Is paid faction change coming in wotlk classic?

I am curious if we will have paid faction change in WOTLK classic. I started playing alliance months ago but still have 2 70s on a dead horde server. I’d pay for a faction change and server transfer to play my characters again. Thank you for your time


The “official” answer is no.

My guildie linked some code today that someone on another Discord found showing faction/race changes as an option, but something similar was found for the WoW token before TBCC and that didn’t happen.

So maybe, maybe not. Don’t expect it.


didnt paid faction changes come with wotlk though?


Yes, I remember that specifically because I server transferred and then faction changed an ally to horde in the original Wrath. Maybe that had something to do with that code I mentioned.

Blizzard said in one of their interviews they don’t plan to offer the faction changes for Wrath C, but who knows for sure.


probably blizzard will bring it at later point in wotlk-c Not the start.

why not wasn’t it in from the start if i recall?

It doesn’t look like it.

Brian Birmingham said race and faction change are not planned for Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

“Part of the concern was people changing races just to be the lastest flavor-of-the-month based on specific racials.” - Brian Birmingham


Who cares what people do, some of us just wanted to change our race in Wrath because the race we wanted wasn’t available before (BE/Draenei), and we patiently waited til wrath when it was implemented originally.

Apparently Blizz just likes to spit in peoples faces on the daily.


It was not in from the start.

It was released 10 months after WOTLK launch.

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yeah it’s real dumb that some people who wanted to play BE/Draenei and but wanted to go ahead and play their chosen class would have to start over just if they want to play those races.

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It’s not coming. I finally shelved my 65 Orc shaman and rolled this Draenei. I am not holding my breath for any faction transfer services for the future and I really wanted to be a Draenei.

I hope they change their minds before WOTLK release. I think it’d be a good decision for Blizzard & the players.


Yeah. I was likewise expecting to play my shammy on horde during vanilla/TBC, then swap him to Alliance with WotLK to play with my guild. Instead I’ll have to delete him and start over. It’s really disheartening and will leave a bitter taste in my mouth for the first few months since I intend to main Resto shammy in WotLK.

It’d be nice if they gave us more character slots, at least. I know retail changed to 50 across all realms with no realm-specific limit.

The sick joke here is…is that is a retail feature. So if the goal here is to not be retail…its not doing too well at it.

New player! make this char first, play the whole game basically.

Now…you can unlock an allied race.

But but I want to be a void elf.

Well you can. after, you know, you play the game as a race you didn’t want first choice for a bit. then…you can reroll that.

so…does this game have account wide stuff like rep? (new player would not know).

hahahahaha, hell no. you grind all that crap up again dude.

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yes, faction change was a feature in WOTLK

Mid-wrath, to be fair. TOC patch. On the other hand LFD was also a thing in Wrath and cross-faction pally Seals weren’t a thing in TBC.

They’re willing to make a lot more changes than they did with Vanilla Classic. Which has pros and cons. Giving both factions Seal of Blood in TBC was good, for example. Alliance Ret would be crippled otherwise.

Removing Faction/Race Transfer? Not so much. I get they’re worried about faction balance with Wintersgrasp and also FotM rolling to Human for Arenas. But faction balance on most servers is already pretty skewed and they’re already looking into allowing the losing faction to access it with some small cost. And FotM rerolling will happen to some extent regardless.

I’d be ok with them decided to nix faction change if they gave us more character slots (retail is 50 across all realms, rather than a per-server limit). If you’re not gonna let me move my Vanilla/TBC shammy to alliance to play with my guildies, at least let me make a new one without having to delete my old one. :frowning:

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Yep. forum is not the whole population. Pretty sure some not here jsut knuckled down and boosted the humans already. Or in the process of it now.

Even if gimp comes…well its another farm char. Hell 70 them and gear them with the weapons racial there is one more WTS strath ad for DK week.

the week DKs are accessed I see strath ads killing most servers channel 4’s really.

It will be the week even the most anti-add on folk…break down for a bulletin board type one.

Or…they will come whine here. We will say add ons…and 200 posts later we have a circular flame laden thread lol.

I feel you. On the bright side, leveling has been pretty quick, hit 30 today. I think i can hit at least 60 before wrath. So far, i love it. Draenei is awesome, so worth the reroll IMO

One of the few things he’s said that I’ve agreed with.