Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Dont forget that cinematic were Manduin was crying to sadfang to help him.

They wanted her head ever since she went emo in MoP.

And everything from Ashenvale to Darkshore.
Darkshore is now plague infested and half the place has been cut down.

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How dare she to be angry at the horde, that is wrong! so she deserves to die, i guess.
man, i wish that she went full nuclear and destroyed orgrimmar, to be honest, that was her biggest mistake.

Ehhhh…that would depend on if you think it’s acceptable to kill a civilian population to get at a military target.

Oh, well that just changes everything! Thank god you were here to correct me on how deserved the Horde playerbase should feel at being beaten with the villain bat yet again. One questing zone now requires phasing to visit! And Ashenvale, the place the night elves are holed up and staging their attacks from, is totally lost even if that’s where the remaining night elves are based out of!

Yup. Darkshore does prove your point. You are right; because of that the Horde player base should face a third raid on one of our cities that highlights how easily crushed we would be, if not for the benevolent mercy of the Wrynn dynasty.


Oh hush we dont care.
I already have the music ready.

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I threw up in my mouth a little just reading this. Please not again.

I think you need to calm down a bit. It’s only a game, put down the torch and pitchfork.


Oh I am calm.
I am just bummed we can’t have fun on the Alliance side.

Its getting annoying constantly hearing oh you cant do this oh you cant do that.
Dude let me blow some crap up. Come on.

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I don’t mind smacking the Horde around but I don’t know if massacring the civilian population of a city is really my idea of fun. Even in a video game.


Meh. Jaina had the right idea with the tidal wave. :stuck_out_tongue:
No but seriously if Horde existed in real life we would have killed them all by now. Humans are pretty ruthless when it comes to vengeance.

If you really think it’s “fun” to be forced into the narrative of a genocidal war criminal whose entire experience in the game can most politely be described as a bipolar trip along the hero-villain emotional spectrum that abruptly shifts every five or ten levels, all while watching the few heroes you have either turn villain, turn against you or die because some Alliance hero died and “lol parity”…

Then I dunno. Play a Horde character. Watch your enjoyment skyrocket while blighting your own troops! Feel the pure joy one can only find through grave robbery! Get the excited rush when you notice your new capital city was designed with raid aesthetics in mind over long-term player use!

You’ll love it!


Well you’re not wrong, we pretty much do exterminate terrorists and genocidal people with prejudice. The problem with doing that in Azeroth is for some reason the Horde never bloody learn from their mistakes. It’d be like Germany following up WW2 with WW3: Electric Boogaloo.

Man that would be incredibly enjoyable but the Alliance barely does anything so its like kicking the nerdy kid while he is down.
It leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

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I think the better question to ask is not will the Alliance get payback, but whether you as a player will be satisfied with the payback the Alliance gets, because according to Blizzard you already have with UC and also everything about the war has gone the Alliance way since WoT.


Well, since you like games where you commit every atrocity imaginable, I’d suggest looking for a different game. WoW won’t cater to your expressed needs. I’m sure if you google it, you’ll find some site dedicated to your fetish.

But no, Blizzard’s not going to change the Alliance narrative to fit your preferred gaming experience.


Others have said it before but the issue with Undercity not really feeling like a victory is Sylvanas evacuated the place and turned it into a trap we stupidly fell for. The place was turned into a blighted uninhabitable hellhole and the Forsaken don’t really seem to care. Was that really a win for us?

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Man if they allowed us in the battle for lordaeron to really smash sylvanas’ face into the dirt


Instead of having Delaryn and Sira join Sylvanas we could kill Nathanos (Have him be rezzed later at the cost of a Val’kyr).
Except you never do. Its always a OOOOoops so close! you almost had it. Better luck next time!
Its really dumb. On paper you make Horde lose but you take all the sense of victory out of it. Why?!


I’m with you there. Sylvanas losing a Valkyr because we killed Nathanos and they had to revive him would have been much better than Tyrande one shotting the Valkyr and just letting him fly away on the world’s slowest flying mount. Just have them drop an azerite enhanced plague barrel on Tyrande’s head or something to facilitate the escape.


The Alliance has control of majority of the surrounding area, something Alliance fans have been wanting for years. Can you honestly say the Horde player base wants the NE lands as much as Alliance players wanted to take control of Lordaeron and its’ lands?

I get you don’t actually have the city but again you hold majority of the land around it now.

Also lets not forget that the Alliance just marched right through everything the Horde tried to do to stop them from advancing.

Also again can you really call WoT a victory for the Horde when the Horde is at another splitting point with another civil war to happen with the most likely outcome being the person who orchestrated the attack disposed of? You act like the Horde player didn’t have to save Alliance citizens in WoT and all other media on WoT is meant to make the Horde player ashamed of the actions that took place.

Calling WoT a victory for the Horde is absolutely laughable when Blizzard is doing everything possible to make it look like an atrocity.


Because as soon as you guys get a single quest to do Horde-style content, you’ll cry. Like you guys always cry. “Oh man, we lost a town only roleplay servers even remembered was there! And a zone only lowbies ever say! We need to kill everything Horde ever!” would suddenly become “WHAT??? I have to kill these unarmed farmers??? That is SOOOO unfair! When Horde get to do this, the farmers at least attack them first even when they don’t!!! Why am I always the victim here??? We should kill everything Horde now as recompense!!!”

It’s kind of the Alliance playerbase go-to. Some people don’t react like that; some are reasonable, or just oddballs, but they don’t want to cry over every percieved slight. But then there’s the ones who want to have their Horde cake, eat their Horde cake, and complain the Horde cake is slightly cake-ier than the Alliance cake.


In my defense that farmer looked at me funny. But it might have been because his eyeball fell out of his socket.

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