Is survival hunter fun? why is it fun?

SV is braindead like BM it is not fun at all! bring back legion SV when the spec took the most skill. or make it a tank the game needs a mail tank for sure.

I would go with a Shaman tank before a hunter. Enhancement could wear rock armor as a defense. Hunters are too squishy and having to migrate damage while keeping up with your pet would get frustrating. Off tanking with a pet is possible, but with how mechanics are and placing it’s now much harder.

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All this talk about how fun and performant Survival is yet still no one shows up to play it ¯\(ツ)


Try playing it before applying the clown attire

Fun and popular are not always closely associated. There are plenty who find enjoyment out of the least liked parts of life, like taxes. Even if MSV is not highly played I do not think that matters to anyone who enjoys it.

All the charts and graphs can show how many are playing what spec, but can it show out fun it is to play it?

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That’s just it, isn’t it? Not a lot of people enjoy it to begin with.


But, there are players who do enjoy MSV doesn’t take away from that fact. If they enjoy playing MSV as much as you enjoyed playing RSV then your both equal in that.

If I had to take a guess, its probably because they are like you and HAVENT TRIED IT and just complain. Its never going to get old making fun of you for being such a beta

based on experience, not a lot of people tried it, and a lot from those who did, did not know wth they were doing.

Seriously mate, I can log on to wow, go mm and only play spamming arcane shot steady shot and spout how boring/bad mm is. It would be no different from how most people experienced SV (you included)


Is it really that hard to comprehend? If you don’t enjoy melee combat, then you don’t need to spend XX hours on a melee spec, mastering every aspect of how it plays, before figuring out that you won’t enjoy playing it.

You can be a player that enjoys playing other classes, with melee specs, but have zero interest in such when playing as a hunter. Or certain other classes as well for that matter.


Survival the funnest spec in the game by far. I don’t main it bc i like a class that can tank or heal and dps

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except I have heard the line “ermagherd sv is so bad, I heard person X/Y/Z say so” not just from hunter players.
And boy did I hear this ALOT

Tbf, ive heard this said about almost any spec in the game, depending on which forum youre in at the time.


Probably about as many times as we see MSV fans spouting the same nonsense lines of how:

- RSV was never popular
- RSV was no different from MM
- RSV was almost identical to MM
- RSV was the most boring spec that ever existed
- Etc. Etc.

They keep repeating these one liners, yet, most of them when asked, for w/e reason, then start referencing Vanilla/BC. I mean yeah, sure, SV wasn’t all that popular of a category back then, but it’s also completely irrelevant when used as an argument in the discussion about RSV. For several reasons.

Either way, what you just mentioned there is an anecdotal observation that isn’t all that relevant to why most hunters actually prefer to stay away from current SV. Again, something that’s been repeated by the devs themselves.


Good to see the same three or four people still whining about RSV… Looking forward to the rant when the next xpac launches with SV still melee.


I always loved how you go out of your way to get so butt hurt someone else enjoys a spec you are obviously terrible at. Im willing to bet this is the real reason you are so salty. You are just god awful. Even funnier the morons on here who are also probably terrible will cry about it and agree with you. There is not logical reason to continue whining over this any longer. Damn I think I just cracked the code. EU must be filled will terrible players for such an interesting and fun class design. Not like you would know of course :wink: stay mad bra.

RSV was never popular and I played it. Quit larping.

Gotta be tiresome to keep applying the clown makeup to go on a video game forum to complain about a change that took places like 7 years ago. Even more tiresome when they keep at it thinking anyone actually cares. Like I get it, you have a limp wrist.

Why was I not surprised when I saw this thread back at the top.

Only way for it to not come back is to just ignore it until it’s buried. Find other posts and reply to them that will get it started.

pulse is gone. its been cremated already.

It’s fun because of a few reasons. The big reason is it is very DYNAMIC.

There are times when being ranged is beneficial, than there are times when being melee is beneficial. Also, just because you have a melee weapon, it hardly means your melee. Every ability you have is a ranged ability
Besides 2 abilities.

Also the abilities are use
Thematically fun. Throwing bombs is a blast and the animation is cool (cluster leggo is FUN!!). When i play other hunter specs the animations are just pulling a bow string or shooting a gun. Kinda bland.

The way the abilities work is fun too. It’s a dynamic rotation that is fun and involved. When i feel being chill i play BM. When i feel like having fun and using my brain i play Survival, which is 80% of the time