Is rank 10 gear even worth it?

The stamina is what makes it great for pvp, the raiding gear has better PVE stats but without the stamina from the PVP gear you won’t burst classes.

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I agree with those above. Go raiding for better PvP gear. This is doubly true for a more casual player, as PvP rank is a job.

As someone who was shooting for rank 10, no. It’s not.

I hit rank 8 10% 2 weeks ago. Last week I was Standing 100, and I got +30% at rank 8. That means I’d have to hit around standing 100 again at least 2 more weeks at the same rate just to possibly hit rank 9. Not seeing rank gain in 3+ weeks is not fun to me. Playing more isn’t either because I think I played quite a bit for only gaining 30%.

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Could make the “grind” interesting and go to a low pop realm who set themselves low bracket numbers and break those. You get drama and less time commitment than high pop servers as well as meh gear.

If you aim to do that, I’d suggest having a macro to spam in every bg you enter to give bad and annoying advice to everyone to show your superiority and how much you deserve the set of gear.

As a warlock, no. Its not worth it.

While yes, they might be better than other pieces, the margin of difference is just not enough to compare with the effort required to get them.

You can put together a completely competent PvP set without nearly as much work just casually PuGing MC and Ony, and doing crafted and rep gear.

You can get Epic shoulders and a mid-range caster dps weapon from AB rep, you can get a stellar caster offhand from AV rep, a decent caster cloak (decent stam and spellpower, at least, for a cloak), you can BUY T1 wrists and belt on the AH for cheap (and PuG MC for a third piece, the 15% bonus life drain coupled with Improved Drain life is amazeballs for PvP), you can get good blue boots from AB or Scholo, you will shortly be able to get good epic PvP legs (Flarecore) - that might have already released, i haven’t been paying attention - and can get either the Robe of the Void (for more SP) or the Flarecore Robe (for a metric pile of Stam and less SP). Your Warlock class trinket and the Briarwood Reed are both easy to get and better than almost anything you can get short of BWL, particularly for PvP. About the only slot where a decent high-stam/decent spellpower item might be hard to come across is the head and neck, currenlty, but Anastari Heirloom (15 stam, + shadow) from UD Strat is decent. If you run enough MC and/or Ony you have a decent chance of picking up T1 or T2 helms. Shortly (or now?) WSG will also have epic caster bracers and legs that are very solid. You can BUY Underworld Bands, and wear a pair. They are really solid.

Currently, im sitting at +350 Shadow, run around 4700HP, and i dont even have some of the above items (Classic has been on the back burner during the 'Rona while i catch up on some single player games, so i havent done any serious AB for rep to get a good weapon or slightly better shoulders (the Deadwalker Mantle is actually really solid and is what im currently using) and im still rocking the blue staff from AV for PVP and the spell damage sword + AV caster offhand for PvE, for instance), and haven’t enchanted any of my gear with the +HP/Stam enchants or Spellpower yet.

And this is all done casually. I haven’t try-harded anything, or worked hard to try to find groups to PuG MC or Ony (ive actually only done that a few times, if i had done it more, i’d probably already have an epic head (still rocking Crimson Felt Hat) and/or caster weapon.

If i sat down and put a marginal bit of effort in, (like bothering to log in more than just to make my Mooncloth) just PuGing MC and Ony (not even BWL, which people are also pugging right now) once a week, and slowly working towards AB rep…

I’d be at 5k+HP and 425-450 Spellpower, easily (after enchanting a decent weapon) as a total casual.

While i might be able to eke out a FEW more stam or spellpower or crit (which is worthless for a Demo PvP lock anyway, you’re not hardcasting bolts) by getting the 2 piece Rank 10 bonus or something, it wouldn’t be a MASSIVE upgrade, and certainly not worth the disparity in effort.

Nah not worth it.

I just find PVE raiding as boring as hell. I wish i didnt. I even prefer farming solo to an MC run.

Depends on the class, Mages set is better itemized than the tier sets. HWL spellblade will get you into naxx.

going for it now? not worth it, BWL is out and by the time you get up in the ranks, the gear will be almost outdated.

Excuses. Almost everything is a time commitment in vanilla. You either wanna put in the effort or you don’t, end of story.


you also have to consider all the other items that you will get your hands on while trying to hit rank 10:

-AV epics
-lvl 58 wsg or ab blues
-pvp accesories

This can be pretty good all together…

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That was so beautiful to read.

Well: what content in Classic is difficult without flasking or having rep gear?

I got time so I’m after my champion set.
As someone above me pointed out, that stam and armor is too good to pass up considering what burst is available in pvp.
I’m 6/8 on mine and I already notice a difference over my pve gear.
Hard for me to weigh in on it’s effectiveness for a warlock, but I would think it’s helpful at least when fighting off melee.

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If you’re asking the question, no.

Last week I hit 250k honor. Bracket 10-11ish on my Ally realm.

Calculators are saying at 250k weekly (on average, could go up with the quarantine) it’ll take 2.5-3 months for R10. Personally not worth the time spent, I my as well do MC/BWL. PvE is way more casual believe it or not. Be a raidlogger.

As a Warlock is probably isn’t. As a Druid it definitely is (not that I’m willing to do it). It probably is for fury/arms warriors and a few others as well.

It’s pretty simple, the multi-faceted (multiple of heal/tank/dps) classes need PVP gear at least probably until AQ40 comes out…

Until AQ40 brings T2.5 Conqueror Set, there’s no good fury/arms gear set other than PVP gear.

And there’s awesome set bonuses as well to consider, if you’re a druid that cares about PVP, you want that 4 set bonus for the speed.

You can hit rank 10 on most realms playing relatively casually (a few hours a night PVPing) until rank 9 and then putting in a very big week or two. That’s very doable for most people.

Rank 12-13 gear (and 14 weapons) are not really doable casually because you’re fighting 9+k rank points decay each week as you get closer to 12. BWL weapons though are comparable to R14 for many classes so that isn’t as essential.

My goal is rank 12 for the epic gloves/pants, but it’s just not doable casually. I had to get 600k honor this week just to stay in bracket 12 on my server so I can keep moving up towards it.

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We’re talking about pixels in a video game that will increase your online character’s damage marginally for a few months.

So yes, it is worth it.


The warlock tier gear is already chock full of stam. Tier 1 blows the blue pvp set out of the water, and is arguably easier to get.

Better for Feral. Then every Tier set

Depends on your class and what spec you want to run. The paladin gear is better than t2 for certain things. I’ve heard the lock stuff isn’t very impressive though.