Is the Alliance ever going to get a payback for War of Thorns?

It helps that Jellex and are both BEs and agree on a lot of things.

As long as the Alliance did not take it then it doesnt count. It sucks. I know. But it is how it is.

I really cant take that seriously when Teldrassil and Theramore are literaly burned out husks. Dazaralor is completely fine after the siege. Not a scratch on it.

A brief mention in a paragraph in a badly written short story is not what I had in mind but its nice to know you think the Horde deserves in game resolutions meanwhile the alliance is limited to brief mentions in books.

Lol no.
You didn’t lose that place. Sylvanas just left it. Nobody took it from you.

The Alliance unquestioningly defeated the Horde in warfare combat at Lordaeron.

The Horde was forced to retreat as to not be killed to a man. The Alliance won Lordaeron in fact of action. Just because Sylvanas denied you land doesn’t mean you somehow didn’t win.


Yeah it means we lost.
She literally says: You won nothing.

Except for what the villain Garrosh did to the Horde’s identity, what

Undercity is only temporarily capacitated by blight. I’m sure they’ll be going at it again once it’s cleared.


Rastakhan, Zandalari fleet destroyed, Horde is at it’s weakest point.

The Horde is legit in shambles right now. Saurfang is sad orc alliance shill and Baine is alliance shill. We can already assume canonically Darkshore and Arathi are won by the Alliance.

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If Varian did listen to Jaina, and attempt to dismantle the Horde, Gallywix, Lorthemar, and Voljin would not have been able to escape the throne room.

Baine could possibly Bull Rush out. Sylvanas could banshee out. Thrall maybe could make his way out by moving the earth, now that Garrosh was defeated.

But if Varian did listen to Jaina and declare the Horde finished right there and then - Voljin, Lorthemar, and Gallywix would be toast.

Perhaps Baine could pick Gallywix up like a football and charge out.

Who knows the battle could have played in couple of ways but I personally hope they would be wounded rather than outright killed.

The Horde and all its leaders happily followed Garrosh throughout Cataclysm and early MoP even after Theramore. Hordes identity has always been one of savagery. Thrall was a unique case.

Except we dont see that and all of the canon stuff will be found as a brief mention in a comicbook or something.
Inform me when the Alliance actually manages to damage the Horde rather than get told how bad it is.
I am tired of HEARING how awesome the Alliance wins are and actually want to SEE it.

That’s because she places literally zero value on any life that isn’t hers or Nathanos.


Now who is the guy moving the goal post? Yes you are! Yes you are!

You. You just said “It doesn’t count unless Sylvanas says it counts.”

I wouldn’t even compare Cata Garrosh to SoO Garrosh really. At least in Cata you could empathize with the character, In MoP he went all orc heil hitler on us.

Actually it’s mentioned on both sides as previously stated in Battle for Daz or war campaign I forget. It’s going to be set that ya’ll win Darkshore and Arathi so yes, that is something you get to see.

What aren’t you getting the Horde is in the !@#*er and you can visibly and clearly see this.

That is my point. It was such a crushing, total victory for the Alliance, the next step of dismantling the Horde would have obliterated the Horde as a playable Faction.

The power level of the Horde leadership is pretty low, and they were trapped and vulnerable.

Velen, Malfurion, Tyrande, Jaina, and Alleria wield powers that only Thrall and Sylvanas can come close to matching. The rest of the Horde is pretty normal. Fighting their way out of their position would have been fatal for most of them.

They didn’t even have a mage with them for a portal. At least Thalyssra brings portal magic to the current leadership.

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No victory will be good enough because the Alliance playerbase is asking for too much and will handwave any victory they’re given short of deleting the Horde from the game.

Dazar’alor doesn’t count because we get run out even though we destroyed the Zandalari to the point that they’re worried the Horde will abandon them! We were stronger than every loa left in the city, we raided their treasury (twice!), we killed their king, but it not enough!

Lordaeron doesn’t count because we didn’t deus ex hard enough to kill the warchief in the opening quest of the expansion! The Horde lost Lordaeron, but we didn’t get it so obviously the Horde won!

We might be regaining Stromgarde, Darkshore, Gilneas, and basically the entire northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms except Blood Elf territory and the blight-filled Lordaeron but it doesn’t count!

Reminds me of Theramore when they kept asking to destroy the Horde’s version of Theramore until it was pointed out the equivalent was Stonard. Then they started demanding capital cities because they suddenly realized how little the Horde actually had.


I’d offer up Thunder Bluff, with the caveat that the Alliance has to make a conscious decisions to burn all the tauren alive and take whatever villain-batting comes with that. But I have a feeling the OP would say that’s not hurting the Horde enough.


More like wrong target.

So you agree the Alliance was losing the battle.

Mission tables that constantly get retconned.

What is hilarious we dont even get to destroy Stonard.
We leave it alone even in a phased quest.

I like my steak medium rare.

Case in point, thank you for being a helpful example of what I’m talking about.


No problem.
I was just point out your distortion of facts to suit your narrative.

They did though.

“Muh equality”

She denied the Alliance the City, but Lordaeron is still in Alliance hands at the moment.

Theramore should not be Horde concern besides what it represents in Garrosh’s raising brutality.
Cities and towns get blown out all the time in this universe, Theramore was only slightly different, but that difference wasn’t enough.

Literally when.

Undercity is an emotional loss for Horde players. They just don’t have the narrative shouting at them for the last several months “THIS IS AWFUL? ISN’T THIS AWFUL?”. I know this is the story forum where you feel the emotional weight of having lost “population” but the end result is still the same. Except Horde players are made to feel bad about BOTH cities that were lost.


I think the worst part of it is that whole evacuation sequence and the entire questline having you being pushed back and back.

Then Lordaeron again you fail.
Its like a never ending nightmare of failure.

The Darkshore warfront questline again involved crapping on the Alliance at unprecedented levels.