You should not be responding to lvl 10 characters who hide their alts. It tells you everything you need to know about them
Is it an accident, that there is substantial truth in these quotes? Why is it like this?
My spec used to be balanced, my spec used to have more to it, why has my spec been made less than it was?
This just isn’t so. Facts are verifiable truths, and if it is opinion, he states so.
New levels of Copium have been achieved. “Survival hunter is fun on accident.”
Survival does have more mobility than BM and MM.
Survival is often at the top of “What’s the most fun spec?” threads
It’s not and never was your spec btw. Cry is free
Me? I never said that this was your reason. Again, you manage to miss the point of what people are actually saying.
You’ve said this before, yet when asked, you never actually manage to provide concrete examples to back this claim. But feel free to finally take a shot at it…
Cute, the hunter who does nothing but questing is asking for proof, after spending six years passing his opinion off as proof. I love the hypocrisy of the hunter forums.
He’ll come spam his wall of text rework that is optimized for questing old cat zones. These are the kinds of people who cry about rsv.
Have I ever said that “questing” is all that I do? Or, why would you ever assume as much? Either way, you’re wrong.
Keep digging mate.
Anyway, not sure where you get your…facts…from, but once again you’re dead wrong.
That would be a waste of time when it comes to the two of you.
…bit of a random statement, but sure, it would work well for questing, along with other types of content as well. “Optimized” might be pushing it though.
Case-in-point btw.
Nice generalisation, but you’re still missing the point entirely. You seem to think Survival’s performance justifies it being melee even though its performance is a result of other factors e.g. damage tuning and crowd control. The only thing that can be remotely tied to being melee is the existence of Harpoon and its root effect that doesn’t DR with traps. However the last time Survival was ranged it had much higher representation in PvP than it does currently so it’s a moot point.
Like others said, the fact that it’s apparently so fun and so performant yet so underplayed demonstrates what we already knew: most Hunters aren’t interested in being melee. That doesn’t make them stupid or bad players. It’s just not what most Hunters signed up to the class to play. BM being strong in PvP right now is not an excuse because Survival always has very low representation.
I know it has been explained to you that he’s from the European forums and you have to make a separate account to post on the US forums so maybe stop being so ignorant for a change.
Survival is always at the bottom of “What’s the most played spec?”.
The WoW community loves to stick up for Survival because they see it as a downtrodden underdog, but it says a lot when they talk it up so much yet >90% of them don’t show up to actually play it.
This reminds me of Whim: loved to call out other people for lying/making factual errors but outright refused to ever name a specific example. It says a lot.
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Whatever was said I’m sure it was a lot of crying. Cry is free!
i literally play bm for luls for this very reason
Except he didnt.
I mean, the three biggest people who complain about the spec here also dont even play the spec. Maybe two of the biggest people since one is a complete obvious smurf account alt. You just copy and paste without actually understanding what your even going on about.
Remember, they never even played the spec lmfao. Its like those over weight guys who never boxed once act like they are better athletes then whos actually in the ring because they watch youtube highlights.
but where’s the lie?
as is interacting with level 10 alts who never show their mains.
anytime someone says something you dont like its suddenly “missing the point” you dont know anything about the spec, you never had a real point. Cope more.
could of sworn you said the opposite before you hid yourself from me when things got too personal for you. Ironic.
…he literally linked you to the EU forums, in which Ghorak posted an identical post about his RSV spec idea.
Ghorak’s main is this EU Vulpera hunter named Briz, by the way. He told us over a year ago. Now you know!
- first time i seen this
- LOL Vulpera. tells me everything I need to know about him.
- ahhh yes, no talents selected for msv. Another trash players opinions about something they never had a clue on.
Hi. When I first saw your post, this post, I didn’t realize you were replying to me.
Now I do.
Your post mentions copium. A web search revealed it’s a player’s name, and the name of a mythic guild, and as I thought it would be, it’s the name of a drug, an opiate derivative.
Darthstinky, your post seems to say that through record levels of copium usage, someone came to the conclusion that "Survival hunter is fun on accident.”
I wonder who that was… but I wonder more…
Who could/would you talk about like this!
Anyone you mention, you’re naming as a drug abuser with record high levels of opiate use–an addict.
They might feel offended. You know, defamatory accusations, malicious intent and all.
Hey, anyone that does this to another player, their cry, it won’t be free.
This was never a question to me. That doesn’t mean I agree.
Surv. most fun? After 3 re-writes in 5 years, are you suprised???
Not many are making the spec their main’
Goblin, how the hell would you know? I asked several questions and you answered none of them
Survival Hunters seem to think that there’s a set ranking of fun specs out there just as there is for performance and that Survival is at the top. The reality is whether a spec is fun or not is entirely subjective.
I’ve met people who thin Survival is the most fun playstyle they’ve ever played in any game. I’ve also met people who are completely repulsed by Survival. And I’ve seen everywhere in between as well. For example, look out for the Survival Hunters who bemoan that the Legion version was fun and that the BFA rework ruined it (very common in the TSL discord). Look out for the other way around, as well.
There’s no objective metric for how fun a spec is. There is, however, the measure of how many people are playing the spec and Survival is consistently underperforming in that regard. In fact it’s the most consistently unpopular spec. Other specs have their ups and downs and there have been times when a spec is less played than Survival (even Marksmanship for a brief time in 8.0 saw fewer parses in Uldir) but usually they bounce back after some rebalancing and tweaking. Survival is always among the least played, though, and right now it’s last place despite now being in the game for 5 years and being at a high in terms of PvE and PvP performance.
Now this is where a lot of the Survival fans start with the excuses. I hear a lot that it doesn’t perform well enough and that its playstyle is unpolished, but that’s a little awkward considering the amount of SV Hunters that also argue it’s one of the best-performing and most fun specs. It’s especially awkward when at times it’s the same person arguing both sides. I hear that it’s because it lacks utility because apparently what we need to be doing is bribing people to play it. The most contemptable excuse, though, is the part where people declare that Survival is just too good for Hunters and that they’re too dumb to understand it/too scared to play melee. It’s any excuse other than “Hunters just didn’t sign up to play melee” even though Blizzard has outright admitted to this. Maybe if Survival doesn’t appeal to 95% of Hunters it’s the fault of Survival, not the Hunters.
Then there’s people like me who stay around to remind everyone that we once had a version of Survival that was perfectly non-controversial and enjoyable by many and had none of the existential issues melee Survival has suffered from day 1. Given that it takes impressive mental gymnastics and/or extreme personal bias to pretend the spec has been improved.
P.S. Absolutely none of the above depends on my personal experience with the spec, and if you think it does feel free to point out an example.
I can just tell you smell your dirty clothes before you sleep. You are so delusional its sad lmfao
Reads like a pretty good poem my guy
Isn’t this true of every melee in the game?
Yes but they don’t have the list of problems with being melee that Survival has, such as formerly being a ranged spec, being in a class heavily defined around ranged combat, etc.
People see Survival’s PvP performance and sometimes even its PvE performance as validation for being melee. That’s nonsense because the performance isn’t a result of being melee. They could make it the most performant spec in the game by buffing its damage by 50% across the board and it still wouldn’t make melee a good design choice for Survival. In fact, the fact that it has such good performance yet remains avoided furthers the argument that melee is a barrier for the spec’s success and therefore a bad design choice.
You could make the same argument for every melee spec in the game, especially melee specs that have a ranged alternative like Enhancement or Feral.
You either enjoy playing melee or you don’t. You’ve made it more than obvious that you don’t, but you are completely obsessed with it.
Try and read that again and realize just how completely idiotic your statement is… You claim there is a list of problems, and then the only thing you list is a whine about it being melee and not ranged.