Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

How is what I said idiotic? Because I showed a counter argument? Horde story is worse.

Undercity is the win for teldrassil. Horde city got razed to the ground as you defined the win. Both events left the player base not feeling good about their faction. Out smarted vs going evil.

Theramore was done for MoP. After Cataclysm intro the zones were pretty balanced. Thats why Barrens got split into 2, Azshara was given to Goblins and Hillsbrad was given completely to the Horde.

Just because its an atrocity doesnt mean its not a win.

Except many seem to enjoy it including blizzard employees… so :woman_shrugging:

I cant even take you seriously. I have addressed this point a dozen times now.
You have a problem with its destruction talk to Sylvanas about it.

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Wow. Wow, rude.

I mean, it’s true, but you don’t have to say it!

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Theremore was still done for balance reasons. It was literately another capital for the Alliance players which the Horde had zero equivalence hence why every time Alliance asks for retribution they always go after a faction capital.

Except everything about it is made to make it look like it’s not a win. We’re not suppose to feel good about Sylvanas and her actions this is evident with all the cinematics they’re releasing with Varok and how he wants to take back the Horde due to Sylvanas actions.

Except also many Horde players hated it and Blizzard employees call it an act of evil with zero chance of Blizzard turning the Horde into a purely evil faction.

If the entire Horde was united and cheering once they bombed the hell out of the tree I would call that a victory but the fact we keep getting cinematics about how atrocious the act was and the the overwhelming evidence that Sylvanas is going to be disposed, nothing about the WoT will be placed on the entity of the Horde and will purely be placed on Sylvanas.

This is exactly like what happened to Theramore everything about it was placed on Garrosh’s shoulders and the crime went onto purely Garrosh.

Because theramore was pretty much the alliance capital in wc3
while the horde can keep their capital.
Man i hope they rebuild it.

This is all I want for an Alliance victory. No lecturing about why revenge is bad. No Pyrrhic victory where you lose a bunch of people. An actual loss for the Horde, with no bright sides.

It doesn’t have to be a genocide. It doesn’t have to involve blowing up a city.


No denying that, but the Horde had no equivalence and Blizzard did what they always do and take away something rather than build something new.


I know, I’m sorry. I just feel bad any time I see someone playing BM when they could be playing a fun spec!

You realize your sole argument is your loss doesnt count because we feel bad about it and here are two cinematics to prove it right?

At the same time I could say… I lost 3 zones, a whole city and my favorite race is on the brink of extinction and these guys get TWO cinematic shorts about how bad they feel about it?
Now after Darkshore where Night Elves betray us and 1 troll raid later we are supposed to be square?

Oh come on… seriously?
The biggest feature of the Alliance so far has been Night Elves burnings and Andiun crying to Sadfang for help.


City raid was the most pointless alliance military action…all it did was make the zandalri stronger more loyal andthey get the city back…we don’t even turn it to ash


They lost some ships.
Dont forget about that.

Again you accuse me of being melodramatic? Nothing is going to happen to the NEs long term they’re not going to suddenly not become a playable race. You know this but anyways I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel unhappy about what is happening the NE. I’m not trying to equalize your feelings because that’s impossible. I don’t know you and even if I did I can’t tell you how to feel.

I’m stating the fact WoT is not a victory for the Horde because Blizzard is doing everything to show us this, we have a prior event that is almost a 100% copy of it to compare it to as well. Like I’ve always been saying in this thread, you have every right to not like how the Alliance gets their “payback,” I may try to say this is atypical Alliance behavior though and question why play the Alliance but you every right to be unhappy with it.

What I have a problem with though is you trying to come off with the Alliance has zero payback moments within the story.

Eh? They basically begged Sylvanas to not abandon them right after the raid.

I agree. It doesn’t have to be a further destruction of cities to give a feeling of winning, there are many other ways to give good story telling. That is also good example!

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So you are going to ignore everything I said.

Lol this is unreal. How I’m I ignoring what you said? Again I can’t believe you called anyone else melodramatic.

Something to keep in mind is that “revenge” for Teldrassil in and of itself has exactly zero strategic or tactical value to the Alliance or the night elves.

The only story-driven reason to blow up a Horde city and “make things even” would have to be the same as Sylvanas’ reason for burning Teldrassil: the belief that it would force a surrender and end the war.

And to be perfectly blunt, given that the loss of Undercity hasn’t caused her to miss a single step, the Alliance leaders are probably aware that Sylvanas won’t give a damn if any other Horde capitals are similarly put to the torch. She’ll just keep forcing the war regardless, because she’s convinced that anyone not dead or under her control (or both) is an intolerable threat to her continued existence.

The only way to end the war Alliance-side is to overpower the Horde armies and carve out the infection that is Sylvanas. Razing this or that Horde population center just for the sake of vengeance for Teldrassil won’t accomplish that. Meaning such a move would only make sense if the Alliandce can be sure she’d be trapped in said city when it happens, so she’d be destroyed along with it.

And considering the existence of portals (the means by which what survivors of Teldrassil there were managed to escape), it’d be extremely hard to guarantee any such thing. I have no doubt whatsoever that if Sylvanas found herself hemmed in as Orgrimmar, or Thunder Bluff, or Silvermoon burned to the ground around her, she’d gladly ditch the city and everyone else in it to save herself.

She basically did that very thing to her own city, after all. If she was perfectly willing to let so many Forsaken die in a doomed battle so she could escape, I don’t foresee her thinking twice about doing the same thing to her living Horde allies.

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Most people do.

They get all the loa back now they serve the horde …

I mean, it is a little bit of an overreaction but I get it. Story wise this should be the death knell for the Night Elves as a race. They have a low reproduction rate as it is because of their long lives and former immortality. Look up genetic bottleneck, the likely result from there is extinction.