Is PvP Holding WoW Back?

I only do random and the brawl with ai. If i have to, to get marks to buy mogs.
Any other pvp like world or rated, is not great due to the fact that most of the high ranks or steady pvpers use addons.
To me it feels like cheating for new fresh players. Yeah tell them about pvp, then they get obliterated by players with addons.

Main ones i see people use on streams or clips is one the shows the cooldowns the player has.

The most serious form of PvP in WoW is GD

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It’s also the most serious form of PvE (Players vs Blizzard).

The real end game is the forums. Gear lasts for a season. Post history is forever.

Unfortunately here you have to go at the raid boss with another raid of players on their side.

You can engage in Raid Debate+

Or M+ Debate++

Delve Rage+ is an option.

You can do what I do and just queue for a random argument but there is no call to arms reward. You just get extra disappointment.


fox spittiin fax the faxfox

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When you speak of getting ganked, camped, and killed constantly, do you mean out in the world? Or on a Battleground?

If the former, it’s certainly easy enough to turn off War Mode. The latter? Just don’t queue up for PvP! Either way, very simple solutions.

To paraphrase, I detest most instanced PvE. I long ago tired of PvE content where, after a few runs, you knew exactly what each NPC would do. PvP, even on random, non-rated Battlegrounds, is fun, challenging, and even at times, frustrating, because you never know what the other players will do!

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Blizzard thinking that PVP is the most important aspect of the game is holding it back. Pvp is cool i guess. It’s not for me but i understand people like it. Story is cool, its my favorite part but i guess i understand how some people dont like it? Raiding is cool and stuff. Blizzard needs to focus equally on 4 different areas to be a stellar game again. Story/PvE. PVP. Raiding. Getting their s**t together. (cough cough still can’t do shadowlands on alts)

I agree with what you’re saying, besides your first sentence, which makes very little sense

Kudos though, yes. Play what you enjoy. An MMO is meant to cater to a large audience of players

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Fair points, honestly dear. Sounds like you’re frustrated with the state of casual PvP. Which is understandable. After doing lots of Blitz this season, a lot of the people in non-rated PvP are wishing the more experienced players focus on doing rated blitz or arena instead of stomping non-ranked players with less experience and gear, a lot of which are more casual leaning when it comes to pvp

I don’t have an informed opinion on this subject but I just want to comment that it is surreal to see threads like this as someone who got their start in MMOs with ONLY PVP servers.

I still wonder if PvE servers at the start was a good idea. But that is a whole other discussion.


Blizz could fix the issue pretty easily by doing things like ‘templates’ for unrated PvP or, even easier, making honor gear BiS (all you need) for unrated PvP. Also, matching groups vs. groups, ensuring number of heals/tanks is even on both sides, etc. The reason they don’t do these things is to satisfy the min-maxers who want to roll over those who aren’t.


Honestly, tuning pvp around 3v3 is the biggest problem imo and its only coz they are forcing the esports on pvp.
Honestly, has m+ become better since the introduction of m+ esports? I dont think so.
Ive quit both rated arena and m+ because i dont find the enjoying anymore. And seems like its not just me. Numbers and enjoyment of pvp has been down for years and similar seems to be happening to m+.
Im not against esports in general, but i think the way blizz is doing it is not having a positive impact on the game, hence holding it back.


Holding it back by being the most popular mmo in all mmo history?

Yea good point.


Agreed 100% and for me, I have never had so much fun doing pvp in any video game until I tried Warcraft. Despite the flaws over which decisions are made in an expansion, I can’t help but fall in love with Warcraft’s pvp. There’s something about it that’s just unbeatable on the fun-scale for me


I think pvp is holding itself back. It’s basically a self-contained game at this point, and has little impact on the rest of the game. Its problem is that there’s not much incentive for people who aren’t hardcore to be active pvpers. I don’t know how to fix that, but without a compelling component for casual players, it will remain niche.

It was as big as raiding in TBC and Wrath. Blizzard abandoned it over time because they’re dumb, lol.

Thing is, Blizzard doesn’t have to do much to get big returns on investment. They just refuse to do even that. World PvP sucks because none of the zones have any actual objectives. It wouldn’t be that hard to have the war mode version of zones have some towers or some other stuff to fight over that conferred some kind of bonus.

Epic BGs suck because all of them except Isle of Conquest require zero actual strategy or even interactivity with the other faction and are just bum rush races to the enemy boss. AV and Ashran need to be redesigned completely. Wintergrasp needs rebalancing.

SS should probably be 2v2 tbh and not require healers to populate a game. Is that balanced? No. But balance is honestly, unironically, a meme when it comes to rated solo queue game modes. You already can’t get glad mounts out of it, so… who cares if its unbalanced?


Yep, in their infinite Wisdom. ^^^ He knows what he’s talking about btw, listen to him, please


They didn’t abandon it. They isolated it because they felt like there was too much interdependency that people didn’t like, i.e. you could use arena to bootstrap raiding gear really easily, and some PvE gear was overpowered in arena.

Over time, we’ve proven that people didn’t really want to PvP, they just wanted the gear.

But they really have not abandoned it. You don’t need 3 new bgs every X-Pac. It’s not pve. The content is provided by changes to classes, not adding maps or whatever. Pvp operates in 3 separate tracks from the rest of the game:

  • separate gear with pvp-specific ilvl
  • pvp talents
  • the ability and willingness to regularly adjust specific abilities’ power in PvP separately from PvE

These things are readily developed alongside the rest of the game.


Agreed. I enjoy some other MMOs, mainly ESO, but I keep coming back to WoW for the PvP. I love the Battlegrounds, especially the older maps. Some of the newer maps/modes not so much, but hey, they all have their place!

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I agree with your points made. I want to bring Tol Barad back as well, as I loved TB back in the day! I’d spend most of my day there when I could… Still wear my Hellscream’s Reach tabard for easy access…

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Tol Borad sucked.