Is PvP Holding WoW Back?

Well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man…

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Don’t sabotage my Christmas morning.

Tol Borad isn’t good content.

Bruh, if you don’t like pvp it still isn’t your place to say it shouldn’t exist. How can you prove how ‘bad’ pvp was back then? You’ve already been told otherwise. You do realize that there are players who don’t enjoy PvE whatsoever right? I’m one of those players. That doesn’t mean pve shouldn’t exist

Ya okay, prove it then? Or maybe you could let people enjoy things. Who are you to say Blizzard should neglect parts of the game players enjoy?

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I’m not saying Blizzard should neglect part of the game, and I certainly have no issue with people doing the things in game that they enjoy. Rather I’m saying that they actually do NOT neglect PvP, because PvP content development is not measured in BGs or new Arenas, but rather by developing classes themselves (and PvP-specific abilities). Warsong Gulch is still a great BG 20 years later, and is vastly different content today than it was 20 years ago because the players inside it have changed so drastically.


I agree with this (love WSG), and with your previous points as well.


MoP was amazing for PvP.

All I did was sit on the wall at the PvP vendor running back to back bg’s with my buddies.

All those buddies have quit.

So I stopped PvPing pretty much.

They’re still hoping it will fix itself.

Thank you for your clarification. I understand now. Really appreciate it :sweat_smile:

I feel like some people on these forums are just… Arrogant… Ya I won’t get into it, but not to worry… You’re clearly not like them. So much going on I get jaded at times… I’m sorry

Classic WSG was so fun I agree :smile_cat:


I still don’t get what you are asking/saying here in the OP. Why isn’t what in maintenance mode? And what do you mean by maintenance mode?

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Stop probing.

Enjoy your Christmas and live to fight another day.

Remove PvP.

It’s an honest question. Merry Xmas, my friend.

That was your first mistake. It’s a Paris thread, dishonesty only.

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Do you have any indication of the resources / dev time PvP gets, and how transferable any of that might be to developing PvE content?

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You are obsessed with me. Get a hobby.


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Cool, I don’t believe you.

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Don’t care.

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You cared enough to respond to me in the first place, but okay.

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You’re not the judge, jury and executioner of communication.