Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

Undercity was best herald as neither a victory. The Alliance came in with the intent to reclaim Lordaeran for themselves. Aiming to corner Sylvanas and what not.

The Alliance failed every objective there; and narrowly lost had it not been for Dues ex Machina Jaina and her magic boat ride. Coming unprepared for the Blight, was nearly outnumbered in the outer city ring, and nearly died in the throne room when flooded with blight.

Even worse, the destruction of the Undercity was not caused by the Alliance’s hands. When victory was in their hands; Sylvanas ripped it away. When the destruction of Teldrassil was entirely motivated by Sylvanas. Claiming two cities on her own.

What about Zuldazar you ask?
Yes, the Alliance actually does something for once and takes action. Pushing the offense this time rather than waiting for the horde. However the raid does not amount to the same detail we’ve been wanting.

The Alliance want to feel like as the raiding front; as if they’re taking something from the Horde. But our entire objective isn’t to destroy Dazar’alor. They aimed to capture King Rastakhan and force the city to forfeit and force the Horde out. The Alliance still fail at both objectives and thusly make the choice to dismantle the Zandalari Fleet.

  • They kill King Rastakhan; which was never their original plan.
  • The Horde now assuredly have the Zandalari as a form of Allies for the future to come.

You might say the Horde lost here; which is definitely true of the Fleet. But the Horde got exactly what they wanted. The Alliance forcing the Zandalari into their ranks. After the raid, Anduin, Jaina, and Mathias Shaw all LAMENT what happened.

They refuse to press the advantage and leave no time to grieve their losses. They effectively call the siege a failure by objective points, and even worse. Lose King Mekketorque to a freezing stasis which not even the strongest magi can dispel…


These are a lot of posts for a day old thread. This is proving Blizzard right. Anger is better than apathy.


The alliance are not going to be satisfied unless Sylvannas was hoisted above Anduins head and then thrown into a pit of blight in the center of Undercity causing it to explode and the Undercity along with Sylvannas with it.

but your simply not ever getting that type of victory because you must remain underdogs in defeat, underdogs in victory.

Alliance this AIN’T YOU

They’ve created some unrealistic expectations which are probably never going to be fulfilled. Anger might generate more discussion, but if they can’t deliver, they’re going to suffer for it. It’s one of those ‘riding the tiger’ sorts of things.


Sometimes when you are both involved in the same convo I lose track of who’s who and feel bad about myself. :frowning:

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Part of the reason I dread where BfA is going is because I don’t see how they can come up with any solution that doesn’t involve digging the hole deeper, at this point. I really do not believe they thought this whole scenario through.


It’s still my personal opinion that they really, truly do not understand what they did with Teldrassil, for either Horde or Alliance players. They might THINK they can handle what’s going on, but I don’t think they really know.


Genocide is forgivable Jellex, what are you talking about? The Night Elves are just being stubborn if they don’t follow Anduin’s lead and forgive the Horde.


I would not be at all surprised if the sum total of thought that went into it was “we want to shake up the map and make it red continent vs blue continent” plus “hey, wouldn’t Teldrassil burning make for a great visual?”

I just don’t see any way to resolve this in a satisfactory way for either faction.


An idea I had was when the dust settelled there would be a new Teldrassil that would put Valshara to shame and a new undercity full of the new architecture with green goo going everywhere.

But before any of that can happen Tyrande and Malfurion need to do way more than kill a single non consequential val’kyr we didnt even know the name of five minutes earlier.

Maybe Nathanos is around so much is because he is going to get killed soon. idk.


That hasnt happened yet, plus Xel’naga are really weird. Their bodies die, but they stil stick around in spirit.
Voidlords are weird.

Like I said in…was it this post? Well I said it in a post; the void Amon resides in functions a lot different to the one in WoW. He’s the only denizen in it and it’s not swarming with creatures of chaos trying to drive you mad.

You realize Im just doing a bit right? This is WoW.

dude what happened to your hair?

Nope. Satire doesn’t translate to text unless you’re being obvious about it.

Fel. Not even once.

But that assumes we agree with you that the Alliance needs or deserves the exact scenario you demand. Which, clearly, not all of us do.

No, How on earth could it not be obvious? You dont tell me no.
I mustve struck a nerve, maybe the nelves with lose some more trees. And Lithya no one listens to you.

Yet more belligerent elves on the forums. What a surprise! Kinda makes me wonder just what kind of person needs to be the pretty race, it doesnt take long for them to degenerate back into trolls.

And my hair is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS.

And you assume there is nothing wrong.

Guess we disagree then.

I’ll agree the Horde doesn’t have it as bad as the Alliance; they have it significantly worse. Yeah, you guys lost Teldrassil and that sucks. We’ve lost Undercity, which doesn’t suck as much. So for the second time as a raid and third time overall, we’re gonna have content centered around successfully invading a Horde city. First the OG battle of Undercity as a quest, then sieging Orgrimmar, now battling in Dazar’Alor. By the last patch, we’ll be on our fifth faction leader in eight expansions and hopefully, hopefully getting another four year break between committing atrocities against man, nature and Azeroth itself. We’ll have once again split our playerbase into camps that if past trends are indicative will never have time to truly reconcile, and we’ll have Alliance fanboyposters reminding us how we are awful IRL because Horde. Can’t wait for whole threads about how we’re IRL sociopaths to make a come-back, those are always fun.

But I get it. Losing a city is the worst thing, unless you’re Horde. Then at least one more city, one more faction leaders and one more zone needs to be lost to reach parity. Until the Horde has lost another “one more” and then another “one more”, and maybe a few more “just one more’s”, it will never be enough.


i think that is funny that many alliance players not only don’t care anymore about being the good guys, they also feel so angry to the point to want to completely delete the horde. and don’t care if azeroth dies in the process, because it would feel like we do the universe a favor, even if that means that we die with them.

War of thorns was made to trigger alliance players to be like this.
and what trigger them even more, is to focus all about the horde, the CGI cinematics focusing in that dumb orc and dumb troll who are “muh horde is family” a family of lunathics.
In the recent stream? all about the horde and player choice.

I wonder what would have happaned if the tables were turned.
If the alliance started the genocidal campaign and killed all those civilians, and the one who did was,let’s say jaina, i mean horde players already demand her head for far more less, lets see how much angry they can be when she does all what she wants, she becomes "a military genius"and escapes justice, to the point the she is redeemed because she “will save the universe”

I am sure that you guys will love that storyline.
what? that burning childrens alive isn’t acceptable? well, it is what is going to happen to the alliance!
so maybe you can understand why we are angry!