No MC gear is better than warlock rank 10 set lol
A symbol of pristine?
I’m guessing they meant prestige, but like Belushi in Animal House, I wasn’t going to nitpick when they’re on a roll.
That makes sense.
Not nitpicking, just confused.
Whahahaa what? Glinda not being negative? Whats wrong with the world.
R10 shoulders and legs are better than anything you can get in MC/BWL right now
(together as a set of course)
He was asking for warlock not warrior.
I know. Just stating this fact since it is something I am working on atm
Not worth it at all unless you really like PVP. Like many said above, it takes way to much time.
No, before BWL it might have been, but now, nope. Especially with ZG coming out, set pieces from there have a few nice options. Best thing is if you can’t do it from one week to the next your progress isn’t wiped out, lol.
Good luck getting rank 10. There are so many premades right now in wsg alone and ab til around sunday its pointless to pvp during the day at all. I suggest you pvp at night because i get 3x the honor at night as i do during the day. If i showed you my folder of premades just myself ran into on tues and wed last week you would probably throw up. 19 in wsg alone and 6 in AB although AB is a better queue option i would just stay clear of anything but AV during the day til around midnite and then start pvping the others because the honor gained is less then 1/3 of the rest of the time.
Yes then you can look cool like me
R 10 lock helm and shoulders are the two strongest pieces and among your best options for bwl…
THAT BEING SAID, they are also no where near worth the effort if you are bwl raiding consistently, and if you’ve been doing bwl since it launched, are likely already near or above the point where the 2 pc offers any tangible upgrade.
Furthermore, with blood vine coming out this week you would need very specific nem items to maintain the blue 2 pc, nem 3 pc, and blood vine 3 pc for pve.
It’s just not worth the effort anymore for a raider.
At this point in time, no it is not. Maybe at the start of phase 2 but now, in phase 4 and bwl on farm by most guilds, it’s not worth it
I was going for this set but quit about a week ago realizing how soon I’ll replace it, and how toxic classic bgs are. Don’t waste your time
People judge you by your shoulders. Even though T2 looks better. You can be proud of your r10 shoulders.
For warlock, R10 is absolutely worth it. R10 Helm/Shoulders 2-piece is 56 spell power, 2% crit, 31 int, and 38 stam. This combo is BiS unless you get both Mish’undare and Mantle of Blackwing Cabal for a total of 69 spell power, 2% crit, 40 int, and 27 stam. Essentially, you need be an officer in your guild to funnel yourself these two pieces for +13 spell power and +9 int whereas if you were to pvp casually to rank 8 and then spend a month semi hardcore you can get R10 for the 2-piece.
Realize how improbable this is though. My guild has had Nefarian on farm since release and we only have 1 Mish’undare and 2 Mantles. Other key caster drops: 1 Staff of the Shadow Flame, 2 Neltharion’s Tear, 1 Mind Quickening Gem, 1 Bracers of Arcane Accuracy, 1 Band of Forced Concentration, 2 Band of Dark Dominion, 1 Claw of Chromaggus, 0 Ebony Flame Gloves, 0 Angelista’s Grasp.
If you were to get a Mish’undare, it is highly unlikely you would get Mantle as well or any other high value item since loot needs to be distributed evenly. Taking care of these 2 slots essentially means you can focus on things like Staff of the Shadow Flame or Neltharion’s Tear because going after Helm/Shoulders puts you at lower priority/dkp for these top tier caster items.
If you are rank 8 at this moment, I would say it is still worth the grind to finish to rank 10. If you are just starting your grind from like rank 4 or 5, I would say it is still worth it just so you can focus on higher tier items going into AQ.
Rank 10 2 pc bonus is BiS for dagger builds, but its not enough better for me to want to do battlegrounds that often.
Yes. The 2/6 set bonus is really good, and is often better than other pieces. Until you have full BiS, it’s often better to have the PvP pieces to mix and match for more DPS.
If you’re already swimming in all the best epics, it’s probably not worth it, but if you’re just getting into raiding, having the rank gear is a great boon. For Warlock in particular, you’re going to have a great deal of competition for your BiS with all the other casters, so having Rank 10 PvP gear is going to last you a long while.
It does vary from class to class. I’ll just say that as a warrior that the R10 set is pretty rock solid, especially as horde with WF and spamstring prominence. Titanic leggings (P5 Craftabl) vs R10 doesn’t even look close, but that 40AP bonus by pairing it with the R10 gloves that reduce spamstring cost makes it a force to be reckoned with, especially if you aren’t able to get your hands (puns) on edgemasters.
For casters the R10 gear is not as important compared to melee, but the rare gear does offer a straight throughput bonus which, depending on your gear, may absolutely be worth it.
Based on your playtime, no. Especially as a warlock. Tier set for lock is fantastic for pvp.