This seems like a messy allocation of resources.
Why isn’t this in maintenance mode if <5% of the playerbase participates? Additionally, they have evergreen game modes so they don’t need anything else.
Why not completely remove PvP from the base game and upload Battlegrounds and Arenas to a separate client. PvP players sit in Goldshire and Durotar all day so by that logic they’ll be fine sitting in a lobby between que times. Give them the ability to duel to past time.
If we get these changes in and leave it to run itself, this will give developers more time to focus on fine tuning raids, dungeons, delves and the open world.
PvP has never held WoW back, it’s all the stupid moves Blizz been making that’s doing that. At one point we went from a simple road to the messiest path we’ve ever seen, used to be simple in that if you wanted to PvP you can do that and raiders could raid but now with mythic plus in the mix raiders get kicked out or rejected for not having mythic plus crap and PvP is being crapped on being less rewarded than it was in DF. Things used to be simple but now they’re a mess and people don’t like having to deal with a mess made by another group of people. We’re losing players because Blizz keeps making stuff that should be easy to understand and making it a mess. Mythic plus was a mistake
You missed Sunday by an entire day
Personally, I’d say yes but probably not the way you think about it. I think them not giving enough ressources to pvp has holded wow back. Wow is made of multiple niche and pvp simply not getting as much content over time made that crowd shrink when it used to be a way more important part of the playerbase. I think it’s a problem that many players saw and still see pvp as a negative for pve and that some devs were way too negative toward pvp.
Hold it back no. Make it take longer to get tuning done right absolutely both in PVE and PVP…
Honestly, I’d love that! Bring back the Brawler’s Guild and let us just hang out PvPing all the time, with portals to the major cities nearby.
An argument could be made that a lot of developer time was spent on nerfing Delves over and over that could’ve been spent on better tasks. Or M+ tuning, or any of the other options you listed. Different players enjoy different content.
Pvp has always been the lifeblood of WoW. Fix pvp and watch WoW become great again.

You’re premise is wrong OP. Provide other data that goes against Blizzard’s, or that’s /thread. 
How is it not in maintenance mode?
You fell from the Lich King heights because you abandoned PVP.
WoW dropped off from its peak because MMOs dropped off and it finished the two dangling threads from WC3.
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PvP has always been a mini-game, apart from a very brief window were Blizzard were deluded enough to think it could be an “e-sport”.
What a curve ball.
But yeah I kinda agree with this sentiment.
Though I would add that pvp has been getting a reasonable amount of attention with RSS, Blitz, a new BG that’s actually pretty dang good, and better gearing. We’ll have to wait and see if it’s a sustained effort.
I am a bit worried about how they are using the resources they put into PvP though.
It’s good that RSS and Blitz show they are trying to figure out how to give PvP its’ own version of M+. But they just aren’t quite there. Queue times for DPS being as high as 40min is probably the biggest one because people will put up with some annoying problems as long as they can just play, but they can’t just play.
Some of the blitz map changes feel extremely half-baked as well. It’s kind of frustrating to see them churn out a set of new dungeons and raids throughout an expansion, but they can’t be bothered to cobble together some preexisting assets to make a few new maps for their new mode.
Maybe rated arenas are <5%. But bgs are one of the most popular activities in the game.
Funny when M+ is a thing.
But for me the lack of new content for pvp like the lack of new bgs over time and the split in class designs toward pve vs pvp created a chasm. You should be able to jump in pvp and pve with the same abilities that you use and use them in the same way or very closely. It also didn’t help that no attempt to balance pvp servers was made.
1 like for the OP? Shame on all 1 of you.
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I mean, arenas are less popular than BGs but BGs aren’t one of the most popular activities by any metric we have. 5% of accounts have finished the unranked bracket across all content, 8% have won a game in Deephaul ravine, both according to WoWhead.
M+ has 29% of accounts enter it this season, which is on its own more than people who have done Deephaul Ravine or gotten out of the unranked CR bracket based on the data we have.
The OP is trolling, but PvP is also extremely low popularity.
This was a comment on how the problem was being designed like an esport.
Moreover like I said, it’s a big question of catering.
M+ players get a new set of dungeons each expac, raiders get also a new set of raids each expac, pvp players might get 1 bg per expac and not always. The fact wsg is still in the rotation for me makes it way less fun as classes are not even designed for this type of bg anymore.
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I’m all for new modes, but honestly WSG is one of my favorite maps to get. Even if I’m not playing a class which happens to be blessed with a way better tool kit for capture the flag.
For blitz, I only really hate getting Deepwind Gorge or AB. Especially Deepwind though.
Ideally I would prefer to have more maps for modes we already have. We don’t need a new set of rules for every BG. Just some different map layouts for capture the flag or silvershard mine type objectives would go a long way. Like how arena is the same rules every match, but the map makes a big difference on how everyone plays and which class comps might have a mild advantage.
Best part about capture the flag is that everybody knows the format. Compared to blitz eots where new players are running to inactive objectives, or deephaul ravine where they don’t know where to turn in the crystal or that you can cross on the minecarts up top.
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