It IS true, you just for some reason are refusing to believe it. Play on both sides and come back to this thread, or save yourself time and do some research.
Do some research? Im living it, infact, as im typing this, im a ghost in a gy because an Incendius premade is camping it.
This is the 5-6th game ive played today, they have all been like this, at about 200+ hours of this, you just give up and move on.
When im in my Thursday/Friday group, we hit premades almost every game, no matter what bg, or what weekend it is.
RARELY does my premade hit pugs, maybe once every 5-10 games.
If im going to give any advice, someone pushing the r11-r12 grind solo/partial premade, learn to hate alliance, because they are all terrible at the game.
None of what you just wrote has anything to do with what I said. If you are in a pug, regardless of what faction you play as, the odds are you will be playing against a premade. This is not a horde exclusive problem, I played 3 games of AB and 1 WSG last night, all against horde premades.
Its exactly what you said, your 4 games against premades means nothing to me.
Im not saying horde doesn’t premake, nor am I saying we we aren’t guilty of it too, however, with my experience, and what ive seen doing this grind, like I said, every day for months, the odds of alliance hitting a pug, is higher, than horde hitting a pug, because alliance, like when they broke AV, can’t/wont pug a bg.
You hit 4 premades in a night? Bro… that’s nothing, I promise you.
Dude, that was just one example. I hit rank 9 six weeks after phase 2 came out, I have plenty of pvp experience under my belt in classic. I also have many hours of going against mostly horde premades during my grind, so your experience means absolutely nothing to me as well. Keep thinking it’s just a horde issue, your ignorance is comical.
Why do you gotta be a jerk? This can’t be a friendly conversation?
I just said, horde premake, and alliance hit premades, but history shows, like with AV, alliance will do anything to cheese a bg.
Every time I talk about this, people who play alliance come on here, and get hella defensive, like yourself, this is why I don’t play alliance, because the community, like yourself, is frankly rude, and not very fun to talk to.
Looking at your previous posts, and how angry you are IN EVERY ONE, im just gunna call this thread good, because clearly, you’re the standard for the alliance community.
Ignorance is bliss, maybe it would be better for both sides if they put in a 2 person que max?
But you don’t wanna talk about that, you just wanna be you.
I feel ya there bud. I’ve had this Rogue since BC, seen the ups and downs. I’m really looking forward to BC Classic. More so Wrath but I’m only leveling toons now in classic for the day BC is given to us.
That’s exactly what I’m doing. Working on a mage atm as a gold farmer, so I can afford my flying mounts. I’m not so interested in the end game on Classic. My sights are on TBC PvP, and the vendors that come along with it.
Yesss, exactly the same. I’m pretty sure even though I say I wanna re-roll mains from my Rogue I will still do it again. Leveling my Rogue for main then I can work on farming gold and such. I loved my Merciless Glad gear.
you want 2 pcs of pvp gear and 3 pcs of t2 gear for warlock, the rank 10 shoulders are great.
For Shadow it is not just “decent”, it is UNREAL what you can pull off with that set. Damage and healing helps, but the stamina puts it over the top to the point that you are quite capable of 2v1ing.
You can get more reward for less time by not grinding your face into the rank grind.
This point gets hammered into the ground quite a bit, but it is flawed… There are people that do not want to deal with the bullcrap that comes with loot councils and a schedule week after week that forces you to show up to even have a chance at the item that oftentimes other people also want. If you are a hybrid (Druid, Shaman, etc.) then going all the way for the pvp gear gives you bis or near bis for multiple specs that would take way more time to attain if you were raiding. LOL at the “just pug raids” comment… I mean I haven’t pugged much since Classic released, but I can only imagine the crapshoot that is AND having to bank on RNG rolls to get items when the RNG is in your favor in the first place dropping the item. Again…a flawed argument. Did you even think about what you wrote down? LOL…
So true Squid so true. I mean look at the PVP threads on the Classic WoW subreddit and you are downvoted into oblivion if you are Horde by the Alliance scrubs. Easy Street or whine endlessly to Blizzard to give you handouts…
the hunter blue set sucks. T1 is way better. I used the gloves and boots for the extra stam for a while on my hunter but not worth getting r10 as a hunt since you get t1/t2 so fast due to only ~3 hunters per raid.
The blue pvp is a side grade/very minor upgrade over what you can get from MC/Ony and ZG and a downgrade for the most part from BWL. MC/Ony are pugged weekly and ZG is being pugged. Not to mention that even with BG rep rewards you will still have to run raids for some key upgrades for slots that simply don’t have a decent pvp option. And once you start getting into the higher ranks even 8+ you are putting in way more hours per week than you would pugging raids or definitely in a guild.
In short if you’re not going for rank12/13(which is an even bigger time commitment) you’re putting in a lot more time than pve for rewards that are in many cases not as good. And you still don’t get to avoid pve.
So if you like the look of the pvp gear, or want the titles, or you just like BG’s, great more power to you. Is it worth it purely from a quality of the geart vs time/effort? Hell no.
Well, look at it this way.
There’s no guarantee you’ll win the items you want from MC. And each raid you get locked. So the actual time you spend trying to get the items may be more than spamming BGs for a few weeks.
The set bonuses and the gear is viable for PvP and PvE. I’m a Druid and I tank in R8 gear. Not to mention the other perks you get from ranking like vendor discounts and mounts etc. If you’re skilled enough you can beat BiS chars with a R10 with optimized off pieces and enchants.
I haven’t put that much time into mine. I just play AV on the holiday weekends as it’s the best HPH to rank. Any other bg weekends are a waste of time as AB and WSG are worse for premades if you’re against them due to it being 10-15man. There’s no Honor Decay now so you can just wait for each AV weekend and do whatever else you wanna do when it’s not time to farm AV.
So yea, R10 is totally worth it. Regardless of the class.
R10 is easily obtainable now. Takes a few AV weekends tops. Use the Ranker addon so you don’t waste time grinding more honor than you need.
4 years later…
Lol SpongeBob emoji
Nostalgia moment…
I used to love PvP back in Vanilla and when I completed the rank 10 set on my druid it felt so good because you could go so fast in travel form!
The OG zoomies?