What rank did you end up pushing? I’m considering stopping here at 12, because frankly, the rest of the gear is kind of moot at this point, and I dont know if I have another 2 weeks of 16 hour days in me without jeopardizing my actual job.
I already have Ashkandi, next BRE is mine, and for PvE I have Deathbringer/Crul so the weapons for 14 while nice, wouldn’t be massive upgrades, while the Rank 13 Shoulders/Helm wouldn’t even be used at all in the first place.
Had to get off Stalagg. Brackets were falling apart, and my guild transferred off so we could actually use our gear to kill stuff other than NPCs out in the world.
Here is the thing, they are decent for wars/spriests, druids. But bgs are so cancerous on alliance right now, I don’t think it’s worth the mental anguish, or time, for even those classes. Warriors with good gear are going to be doing plenty of dps regardless, and let’s face it, a warrior isn’t gonna be doing solo wpvp anyway because they are bad solo.
Its not about difficult, its about time spent/reward gained.
You can get more reward for less time by not grinding your face into the rank grind. The blue set is strictly mediocre (for a warlock) and can be easily done without for less time spent by getting easily crafted gear, a few rep epics which are easy to get casually with time spent as you desire, and a couple of easily farmed dungeon drops that you can do one run at a time at your leisure.
Thats the point. It isn’t worth the 4+ hours a day to get rank 10 to get those items when you can get as good or better items with 30 minutes a day and maybe an hour one day to PuG a raid (if you even want to).
There is no argument to that, at least not one that can be won. I would even go as far to say it’s even more of a pleasure to obtain. Without a solid team backing you on the grind it can make for an unpleasant experience.
Were you on a rogue there solo queueing? I ask, cause that’s what I’m doing and I’m rank 7 60%. I picked up the Blood Guard gear, but really wondering if I should bother.
On my server, one of the most competitive i can pvp 10 hours a week and rank up to almost 11.
which is what im doing on my warrior, since i also love pvping and im getting the battleground reps might as well rank.
Hunter solo queue. There were a couple of weeks I kinda went hard especially the week before I quit the grind. At least at rank 8 I was able to get 4/6 pieces. I’m leveling a rogue alt now though.
AHh ok. I know rogues can be hard to top charts with. Especially in AV which is all I do. The charts there are hunters, mages, warriors, and some warlocks. I’ll keep trying to see what I can pull off, but if I feel as if I’m plateauing, I might stop. Ultimately, I’m waiting for TBC.
I did the rank 10 grind from 1-10 solo, takes a long time.
What I will say is this, this grind made me wanna delete my account, not because I don’t like pvp, but the fact that 9/10 games is an alliance premade vs a pug.
Alliance, and the way they have to cheese every bg to win, has ruined any kind of pvp “fun” for horde pugs.