Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

A good horde farmer is a dead horde farmer.
Ayup. *spits in a can

You know you keep complaining about being unjustly villain batted and I am offering you support that for once you could be the victim.
But you are telling me I cant handle it? Come on. bb. Comon.

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if it was for me, you can kill any alliance character as long as that character commit an atrocity like that first.

You want to raid stormwind? hey, me too! at least we will get actually interesting rewards and not “hero of dazarlazor” or troll transmog as rewards! (well the mounts are cool to be honest)
and of course the city will be fine after the raid,0 damage.

Oooh Stormwind style tier set. Yes. YES~!

Please we all know the Horde currently can’t be the victim in any shape or form expect from the part where the Horde is the victim from itself which is exactly what they did in MoP.

If the Alliance was the one to start the war with blowing up UC first than followed by WoT you might have something there. But because WoT was first the Horde can never be the victim. I mean Blizzard is desperately trying to make it seem that way after the Dez’olar raid, which I know you’re unhappy with, because it’s not really believable.

Again it comes down to people just not being happy with the payback the Alliance gives back to the Horde, not a problem if it not existing.

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Correction; I complain that it’s the only Horde story Blizzard can come up with. I also complain about Alliance posters thinking that carrying the villain bat is somehow a more pleasant experience, all while never putting their levels where their mouth is and not trying the Horde-side story.

If you’re going to talk about what I always whine about, at least do the courtesy of getting it right.

Yes. Yes I am. If you could handle it, you’d be a blelf and not a velf.


But I have tentacles… you dont.

Transmog it baby girl. Just transmog that crap and you can be as tentacle as you want.

But if you’re entire reason for not playing the side with the narrative you want is a small cosmetic, then you don’t have the heart for that kind of story at all. No guts, no blood and thunder.


Hm… true. Whatever Jaina or Tyrande do is completely justified.

You know I would have loved a story that Legion orchestrated the death of both Voljin and Varian just so they can watch both factions go to war later with each side accusing each other of treachery.
And yeah then conquering UC but kind of failing at it would have been a bit more bearable.

Oh come on cool it with the melodrama.
All I want is a good presentation of an alliance payback. Thats all.


Hello. Its your favorite tentacle elf.

Wow. I didn’t think I’d actually get you to post on your Horde main, but here we are!

Game, set, match.

Oh not a main. Just farming transmogs and running the story with her.
Hunters are kind of boring tho.

The Alliance lost a capital and a zone. The Horde lost a capital and a zone. The Horde is also getting another capital raided and a faction leader killed.

How has the Alliance not received payback?

In practical game terms, they’ve more than gotten payback. The OP’s argument seems to be that, for story reasons, that payback isn’t enough (actually, the OP seems to be arguing that the Horde losing a capital and zone, plus having another capital raided and leader killed shouldn’t even count).

But a lot of Horde players already dislike how the story has turned them into villains. So they should get extra punishment on top of the above, for a story that they have no control over and don’t like?

OP and those who agree with him should consider that there are players on both sides.


How I’m I being melodramatic when it’s your thread asking if the Alliance is ever going to payback for WoT? I’m just stating the facts. You have payback, just you don’t like the type that is being given.

Your stance would have much more credence if it was stating you just don’t like how the Alliance is going about it’s payback instead of trying to deny it’s existence.


Well, you’re playing BM. Of course you’re bored.


You are being melodramatic because you think I want the entire faction deleted.
I just want 1 win.
Just one. Against the Horde.

Not troll wakanada. Not have Sylvanas flipping me off as she holocausts her own city. Or have Night Elves betray me as they slowly fly away.
But yeah I guess that is asking for just way too much. Yeesh.

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Lol where in my replies I’m I stating you want the faction deleted? You say you want 1 win, you have those just not in the way you like. You acting like they don’t exist is whats being melodramatic.


Because they dont.
Oh dang rereading what you said I must have misunderstood. My bad.

Yeah. I ain’t happy with the payback because they keep ruining it by giving something to the Horde too.
Theramore or the entirety of WoT which involved multiple zones, towns and cities the Horde never got crapped on the way alliance victories are constructed.


Let’s see…how about the Alliance attacks Undercity. The Horde defends it but fail in the face of the mighty Alliance. Realizing that she can’t hold the city, Sylvanas blights it herself to try to take out the Alliance leadership. But that also fails.

How is that not a win?

Or how about the Alliance raids Dar’zalor, takes out half its fleet, and kills the ruler.

Still not enough winning?

I can complain about not getting wins too, if I define my winning conditions as such that they can never be satisfied. For example, the explicit goal for the War of Thorns was to occupy Teldrassil and use it to fracture the Alliance. Instead, we wound up committing a horrible act of mass murder that united the Alliance and led to the loss of Tirisfal, which is exactly what we had feared.



How about the spies we sent to undercity disable the plague carts and make sure they are unusable.
The Alliance captures Undercity and Sylvanas runs away.

If Alliance wanted to capture but due to Genn being so angry it collapses and makes it impossible to hold then yea. It is still a win.
The Alliance beat the horde AND destroyed their city. How can you win any harder than that?

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Theramore was destroyed for balance reasons. It was all about readjusting the leveling experience so Alliance would lose the 5 years of advantages they held over Horde when leveling.

Yes WoT was way more involved in the story of the destruction of the location, but idk how you can call that a Horde win when everything about it is to make it look as an atrocity on both ends. The Horde player base isn’t even suppose to feel good about it when again you help citizens escape and than followed by the short story a good war and the cinematic old soldier.