Is survival hunter fun? why is it fun?

Looks like you don’t play much of either BM or MM lmao

If it’s mostly ranged then it shouldn’t be a problem to become fully ranged.


Leave it to the hunter forums very own jester to ignore facts even when theyre shoved straight into his face. Classic. :smiley:


Survival is fine the way it is. Do some tuning keep the spec the way it is.

Why have ANOTHER ranged hunter spec. What do they use as a weapon? Now?? Original. What’s their theme? Shoot things with arrows? Original.


The shear hypocrisy is astounding.

Huh! You know how to shear sheep? Impressive.

I can ignore most misspellings. But this is the one which drives me crazy. Heh…


People never learn…

And its even the same guy again. He just made another alt to post :smiley:


I think it’s fun they should let them dual wield and do more of an actual Ranger fantasy with it.

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I actually got a new pc, so when I logged back into the forums it had that character selected and I’m certainly not switching a forum character for mental midgets who get butthurt about what someone posts on while using a level 10 account. Good to see you’re still a hypocrite though. Some things never change.

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Right, that might have been believable if you hadnt already, in this very thread, shown that you like to switch to different alts to post and agree with yourself, but nice try though. :slight_smile:

Get back to shearing.


You linked a post from two months ago… Are you really that daft? By the way, since you’re obsessed with me and when and what I post on, why don’t you look at when I make most of my posts. Then go ahead and figure out why the account doesn’t have a lot on it but low level alts. The fact you haven’t pieced it together months and months ago speaks volumes about you.

Hmmm… seems sus.

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Biased* Fixed that for you scooter.

Because it would provide a playstyle and fantasy that is unlike anything in existence.

Is this supposed to mean something?

Out of curiosity, do you also say that all Rogue specs are the same because all are based on beating things with a pair of small sharp sticks?

Are all Mage specs + Warlock specs the same because they all cast spells?


they all play similar. Thank god legion fixed it.

double digit IQ

stretching because you got pinned down. Come on little buddy, you can mental gymnastic your way around I know you can!

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Survival is consistently the least popular yet most controversial spec in the game. Obviously things are not “fine”.

Having another ranged spec would be good not least because that’s what we had before and we know it works out well. It would much more meaningfully and sensibly build on the core foundation of the Hunter identity, just as all 3 Warlock specs and all 3 Mage specs have the same basic foundation. Ranged Survival was unique in that it focused on utilitarianism and exotic munitions and that’s a really cool take on ranged combat that’s now poorly represented in the class.

That’s what making it ranged would give us. Now let’s talk about why SV being melee is bad. It doesn’t fit the established Hunter identity nor does it fit the implementation well; Hunters start at level 1 with a ranged weapon yet Survival nonsensically asks you to throw it away. It doesn’t even fit the identity of the spec well. Why is it throwing bombs and shooting poison arrows with a crossbow while also swinging a 2H around while also using a bunch of stuff copied from BM? There’s no direction and no identity, and the only reason it’s melee at all is as a shallow, tokenistic distinguishing feature; rather a handicap that just keeps most of the class away.

It requires some overwhelming personal bias or deep-seated delusion to view the change to melee as a good thing for Survival. Before Legion it was a routinely popular, widely-enjoyed, well-defined ranged spec. After Legion it’s the butt of a joke; it’s the circus freak of class design that people mostly support out of pity. It’s routinely the least played spec in the game and the most controversial (just sort this subforum by reply count and look at the sheer volume of the Survival discussion). Any objective perspective says they made it drastically worse. In a way it’s the ranged Survival fans that give the most constructive feedback; they’re interested in seeing the spec succeed and know the best way to achieve that.


Bring back Ranged survival.


Pretty sure Feral druid has taken that title.

RSV wasn’t unique, people just played because it was there and sometimes it did better damage than MM. Warlock and Mage always had their own identities, whereas Rogues, like Hunters, did not and Rogues still struggle to stand apart.

MSV gives us variety and adaptability (you know, survival traits) and provides the only melee class with its own tank. The identity is there, you just don’t want to acknowledge it so you can cling to the notion that you’ve been robbed, like some Demo locks feel about metamorphosis.

That’s just being conceited.


SV is still behind in raiding, M+, and even arena.

Hunters had their own identities too even if you choose to ignore them. We are the only class with ranged weapons plus we have pets so that’s actually a lot to work with. As it turns out there’s more than just one way to handle ranged weapon combat just as there’s more than one way to cast a spell or swing a stick. Survival focused on practical utility and special munitions. Using explosives and poisons was really cool and it was a great alternative to the sniping, turreting Marksmanship. Survival still dips into this area; it just tacks on a bunch of other unnecessary ill-fitting things like melee and BM clone stuff.

Besides, even if it weren’t unique enough, making SV melee is one of the worst ways to achieve uniqueness. It’s making it unique via handicap. That would be like if you told me that in order to fix Rogues being too similar they should remove Stealth from one of the specs. Great: you’ve just made a worse version of that class.

On that topic I don’t actually think Rogues are too similar. They share common traits and build on a base class in meaningful and divergent ways. That’s not only fine but ideal. Legion’s “every spec has to be totally different and share nothing” mania damaged class design as a whole and we know better than to defend it and advocate for it. Specs do need to provide unique experiences but they also need to meaningfully build on the foundation of the class.

Variety is useless if it gives us something unwanted and pointless.

Adaptability? What adaptability? BM and MM can fight in melee range just fine. I don’t need a spec that needs to be within 5 yards for 100% damage. In fact Survival is the only one of the three specs that has a range-based restriction within 40 yards and it’s therefore the least adaptable and versatile. It doesn’t give the class anything unless you just really like the idea of swinging a spear around instead of shooting.

Some people do like that, but evidently not very many, and now we’ve devoted 1/3 of the Hunter class (and displaced a far more popular spec) to cater to maybe 1/20 of its players at best. Does that make sense? It sure doesn’t look like it. Why couldn’t we have just made a talented melee stance within BM for the tiny niche of players who really wanted that sort of thing. That would actually be ideal because then we wouldn’t have to clone BM stuff into SV which sort of undermines the whole “we made SV melee to make it unique!” talking point, doesn’t it?

Who cares? Like I said BM and MM can fight in melee just fine, so while you’re trying to position this as a bonus in reality it’s just a worse Hunter intended to appeal to people who primarily play melee classes instead of ranged, and evidently it’s not getting many of those people either.

What identity? Survival has 3 separate identities competing for prominence:

  • It has a bunch of generic physical melee moves like Raptor Strike and Carve (and their talented replacements) that could just as easily fit on an Arms Warrior without looking out of place
  • It copies a bunch of pet aspects from BM, namely Kill Command, Coordinated Assault (i.e. Bestial Wrath with a different name and slightly different colour), and Spirit Bond (which BM loses access to entirely despite it originating from BM)
  • It’s throwing grenades and shooting poison arrows with a crossbow like… a ranged munitions expert. Ironically this is the part of the spec that gives it the most aesthetic prominence and performance capability, which begs the question as to why we also tack on melee when it doesn’t fit at all.

As for being robbed… yeah, we were robbed. We had a main spec we played for years and it was taken away to be given to a totally different audience. Players of ranged Survival were here first and in greater numbers, so why should the spec be handed to melee players on a platter especially when most of then stick to their melee mains anyway? What a waste of time and effort.

You’re all here ardently defending the most negative and destructive change ever made to the spec. Melee is the one central cause of all of Survival’s significant problems right now. Drill down on any of the major problems Survival faces and you end up at the Legion and BFA melee reworks as the root cause. Nothing would help the spec more than making it ranged again. That’s the most objective take. So calling for Survival to be ranged would in fact be the most constructive feedback. Anything else is not constructive because any more time spent on this spec is time wasted, and lord knows far more than enough time has been wasted on this dud spec.

Think I’m exaggerating? We are five years into melee Survival right now; six as of July. You know where ranged Survival was six years after Explosive Shot was added? We were in MoP; Siege of Orgrimmar to be specific, and Survival was already an extremely popular spec for most of that time and had even been the most popular spec in the game on at least one occasion. Meanwhile six years into melee SV and you people are still pretending it’s just early days and “growing pains”. You can tell yourself this situation is all fine and good but you have to know deep down that it really doesn’t look that way for most people looking in.


bruh you get so mad when anyone makes a valid point on why your logic is wrong its so funny


Feel free to explain more in-depth why you think that Hunters(ranged specs) and Rogues struggle to develop unique identities, while Mages and Warlocks do so just fine. Please do elaborate on why you think that MM and RSV were too similar in the MoP/WoD days, in a way that warranted the melee-rework.