Is RMT, GDKP, and Gold Buying banned yet?

get the consumables needed to keep parsing at that level.

What in the world are you on about? The consumables needed for a BFD clear is only a couple gold max.

Right now on my Hunter for example.

1 Elixirs of Lesser Agility Runs you about 35s. Lasts 1 hour.
4 Smoked Sagefish is 20s total. That’s 1 hour’s worth of food.
7 lesser mana pots one for each boss. 6s each. thats 32s
2 shadow protection pots. Thats 90s
1 free action potion that’s 32s
2 scrolls of strength 1 for your pet, thats 6s

If you can’t scrounch up 3 gold every 3 days for a BFD run I dunno what to tell you. You could pick any monster that’s level 20-25 in the game and kill it for an hour and you’d happen upon 3g. You could get 6-10g an hour easily depending on your gear if you did research on some gold making methods on youtube. A lot of content creators out there.

The problem is, nobody wants to put the work in and they want to point fingers all day long. Make excuses for why they are parsing low, and everyone else is parsing higher. They must be cheating.

He’s going to call you a gold buyer for being able to afford three gold every 3 days.

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you don’t need consumables to clear the raid you’re straight up trolling by not reading the post then typing up a nonsensical paragraph to defend RMT

Now, here’s where they’re missing the point.

Multiply that by 5 and make the person a raid logger.

I have the feeling you would be a very poor game designer.

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Not using consumables is mean to your healers. You don’t want to be mean to your fellow players do you?


i play 2 classes that have built in removal of chains, how is not buying an elixir of lesser agi, overpriced scrolls, other random stat consumes being mean to anyone? that’s parsebrain for ya… no cure
i bought shadow pots for the first few weeks before they’re just simply not needed anymore, when I get my newest alt to 25 guess what I’ll buy again… the only 2 consumes that are remotely close to being “required”
hell I HEAL and TANK primarily and don’t need consumes and don’t expect consumes for others on either class
I’d be a poor game designer to you because I wouldn’t allow an avenue for RMT like you would

And no one is required to use it.
again, it is not my job to police Blizzard’s server. You are incorrect.

Pretty sure they have something along the lines of “yeah we dont police everything, heres a report button, we expect you to police yourselves using it”.

Following the TOS and not being abusive to other players is not a copout.

To be clear, the only people who have been advocating for behavior that is against the TOS is you all.


What are we doing that’s against ToS?

Blizzard has posted that advertising GDKPs, boosting, etc. can only be done in trade chat. Doing it in other channels can be reported.

Do me a favor and log into Whitemane on era and search up Edgemaster’s Handguards on the Auction house.

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i love how you very loosely interpret a blue to say that “they dont support GDKPs”

Rare boe is expensive in a dead game? Why does this surprise you?

No it hasn’t. Lots of people say it’s always been this way to make themselves feel better.

All the era bots left.

And they are shocked prices went up…

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Oh, here is the thing I always do… where is your proof of this claim? I know asking for proof is taboo in the anti-gdkp boomer crowd, but I gotta do it anyway.

you can’t be this silly, you and every other person arguing about it like this in here are either gaslighting and an…enigma…and not in a good way.

incorrect, advocating for changes to bring the game to a better state isn’t against tos, neither is reporting advertising for being in the wrong channel

proof is in the people saying on online forums that they were banned for advertising in lfg, you don’t actually care about proof, you just love to troll