back. That’s it.


Well, we can’t just pretend thousands of Horde soldiers didn’t gleefully slaughter their way from Orgrimmar to Teldrassil, can we?

And how could we ensure that doesn’t happen again?
Well, minus the Teldrassil part, since the Horde was nice enough to ensure they can never attack it again.


I have the launcher installed and I think about it every day tbh. Been playing nelf since WCIII and I just can’t get over what they have done to us. I’m sick of it. I’m digging my Dark Iron, but it will never be the same.

Every day I look at Steam and see that FFXIV icon and think “Should I?”

That’s cool. And I definitely agree.

In fact I think a “new homeland” plot arc could be really interesting for the Night Elves. I don’t really think it counts as “payback” though, unless we’re going for some kind of moral victory where the best revenge is living well.

Yeah, I tried FF14, the game is gorgeous but the story didn’t grab me. When I’m pissed at WoW’s story I usually gravitate over to SW:ToR or TSW.

I guess I don’t even really want payback then. I just want this story to go away. I want to RP in Darnassus again and have my character have a place to be that she can call hers. I want her to not be in pain.

The best payback for me could be this awful story just never happening. It’s too late though, and that’s why I’ve pretty much given up on it. :frowning:


There is Battle for Azeroth’s unofficial tagline right there.


I literally just gave in and downloaded it all a couple days ago. Ironically, the same day Blizz lefted my temp forum ban, lol.

It’s sad, but what finally made me push the button was the swimwear they sell for your character on the Mog Station. Utterly shallow. But after the fecal typhoon that is BfA, I figure I could use a bit of fanservice in a game.

While a friend talked me back on, I’m still thinking about a new game. What are these acronyms? WOW is the only MMORPG I’ve played.

Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World.

Easily the MMO’s with the two best stories, at least of the ones I’ve played.

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And both completely free.


What race did you choose? I’ve looked at them and none of them really grab me I guess. Bard looks fun. Astrologian looks really, really fun, but all the races seem kind of samey to me.

I went Elezen (Wildwood). I originally had my heart set on a Miqo’te, but playing around for a couple hours in character creation, I somehow ended up with an Elezen I really liked. So I rolled with it.

Maybe if I make some rp alts, one day, I’ll make a Miqo’te and Au Ra, like I want.

Makes a thread titled “Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?” one week before the raid of a Horde capital where the Alliance kill the Horde racial leader and take zero losses.