Is RMT, GDKP, and Gold Buying banned yet?

So tell me how to know for sure its bought gold and i will stay away.

“Yeah” means yes.

I can’t believe the gall to quote this and still be like “where answer?”

I didn’t dodge anything. I said it’s your responsibility to figure that out. You got me confused with your daddy if you think it’s my job to teach you how to suss out bad company.

Since your daddy didn’t do it, here’s a free one: don’t make a habit of exchanging large amounts of gold with people you don’t trust.


Yes, you did, everyone can read the thread, and you’re dodging it again with this brain dead take, the entire AH system would be null and void. Outside of being a blizz employee there is no possible way anyone can know the origins of OTHER people’s gold.

Also no need for personal insults, grow up.

It’s not dodging the question to say it’s your own responsibility to ensure your account doesn’t routinely and abnormally receive RMT gold. You get to figure that out. That is the answer to the question.

grow up

I don’t have the problem at all because I don’t get traded lump sums 3x a week in GDKPs. I also don’t sell my grays for hundreds of gold.

Read the thread. Making regular transactions on the AH isn’t gonna get you flagged. Nobody is paying to have their items bought for normal prices on the AH, because they could get normal prices by using the AH normally. This pocket attempt at a gotcha that you guys love to throw is just stupid, and you know it is.


So yes or no, is 10g to much for a BFD item?

You’re dodging the question again. . . . How do you know if SOMEONE ELSE’s gold is bought gold. Saying “its your responsibility to know” is not an answer to the question.

Yes it is in fact the answer to the question. You have to trust the people you’re exchanging gold with :slightly_smiling_face:


Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:


Still dodging the question. . . So if you sell a BOE using trade chat and the buyer bought gold without your knowledge, you should get banned? This is insane.

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If they pay exorbitant amounts for it, then yeah, if they pay the going rate you’re not gonna get banned.

This is such an idiotic false equivalency.

Not dodging anything, you just don’t like the answer :relieved:

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Still with the take that people should be banned for receiving purchased gold eh? Good thing you aren’t the head of any game… you’d kill it right away.

This is not an answer. and now you’re deflecting.

How is a person supposed to know if gold was paid for?

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More and more bfd groups are just gdkp, it’s not huge deal at the start and then it turns into classic era levels of gdkp and nothing else.

Ask ya mamma. You’re not gonna get what you’re looking for from me. Good luck dodging a ban.

This is Blizzard policy we’re talking about, nothing to do with my opinions LMAO

So why isn’t everyone banned?

If you’ve used the AH, you probably have purchased gold… it’s everywhere, so I’m calling bs.

My mom’s dead, can i ask your mom instead?

Swiper no swiping!

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No, I’d go to say that all those things aren’t really against the TOS unless you buy like 50k gold or something ludicrous. The blizzard veil is real, they don’t care if you buy gold and probably profit off it. People rebuttal that by saying that sellers use stolen credit cards that get charged back but I don’t believe that’s so common if blizzard doesn’t take such a hard stance against them. If something is hurting your bottom line it makes sense to put a stop to it, they don’t so it’s kind of clear cut. Unofficially condoned even.