
People have fun in mythic, maybe it’s just not for you.

No they don’t, people mythic raid to flex. If it were fun more people would be doing it.

If it was easy more people would do it like Emerald nightmare proved. But that doesn’t mean people don’t have fun while doing it. And sure some love to flex, some love the loot, but they still stay because they have fun.

I like the content.

I hate the experience of playing the game with dead weight. I hate the experience of not getting to play the game because too many people were offline and we know we can’t beat the dps check with our bench warmers. I hate applying to a guild and being expected to sit on a bench and not play for weeks until I get to prove that my purple parses aren’t some fluke of nature.

If heroic content was as challenging as Mythic you wouldn’t hear a peep from me. But it isn’t. Hence this topic. Lol.


Then there will always be unless you play a solo game.
And if you’re that much better then there is also better guilds. That’s something I have observed a lot is that people don’t understand that they’re often into guilds because they have the same levels of that guild. As dps is not everything. If you’re that much better and want to push, get a better guild. The same is true when you want to push M+.

Sure they do, people have fun doing things that are accessible to them. Right now mythic raiding is unnecessarily niche. 10 man mythic raiding was 7 times more popular and run than 25 man was, yet they went with 20 as the default for some dumb reason.

The primary reason people play these games is to hang with the homies. Most people don’t got 19 close homies. So they have to run these things with people they don’t like, or put up with obnoxious egomaniacs to have a 20 man roster filled.

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I mean I agree with bringing back 10man, but flex is a no-no.
And we can keep 20man while having 10man.

It’s fine that stuff is a niche, you can’t please everyone with one content. It’s easier to specialize.

Blizzard have a bad history with choosing the wrong side on issues. 20 man over 10, no flying over flying. Continuation of systems everyone hates to further their time played agenda for the share holders.

yea I mean they did make a zone without ground mounts. There’s still hope for change and well generally more content, 9 months patchs don’t really cut it.

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I have guild hopped. Every guild I joined was higher ranked then the next. The guilds I wanted to join wouldn’t invite me because they were getting applicants coming from higher ranked guilds. So I would join the guilds I could. And I was better than them. And I would leave after a time. And join another guild. If I continued to guild hop at the rate I was going, I could probably be in a hall of fame guild after spending my effort hopping all of DF.

The idea of spending a whole expansion with less skilled players hopping my way to the top sounded dreadful. Like pushing IO but fully PUG. What is a guild if not a multi-month PUG if you’re using them as a stepping stone?

Nah, that ain’t it. Until the culture changes with a shift away from this bench-warming style of raid guilds I’m just not interested.

I mean you don’t need a full expansion to guild hop to a hall of fame guild. With reasonable logs a lot will trial you if you can make times. As schedule is often the worse part of stepping in mythic raiding.

Have you seen the collective hotfix list of the latest raid?

The idea that “it’s finely tuned” has crashed and burned a long time ago.

18-22 fixes the “bench” because you recruit 22 and when people miss due to RL you can still raid down to 18.

And the flex is relatively small from current 20 man tuning so it’s not like they are adjusting dramatically different raid sizes like 10 vs 25 man.


Taking the last raid as an example is like saying that water is not good to drink because you had a bad sample once. It’s just asinine.

Which then wouldn’t please the big crowd that is just waiting for 10man.

I don’t think you understand how challenging mythic raiding is if you think this would actually work. All this would make is bosses where guilds force players to sit so as to make them easier, and then once a boss necessitates a larger number of players to feasibly defeat… all of those guilds currently struggling would be once again struggling to overcome the roster boss.

While I get your point, I’d rather they reduce the number to 15 or flat out bring back 10 man raiding instead of making it flexible. The content is flat out too challenging for the overwhelming majority of the player base to make it flexible and have it not impact on team dynamics.

You can take pretty much any raid as an example. The latest has been more nerfed than most, but every raid gets clubbed with the nerf bat.

If it was so critical to the tuning wouldn’t you expect the raid to not get nerfed? Except every raid gets nerfed, a lot, especially on mythic.

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A raid getting nerf is good, getting destroyed like Sepulcher? way less. If you mean that flex should come later like nerfs it’s already a better argument.

It should be at launch, unless you feel the top 5 guilds in the world need super catered to persevere their experience for the 100 people involved at the expense of the thousands of other guilds?

The counter point to flex is always “well it messed up the super fine tuning” which doesn’t make sense when they obliterate them raid with nerfs every patch.

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It shoudn’t be at launch as way more guilds than the top one care about min/maxing and well the bad sides like said before of flex would then have a significative impact.

They don’t obliterate them normally, that’s the point. nerfing 5% here and there is fine. Removing mechanics less. If you want to just casualize the content you might as well just ask for the removal of mythic.

I mean… I’d say that’s nerfing to allow less competent guilds a chance to continue to progress. I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily a fault of the initial tuning. Sure they mess up (sepulcher and ToS being decent examples) and miss the mark, but that doesn’t mean that nerfing is inherently indicative of incompetent initial tuning.

And having gone through multiple of the fights where we’re discerning between specific classes to stack and numbers of healers to bring… I can definitely see a boss becoming way easier with 18 people and seeing guilds just sit 4 people to defeat them.

I think this is the real issue with completely static at 20. Static and also with oldschool real lockouts makes trialing/ being new to a team rather difficult. Aside from like the last boss heroic is to easy to see if a person can actually raid mythic. Heroic is just way less mechanically difficult. Well parsing heroic players are sometimes very not good mythic raiders because of that. 20 is also kind of getting to be to many people to keep together with the fall in population of both WoW and raiding in the WoW community. 6 years ago in the earlier days of mythic you had probably more than double the people to raid with. It isn’t just bad players who have stopped playing. A lot of the people who have quit are people you would fill your mythic teams with. Unfortunately the way the make use of different utilities in raids and the number of different classes and specs makes moving down from that 20 number by much rather difficult. Same reason why 10 man heroic was such a mess in Cata on some bosses.