Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Except the ones killed by the Horde PC and the turtle who was killed by the faceless dude right?

Sure in a real world setting, yeah the NEs would be screwed. The Forsaken would have been killed much earlier and the Orcs and Trolls would have also been killed off as well.

Trying to make correlations to the real world with an ongoing work of fiction, especially one that has magic in it is just disingenuous to me. The NEs are not going anywhere no matter the state of how dire their situation is within WoW. Maybe if they made a WoW 2 and made NEs no longer playable this most likely would be the case, but that’s not what we have.

Immortality that the dragons refused to give back to them.
Even the dragons don’t want to deal with these whiny elves.

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Dont make me cut off what is left of your bald head old man.


Im swolle and ready to roll.
#selflove #manlymcbeefington #swollock

What you say is true. It kind of sucks though. The story is then stuck because Alliance is always destined to feel outrage and loss.
And the Horde is “supposed” to constantly win and feel horrible about it.

How does this please anyone except the trolls that enjoy making memes?

Thats it I am grabbing the void scissors.

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You cant scissor out of a texas clover leaf!
#flexes #thechamp #thebrothstercanthearyou.

I’m telling you man, it’s all the fel use. It mutates people into monsters hair loss isn’t that much of a stretch.

Can you really say people enjoy it? Majority of people seem to hate it very much. I’ve never seen on this forum people actually feeling good about the Horde’s war story arch thus far.

Replace cocain with fel.

Well I don’t see it in game how the zandalri become weaker from the destruction of the city and losing the king

What was the bright side for losing Tirisfal and Undercity?

Mounts the turn buckle
flexes for adoring elf fans

(Actually it really is fel use, so are the tattoos, Vile used fel magic as a performance enhancer far too much.)

Just like how the NEs never got weaker with all the losses they get thrown on them? The NEs still can hold back a combo attack of Goblins and Forsaken with a hint of Orcs by themselves.

All the Sylvanas fanboys absolutely love it.
The only thing they hate is the possibility that Sylvanas may die.

You wiped out enough Alliance forces that Anduin doubts he can win?

Really cause I just don’t see it. Even with the biggest Sylvanas fan on this forum, Deathisfinal, I don’t see that poster jumping up and joy about WoT. Also lets not pretend like Sylvanas fans make up the majority of the Horde player base let alone that they all think one way.

Anduin doubting should be synonymous with Anduin breathing. i mean it’s kinda fitting that Anduin doubts he can win, while winning in every stretch of the way since WoT, while Sylvanas is over confident on the Horde winning is losing everything since WoT.

You dont see what? That some horde players enjoyed WoT and its conclusion?

Yeah. I don’t see it on the story forum.

Of course you dont. Lol.

Can you link me something that says otherwise than?