Is RMT, GDKP, and Gold Buying banned yet?

It’s not frowned upon lmfao.

There is literally blizzard saying it’s a perfectly legal plot system.

Is LC built into the game??

Is SR built into the game??

Is +1 built into the game??

Is 1-2 HR built into the game?

You’re just 100% wrong and trying to save face.

Blizzard putting loot master into the game made these loot systems viable and it’s why blizzard put it into the game. So players had agency on how to handle loot in their raids.


Ofc. Because if I say LFM BFD TRINKET HR and you message me to join you’re agreeing to the loot rules.

You’re agreeing to do BFD.

You’re agreeing that the trinket is HR’D and not open for anyone else to get.

It’s in the description of the raid.

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Correct - any place you get RMT gold from can result in an account penalty. Do not engage in things that seem shady, or too good to be true. Buying gold from a detected seller account, is obviously a ban. However being a pass through can be too, esp if the account has a pattern of it. That can be the AH, GDKP raids, carry groups, anything really.


That’s not the same thing at all, you cannot choose who buys your item but with a GDKP you can. Why do people seem to use this Strawman argument any time you mention this?


Umm… no I can’t choose that someone may have RMT’d for their gold when I’m in a GDKP run anymore than you can when you use the AH or accept a trade.

Lmfao what a stupid response.

How do I look you up on the RMT report handed out by blizzard to make sure you didn’t rmt??

How the hell do I know if you buy gold lmfao


So then blizzard needs to take a formal position on what is too good to be true as you said.

According to some people on this forum 10g for a BFD item is too good to be true, is that blizzard’s position?

Sadly that is not going to happen. No more than the local police telling you what price for a watch is too good to be true. They will only tell you to beware unofficial sales/trades and that there exists the possibility that it is stolen. You get caught with stolen property once, it might be an accident. A person who regularly has stolen property is usually penalized as being part of the operation, even if adjacent and not directly engaging in the theft.

I already posted the blue quotes. Be careful.


So are you saying blizzard’s position is that GDKP’s have a higher rate of RMT?

Do not put words in my mouth please. I can only point you to the Blue quotes.

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And I can only point out how ambiguous those posts are, and the implication your analogy made.

If you’re avoiding group content due to being so risk averse that you have decided altogether that avoiding group play is the only way to keep your account safe (and this is the meaning I’m drawing from your post) it seems that you’ve hit a very sad place in game.


Hello Sambooki ,

Personally targetting Mirasol for pointing you at Blue posts re: GDKP and correctly warning that suspensions have and are handed out in this context is foolish.

You’re probably an adult. In fact, I’d guess all of the players in this chat are adults. As an adult you can make a risk assessment here. Know who you are playing with and GDKP is not a super risk. It is still there. Now, invite those randoms, the ones vetted by showing how much gold they have available on the character, and maybe the risk increases. As an adult, you get decide if that multi-decade account is worth the risk. Some chose poorly, you do not have to.

Good luck! Have fun!


Another stupid post.

How about we hold the people accountable who should actually be held accountable??

The damn company of the game.

Unless the players are skipping a way to prove with 100% certainty that a player buys gold and still groups with them in a gdkp this actually shows had bad of a company blizzard is.

It’s so bad the players think other paying customers should be held responsible for what other people do in a game they have no authority over.

The state of the game is sad, the player base is so used to being abused by blizzard this is what we do now.



How are you supposed to Vet people in a GDKP? I mean have the leader post a message that says “By clicking ready you agree all your gold is fairly gotten and not bought or otherwise gained in a manner that is against Blizzard’s ToS.” then do a ready check?

After all Clicking accept on terms and conditions seems to be enough for software companies.

Hello again Drinknblink,

I have to say you are one super invested dude. Maybe go for a walk? Log for a bit?

In some ways I view your account as a canary. You know what a canary is right? When the posts go silent, I’ll assume something has been done.

Good luck. Seriously, a walk…outside the house my friend!


if this is true this is a major L from Blizzard. Do you need to be careful who you sell auctions to? Who you take tips from for crafted goods?

They need to police their game of RMT and not just pass the punishment to legit players.

if this is truly the case then they might as well ban GDKP (which is a copout on policing RMT) so legit players dont get caught up in their excuses

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Oh goodness. No I did not mean to give that impression. I don’t play group content for a ton of reasons, but account risk is not one of them. I have a whole huge post in the Council forum about wanting solo dungeons and content. Dungeon and Raid Solo Accessibility for Old & Current Content I have major anxiety and other issues. It has been more than 15 years since I have done group content and even then it was with people I knew IRL. They don’t play now. My risks are social, not account related. I am a bit of a hermit.


See my post above about this, maybe if you read a thread before posting in it then you might get a little more understanding.

I’m literally outside right now.

I’m a truck driver.

My trucks getting unloaded and I’m walking around outside, the snow is beautiful.

Me being outside won’t help you not post stupid responses.

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