Is RMT, GDKP, and Gold Buying banned yet?

Why are you so angry you just can’t do a few quests yourself and have 100g+?

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They should absolutely be banned for buying gold. But Blizz really only cares about the whales, so that’ll never happen.

As far as ‘unknowlingly’ being part of some kind of illegal gold transfer…if you’re doing GDKPs, you’re involved in illegal bought gold. That’s just a fact.


lmfao this guy “i did one gdkp that I “ASSUME” people didn’t buy gold(because I have no clue if the guy bought 100 gold and spent 56 of it on that one item) in the only gdkp I’ve ever done, so this must be the standard” complete delusion

If I didn’t purchase any RMT and join a GDKP… why should I receive a ban on the split at the end? I did nothing illegal and GDKPs aren’t illegal, plus there is no proof that they’re all using RMT. Don’t be as bad as Aguy with his " :clown_face: take"


because you joined the gdkp, if blizz has proof there’s RMT gold in the gdkp and you partake in said RMT gold you should 100% receive a ban

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Good thing people like you aren’t in charge… you’d literally kill the game. RMT gold is everywhere and I guarantee you have some as well… unless you’ve never traded or touched the AH.

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If you go to a coffee shop and receive counterfeit money as change and then you go spend that money somewhere else they should arrest you and the coffee shop.

Whats that its not really your fault?

Who cares we are using all of your guys clown logic here.

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I said the person buying gold should be banned.

But you’re still participating in something that is riddled with illegal gold buying, and GDKPs should be banned. But they won’t be.

I have and I do. I don’t spend it on BoPs in raids because that’s a lame way to play the game IMO.

Why are you so angry that your BS logic gets so easily dismantled, and that your at risk of bans by playing sketchy?


what do you mean, it’s what happens because you know the risks when joining a gdkp, it’s not like the AH where it’s probably 1% to 3% of all auctions are adjacent to rmt gold, gdkp pots likelihood of having rmt gold is way, way higher like 50% at least, and everyone knows that.
that’s why people like you deserve the ban

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what does going to a coffee shop have to do with this? please try to make sense

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Youre almost there!

Since they are legal its dumb to blame victims.

Bias aside this is a really stupid thing to even having to debate.

You didnt buy gold, its not your job as a customer to police a business you arent working for.

I think any logical person can agree on this and we can be adult enough to put bias aside.

Banned? For what? Why should GDKP be banned? I’m so tired of seeing this pointless argument every time I’m on here, it’s legal for a reason… do you have proof that all GDKPs use RMT gold? If you use the AH and purchase something, you may have gotten RMT gold… you should be banned as well then.

It’s not my take, it’s Blizzard’s policy hahaha

You 100% deserve a ban for routinely taking RMT gold.

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you keep saying that but you keep spreading misinformation, it is in fact your job to police the environment by very nature of there being a report button

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And if someone in a GDKPs is found to have bought gold, every item from those runs should be deleted. How about that.

LOL. Like Blizz would ever commit the manpower to actually investigate any of this. They want whales. They want bots. That’s their bread and butter.

You guys are paranoid over nothing. You are their preferred players.

The coffee shop would of been the gdkp, the change you recieved would of been a “cut” from others people accumulated “gold”.

Please try and keep up.

It’s the policy of the people in charge. Please learn how to comprehend written text.


I’ve caught up and gotten ahead, because a coffee shop has nothing to do with a gdkp, you must be back to trolling again

This is literally what happens when you spend counterfeit money. What world are you living in?