It’s not like we’re demanding keys are made solo queue available and timerless.
Not if Delves and M+ can do it first.
Why can’t I hold WoW back for a change? I want to be in the spotlight.
People requesting any change to M+ is warranted given that it’s a pillar of the game.
At this point, PvP requests shouldn’t be entertained. It’s non-essential.
I mean 10s are already free and that’s all the rewards
I’d say it’s ironic, but he’s just a well-known troll.
money or time wise I do not think pvp hampers the game, but what I do think is our devs are bad at producing pvp events and ideas.
See. There is the mistake, me thinks.
It’s not a spot light, but more of a search like you need to rush to stand in. X class is hella OPaladin? Get in the light (pun intended), be that class, and be awesome, or game breaking - perspectives
I’m a home wrecker. Not in the traditional sense that y’all thought… for shame.
I show up with a sledgehammer and make my own entrance and exit.
The problem is the reverse actually. WoW has been critically wounded for leaving PvP on the back burner for so long. PvP used to be a huge part of the community but as we felt increasingly neglected a lot of us took the message that Blizzard didn’t want us and we left. So WoW lost a considerable portion of its playerbase. Now there’s just extremely stubborn people like me left.
I’m not sure what WoW can even do to win people back. Most people moved to games that don’t treat PvP players like crap and those people probably wouldn’t want to give WoW another shot.
As long as assets are dedicated toward mount re-skins, tier re-colors and class balancing, it will hamper the game.
That’s time that could be dedicated toward actual issues like core spec design. Have you seen the state of some hero talent trees? What good is focusing on PvP balance if certain specs are dysfunctional at the base?
Hope that helps.
These take like 12 seconds to make btw
It’s both an operational & variable cost from a labor and resource standpoint.
That manpower and use of technology could be better used tending to the state of the rest of the game.
PvP isn’t important right now (and hopefully not for very long in the near future).
Twelve seconds
More respected by the devs than keys lmao
there is a lot of people that play this mmorpg and do not want to sit in m+ all their game time, need more things to do like pvp.
I’ve been out of the retail loop but its the same in classic.
OUr dev time is there more to fixing stats for rankings and such.
Inflate and deflate to pretend to get a reasonable ladder.
In the case of era fresh, rank changes to not have what SOD did. Spam AV get stuff. with “lose it faster” a viable strategy. 6 losses at X points could be more points than 2 turtles in the hour lol.
WG still has vehicles at level 80 stats for example with us at level 85 with now season 2 371 gear. The 1 #nochange that needed to be a #somechange lol.
You’re allowed to PvP on the condition that it doesn’t siphon resources from the broader game.
Sorry, pvp is an endgame pillar since vanilla and that’s unlikely to change
PvP is the most important part of the game (to some of us), so bug off!
i bet a very small percentage of our sub fees goes back into warcraft to begin with, and that is the real issue, probably most of it goes towards maintaining and building their other game titles.
My tinfoils says they may be oh crap shifting money to OW2.
As blizzard is not happy an OW clone (rivals) is beating OW2. Which is funny, OW2 is basically OW1 with an overglorified patch.
Rival outcloned them is all.
The surprise return of 6 v 6…probably wasn’t on the planned budget lol.