Is paid faction change coming in wotlk classic?

Of course it isn’t because there isn’t an in-game way of explaining how a tauren transforms into a gnome or vice versa according to good ol’ Brian. Still searching for the lore that explains 10 and 25 man versions of raids or normal and hardmode versions of raids for that matter. That said, I am genuinely curious how you could explain, lore-wise, how at the press of a button bosses magically get more health, deal more damage and gain new abilities. Perhaps our good friend Brian could enlighten us.

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Right? This dev team is special. I’m sure there’s an in-game explanation for summoning your mounts, probably the Horse pocket! Their reasoning of basing things around in-game explanations is insane. I want to know their in-game explanation for realm transfer, or why sometimes it’s free. Spirits!?

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Probably those dirty little gnomes. Tricksy little gnomeses are always up to no good.

I’m fairly certain the no faction change thing is merely being used as a bargaining chip so that when they “compromise” and put it back in they can look reasonable. Same goes for duel spec. Plus, Blizzard will never turn down a way to monetize WoW.

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IT could go either way here in wrath.

Some were thinking we’d have blood eld/draenei boosts by now but…nope.

So if this follows that trend this would be a CataC feature.

Gotta sell boosts first.

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Faction change should be added.

I want to believe this. But they keep doing things to mess this up. they are doing this wrong…or maybe its not a goal. Probably doing it wrong though.

Now racials is the pasta flung at the walll. Lets see if this sticks!

Make us want to buy this dudes.

No lfd, racials up in the air…not thrilling to some.

Me I am thinking…“tokens” or some crap for instant max to outland 375(?) professions. now the boost has appeal.

as this …can be the pita. a pita I’d pay to skip. as being honest…its has your boosty in old content. A lot.

unless you have the gold to AH this…many flowers will be picked, rocks mined, animals skinned and trash mobs killed for fabric for bandages.

Not all bad. Arathi was nice. leather out the nose, dino eggs and meat so I zoomed through that cooking portion on the now 61 rogue.

Typical Horde PvPr in Vanilla and TBC retail: “The racials are not OP, we are just better players. We chose horde not for the racials but for the lore and story, it is just better, and we really like the hordie capital cities.”

WotLK faction change service and human racial added

These same players in vanilla Wrath: “We faction changed to human not because of that overrated PvP racial. That reputation boost you had that I said was broken and totally badass before? Now that I am human, its garbo trash that only helps you in the first patch. You had it way easier with the furbolg farming. Game breaking. Also, the new human lore and story are just so amazing, we had to swap. Trust me, it isn’t for the new racial. Plus we really like the ally capital cities.”

I hope they change their minds. Faction change was one of the most important out-of-game service made by Blizz. If they can’t see this, they probably never played this game with friends.


Agreed. Time spent leveling a toon is INSANE.

Considering that it’s a modern client, it’s not surprising that there would be code that supports modern features, just toggled off, as opposed to removed.

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Faction change, $30
Level boost, $60.

No faction change.

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Greedy execs wants more money from boosts than for you change races.

Just have faction change and boost cost the same? I’d pay that to move my priest to alliance to play with friends that still play the game. They could have even make it one faction change per account just like the boosts for all i care.

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They said no, yet another change they think should be added. Classic Team is useless and no clue what players want.

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Very interesting that they don’t want to add paid race and faction changes as it’s so much free income.

Its a good thing I guess that they don’t want to overly monetize the game, I wish we knew more about who was actually making these decisions though, is it a general consensus by the team or a single person managing them? Is there pressure from above them to monetize as much as possible? Maybe they’ll do it later after they get people hooked on the expansion first.

Of course I doubt we’ll ever know these kind of things.


Well, I hope they do bring it in. I started classic playing alliance to play with a friend of mine even tho all through retail I’ve mainly played Horde. Not having a great time on alliance anymore, have other friends playing Horde on different servers and would like to be able to make my own decision to transfer server AND faction. Might finally give up on the game if the option isn’t there.

With no faction change, my warlock is basically stuck on Arugal. The ally population is dwindling and the scene is quite dead and I couldn’t find a guild that raids late night. I was looking forward to faction change so at least I can do some late night raiding at the horde side. I don’t mind paying for server transfer to US realms but the high latency really hurts and ruins the gameplay experience. Sigh

I really hope they add it I basically went horde and then later when all my friends came they went alliance now all of my toons I put all my time and money into are useless to me I would do anything to be able to faction change them and play them again instead of being forced to start over and lose all my progress